2007 News and Information
Note: All information on these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
12/25/07- Merry Christmas to all and may God continue to bless America. Enjoy Christmas music all day long. Regular programming begins at midnight. |
12-23-07: 100% Holiday music Stars tomorrow at 10am through Christmas day till midnight. Be sure to tune in and enjoy all the festive music! Only 2 days till Christmas! |
12-15-07: 100% Holiday music Starting the 24th at 10am through Christmas day till midnight. Only 7 days till Christmas |
12-08-07: DJ Rambler here, we really would like more feedback from our listeners. Have a comment? Use the email link on the main page and send us an email. Otherwise if no comments mean we're doing a fine job then I guess we'll just stay on our present course. Only 14 days till Christmas, are you ready yet? Tune in to Jack and Jill Radio and get in the spirit with our wide variety of holiday music. Starting the 12th holiday music is at the beginning of almost every hour!
Happy Holidays from the staff and friends of Jack and Jill Radio.
12/02/07: The request line voice mail system is up and running! When you call the station you will hear music in the background and be given two options. Option 1 is to request a song you would like played and option 2 is to leave a message for your DJ of choice. The list of options after choosing option 2 are as follows;
1- DJ Rambler 2- DJ Ladyhawk 3- DJ Jill 4- DJ Joe 5- DJ Capt Morgan 6- Magical Wendi 7- DJ Dioblique 8- DJ Motorcycle 9- DJ Todd 0- More Options
1- DJ Fire Dawg 2- Mrs. Drunken Neighbor 3- Intern JR. 4- Sage of time 5- Dave Up The Street 6- DJ X-Wing 7- DJ Epyon 8- Little Man Jack 9- Radio Jack
If you use option 1 and leave a song request, all staff will be notified via cell phone text message that a song request has been made. The system then sends an email to all staff with your message attached as a WAV file. Any staff available with access to a computer on the Internet will add the requested song to the play list right after the current playing song via remote control. If option 2 is selected and a message is left for a DJ, that DJ will get the cell phone text message and the WAV file in their personal email. Very cool! The request line is 305-242-5257 give it a try and see!
11/24/07: Work has begun to rebuild the Jack and Jill Radio voice mail system. The new system will be much more powerful and allow song requests to be filled even if there is no one in the studio at the time! As always we strive to stay on the cutting edge of technology here at Jack and Jill Radio. Stay Tuned!
11/18/07: Nothing new, just lots of yard work this weekend. The holidays are upon us, only 35 days till Christmas! Christmas music is in the play list, slowly increasing the amount till we go 100% on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Happy Holidays from Jack And Jill Radio!
11/10/07: The first DJ Rambler Show went fairly well with just a few glitches. We previewed CDs from Nathalie Matthews, Keith Greeninger, Danny Carthy, Linda Wood, All She Wrote and Mr. Nice Guy (Local Miami Band). All very good up and coming artists that got high marks from us even though none of them are DJ Ladyhawk’s kind of music (she is a hard rock kind of girl). All of the CDs have been added to the play list, tune in and enjoy all this great talent you can’t hear anywhere else!
11/03/07: DJ Ladyhawk and I went to the Bank Atlantic Center tonight to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra. What a great show! It’s not just a concert it’s a show with laser lights, pyrotechnics and performers playing while roaming through the crowd. A must see and a great way to start the holidays. Anyone that cared to stay after the show was invited to an after party. Of course we stayed, met all the members and got all their autographs. Our first official live radio show will be next Saturday. We have received a lot of new CDs that we will be reviewing. Tune in!
10/27/07: The streaming problem was fixed about noon on Monday, nice to be back to full capacity! The station is up to 5,600 tracks and 970 different artists, cool! I did a few hours of live radio on Friday while DJ Ladyhawk was at a party at DJ Jill’s. Gave me a chance to check things out on the live side and work out a few bugs. More live radio is coming soon.
10/21/07: Streaming problems continue to plague the station today. I am being told by our provider that it will not be fixed till sometime tomorrow. Seems like if it’s not one thing it’s two others. Oh well, stay tuned, it can only get better! In the process of reworking the station’s MySpace page, take a look and let us know what you think, either there or email us here.
10/20/07: Streaming problems that started yesterday are due to a cut fiber optic communications line somewhere between us and our Shoutcast provider or between one of their servers throughout the US. We are told it is being worked on and hopefully it will be corrected soon. The lower bit rate secondary stream is more reliable at this time so if you want to listen get the plug-in for Media Player or get the new Winamp player and grab the 24k stream of your choice on the Listen Live page.
10/19/07: Well the website went totally down a couple days ago so we were up till 4am porting everything over to the backup site. This is something we had planned on doing over time so we would have a backup system for the website but got thrown into a crisis with the site being down for so long. Now that it is done switching back and forth as needed will be fairly easy. We have a package to give away this week, Heart –Dreamboat Annie Live CD and Ann Wilson’s Immigrant Song single CD. Stay tuned and get this package for free when asked to call into the station!
10/12/07: Comcast is having problems with their web servers so Jack and Jill Radio’s web site has been intermittent this week. We will keep an eye on it and if it gets too bad we will switch over to our backup site.
10/05/07: Got the new Heart - Dreamboat Annie CD this week. This is a CD of Heart’s live performance at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles this year. This is an excellent 15 track CD put out by the Shout Factory, check it out at there website, at Heart Music or your favorite music store.
09/30/07: Another new CD is on its way to the studio form Chip Schutzman at Miles High Productions, cool.
09/22/07: Still ripping vinyl, almost half way through the stack. The automation side of the studio is up to 5000 MP3 tracks! We are looking into reapplying to be an affiliate station for Michael Johnathon’s WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour and looking into airing them on Tuesday evenings.
09/16/07: Well I’m back! Turned 49 in Vegas, happy birthday to me. The memorial ceremony was as emotional as I thought it would be. Marching for three days while trying to get over altitude sickness was no fun either. The ceremony was very well done and surprising how they took 568 people from all over the United States and Canada that have never done this before and made them into an impressive marching unit in three days time. Even after drilling for three days I got goose bumps every time we went through it. It was well worth the trip to be there for DJ Jill and to honor my good friend Radio Jack. You can purchase a DVD of the ceremony from the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial website along with other things and a portion of the proceeds go to the Fallen Firefighter Memorial Fund.
09/08/07: This is going to be one of those tough months. I have a conference to be at tomorrow and am flying out tonight to Las Vegas for four days and then to Colorado Springs on the 12 th for the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial Ceremony on the 15 th where I will be joined by DJ Jill. I will be one of the 568 Honor Guard, I will be presenting the flag to DJ Jill for Radio Jack. Radio Jack is one of the 114 Firefighters lost in the line of duty for 2006 being honored. This is not going to be an easy thing to get through, it will be a very emotional.
09/02/07: Another month has gone by, time seems to be in hyper mode these days. Got some new CDs in the studio. One is the first solo album for Tonic front Man Emerson Hart called Cigarettes And Gasoline. This is an excellent 12 track CD. We also received an new solo CD from Ann Wilson of Heart called Hope And Glory. This is also an excellent 12 track CD, you should check them both out. Thanks to Chip Schutzman at Miles High Productions for sending us these great new CDs.
08/26/07: Got the station PO Box set up so now we can get back to receiving local and new artist material. Also re-established contact with a few of the recording studios from our past, new music is on the way!
08/18/07: Monday show replays are working great, finally. Still have several dead microphones that need to be sent out for repair. Too much to do, to little time.
08/05/07: Behringer came in and is now back in the setup doing it’s job. Still noticing lots of what seems to be unsuccessful connect attempts, repeated successive connections from the same IP with zero to one second connect durations. If anyone knows what this is all about please email me and clue me in on this.
07/28/07: Found the fix for the show files and should start repaying the shows on Monday evenings at 8PM. Also found a replacement Behringer DSP 9024, it should be here in a week or so. Still ripping vinyl and we are about a quarter of the way through our records, up to about 4500 total tracks now.
07/21/07: Updates to the website today. We took off all the different
streaming player type links from the home
page and added another page called “Listen
Live”. There you will find the two streams with different player links
for each stream. Also there is a new plug-in available for Windows Media
Player and the link to it is on the Listen Live page. Very exciting, this new
AAC+ plug-in finally addresses the song data problem, now you can see the
song data in Windows Media Player with this
07/20/07: We have noticed in the Shoutcast log that there is a massive amount of what seems to be unsuccessful connect attempts, repeated successive connections from the same IP with zero to one second connect durations. Thinking that this is slower connection attempts we have added a second stream, it is AAC+ at 24kb for those that have slow connections like dial-up. No luck finding a replacement Behringer 9024 yet.
07/14/07: We lost the Behringer 9024, not sure what happened it just started buzzing, and when we cycled the power it didn’t come back on. The search is on now for a replacement unit, these have been discontinued so this may prove to be a difficult task.
07/09/07: Well the show replay last night crashed about three and a half hours into the four-hour show. Guess there is still a problem, we’ll have to work on that and try it again.
07/08/07: Well it’s been a year since we lost RJ, just doesn’t seem possible that it has been a year. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my friend, sure wish he was still here with us. We had a small gathering to remember Jack tonight at a local watering hole that we used to go to after work, a single shot of Jack Daniel’s sat in his place. Here’s to you my friend.
07/07/07: Seven, Seven, Seven, supposed to be a very lucky day, a lot of weddings today all over the world. Got the first show tracked and ready for air tomorrow on the first anniversary of Radio Jack’s passing.
06/29/07: Work on cutting old shows into tracks has been ongoing, it is a very slow and tedious process, especially identifying all the songs and adding the file tags. Without the show tracks we are now up to around 4200 tracks.
06/15/07: New features in the next release of our automation software should allow us to start replaying old shows. The problem is we will have to cut all shows into separate tracks, this will be a monumental task but worth the effort in my book.
06/09/07: Got some new local artist material “Mr. Nice Guy” loaded in the play list, good stuff. Added a new feature to the website check out the Now Playing - Previously Played link on the home page. It tells you what’s playing now, what’s coming up next and the last nine songs played. COOL!
06/02/07: Still working on the ripping of vinyl and other media to the automation side of the station.
05/26/07: New transmitter arrived today, installed and we’re back up to full power. Now don’t get too excited, it’s not that much power.
05/25/07: Web cam is down, guess it doesn’t really matter though, not much to see theses days, just the board lights flashing.
05/19/07: Work continues on the automation side of things, about 3500 tracks now. More work on the “Program Schedule” webpage to closer reflect our current play list rotations.
05/06/07: Spent some time mixing some new station IDs and lost two of the good condenser microphones in the process, will have to send them out for repair. Also worked on phone wiring to the studio location so when we get back to “normal”, what ever that is, we will at least have a number you can call.
04/27/07: Still adding tracks to the play list, software upgrades and rotation changes. We are still unable to get the automation software to handle show replays because of the large file sizes but we’ll keep working on it.
04/21/07: No live radio for the foreseeable future. Some say I am not doing a very good job of running the station. I am doing the best I can though. For those that don’t know, RJ and I worked together at our real job and his passing has near doubled the workload there. On top of that life happens, aging parents, previous residence has not sold yet and the current one needs a lot of work. So I’m filling two positions at work, taking care of three houses and trying to keep the station going at the same time. The only way for now is through automation.
04/13/07: Spending a lot of late nights ripping, mixing and fixing file tags so the Internet stream listeners can see what is playing. The play list is up to around 3000 tracks now and growing.
04/07/07: Ripping MP3s from vinyl is an ongoing project that will probably keep us busy for a long time. Some minor changes to the website, put back some of the show links and some other formatting issues.
03/24/07: Work on the recording studio is complete and LP to MP3 Ripping has begun. It is very time consuming to rip, clean, separate, categorize and edit the file tags, takes about two hours per album. Most all of the LPs we have here are 60s or earlier, good stuff.
03/23/07: Finally got the equipment moved after a few times up the tower and some more holes drilled, no more hum, cool. So now if you hear a hum sometimes it’s because we are operating on the backup system while maintenance is being performed on the main system. So far the new station computer has been rock solid, no lockups or reboots required. Much better than when we first cranked it up, it was locking up every ten minutes or so. A change of sound card fixed that.
03/11/07: Added a local weather report to the station today, it broadcasts at 7am and 6pm on all days of the week. Some of you have probably noticed that sometimes you here the intro and then the outro with no weather in between, well it is a computer after all and sometimes it fails, sorry. We’ll try to find a way to cancel the intro and outro if the weather file is not available, no promises though. Still ripping and loading MP3s to the system as time permits, up to about 3,000 tracks now. Also working on a recording studio setup to rip MP3s from LPs, yes vinyl, 33s, 45s and 78s.
03/10/07: New computer is up and running with all the files and settings migrated over. Equipment move is proving to be a sticking point as the coax isn’t long enough to make it to the new local, guess another tower climb session is in my future, oh well, guess the old system with its ground loop hum will have to do for a while. Put the studio webcam back in service today. It requires JAVA to view the live stream. Not much to look at though as I never get a chance to sit at the mixing board these days.
03/09/07: Station upgrades today, building a new automation computer. 2.6 Gig Duel Core with 2 Gigs of RAM and a 200 Gig Mirrored RAID Array, WOW its fast! Having the automation computer and transmitter remote to the mixing board in the studio is not working out so an equipment move is also in the works. Besides I have a nasty ground loop hum that I cant get rid of. Hopefully the equipment move will fix that.
03/04/07: Problems with the transmitter keep us off the air all weekend, it’s slowly dieing. Was up and down the forty foot tower several times today installing the new antenna, nice view from up there. So we’re on the backup transmitter now, not very strong but it works!
03/03/07: Finished all the hookups and did some sound checks, looks like everything is working correctly. Had to do things somewhat different than the setup at studio A. Being that we are using different software for automation (not Winamp like RJ was using) we had to setup the studio to use two different and separate audio systems. One for live radio and the other for automated radio.
03/02/07: After scratching my head for a while I decided to start over by separating all cables from all components. Spent the rest of the day mounting components, drilling holes and running cables with some preliminary sound check mixed in. It’s coming along but will have to continue tomorrow, too late and to tired, better to start fresh tomorrow than make mistakes tonight.
02/25/07: DJ Lady Hawke and I went to see the Blue Man Group at the Bank Atlantic Center tonight. What a great show! We are going to get their CDs and add some of their music to the playlist soon. After the show we went to Studio A, dismantled the station, packed up most of it and transported it to Studio E. DJ Rambler will be very busy this weekend trying to figure the whole thing out and get it all back together in it’s new location. “Have you ever seen so many wires?” No live radio for a while, have to get things all set up and get some other more pressing matters out of the way. Stay tuned, more great free radio is still being pumped out at Jack and Jill Radio! Check out the main page for the new internet stream URL.
02/18/07: DJ Rambler here. The Radio Jack Tribute Show was a great show. We played a lot of funny stuff from past shows and played some of RJ’s favorite songs. Little Man Jack called in a couple times to say he was listening and that it “sounds good”. The staff played songs that reminded them of Radio Jack. It was a great night spent with close friends, good conversation, Jack Daniels, laughter and some tears. It was a bit of a rollercoaster evening, one of those times when you were happy to be their but wished it was for a different reason. We had more Radio Jack funny moments than we could fit in one evening, in 402 live shows there were a lot of funny moments. At the end of the show we played a final song that DJ Rambler mixed, “Goodbye” by Alabama with RJ thanking all the staff one by one throughout the song as he always did at the end of a show. It was our final goodbye to Radio Jack. At the end of the evening all the switches were thrown, all the plugs pulled and Studio A fell silent for the first time in 5 years. Not the end though, stay tuned, Jack and Jill Radio will be moving to it’s new location at Studio E.
02/17/07: The Radio Jack Tribute Show will air tonight with DJ Jill, DJ Joe, DJ Diabolique, DJ Motorcycle, DJ Lady Hawke and DJ Rambler. DJ Joe has put together some of the best Radio Jack Moments from past shows and the staff has brought along some songs they would like to play in RJ’s honor. Happy Birthday to Radio Jack, today he would be 45. Wish you were here buddy, would be a whole lot more fun with you here.
02/11/07: Finally, the news you've all been waiting for: The Radio Jack Tribute Show is now scheduled for this coming Saturday, February 17. As fate would have it, that is also Radio Jack's birthday, so it is extremely fitting and proper that we do the Tribute Show on that day. We don't know what time the show will start (or even end), so tune in sometime after dinner for all the festivities. It will certainly be the show to end all shows, as we will be pulling all the stops out for this one. Both the Internet and the FM side will be up and running, so be sure to tune in either way.
And Jill Radio © 2007 All Rights Reserved