2003 News and Information
Note: All information on these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
12/31/03- I have been asked to reconsider my position on the status of the FM side of Jack and Jill Radio. So here is the deal: If I get 50- unique phone calls between 7 PM and Mid-Night, (10 an hour) we'll stay up- 24 hours a day too boot. The measure is the call ID unit in Studio A. I can make this deal because I know it won't happen, but I am leaving the door open to the fact that there might be great following of listeners that will really miss us if/when we are gone. Show starts at 7 PM. Join us for the last great show. Tomorrow log on and hear follow up from tonight's show. New news and information page starts tomorrow as well. This page will be online in a link listed above. Happy New Year from Jack and Jill Radio, and enjoy the show. 12/30/03- The Last 104.7 FM Show is just a day away now. I (Radio Jack) will start on the board at 7 PM. I have a show plan and things going on. Neil, formally of Velvet Dimension, and from makemeasong.com will be on hand to play live and jam out. I have a few call in guests on tap. Should be a great time. Join us for the fun. 12/28/03- It is shows like this one that make me not want to quit the FM side- yet after hearing the heb smash our signal 2 miles from the site it is no wonder I want to pull the plug. Thanks to DJ Joe, DJ Lady Hawke, DJ Rambler, Greg Scott, Debbie, and Randy Goat radio for an excellent show. My staff has made this a most excellent experience. The 12/31 show is still on. Most have plans already, but RJ, DJ Jill, Dj Diaoblique and DJ Motorcycle will be here. Ring in the new year with us. It will be an awesome show. 12/26/03- All right- enough with this holiday stuff. I am so over the holidays. Let's get back to regular music and life. Two great shows coming up: SNL 12/27 and 12/31 The last FM show. This is going to be a great on the air party! Complete with naked dancing girls and a full bar. If we are going out- let's go out with a BANG! Not to mention DJ Jill has vowed we are both going on diets first of the year, so I gotta get all my eating and drinking in now. Join us for the fun. 12/25/03- Merry Christmas to all and may God continue to bless America. Enjoy Christmas music all day long. Regular programming begins at 10 PM. 12/24/03-7 Days to go. Hope you enjoy the holiday and the last days of FM. 12/22/03-I must admit I am surprised- the web page counter is going up 10 to 15 per day. I am not sure where the hits are coming from, but I am glad they are. None the less- the FM side is gone 1/1. The quit while your a head deal is the way to go. I got a call from friends in the 'biz'- someone called and complained about Jack and Jill Radio. I know it is hard to believe that someone would call a commercial radio station and say we are interfering with them, but yes- someone lied, to try and hurt us. It is sad but true. Anyway- enjoy the last few FM shows, and tune into the ALL Internet version- and I will tell the true, uncut version of the story, with full web cam updates. 12/20/03-Sorry for so few updates. The season is in full swing and we have been very busy. Catch SNL tonight at 8:00 PM. Not sure how long I will run. I will play some tunes from some new CD's we got at Disney. Also catch SNL 12/27 with Radio Jack and DJ Joe. 12/03/03- Well the holidays are off to a great start- we have a super special show on Thursday: Wood Songs has it Kids edition and it is out of this world! You just have to hear these kids. Then DJ Todd and Radio Jack with The Acoustic Review- and the new release by Michael Jonathon. We have an advance copy (release is March 04) and will give you a preview. All starts at 7:30 PM. Join us for a great show!
11/29/03- Vinyl night is cancelled. No one could make it. Holiday season has begun, so everyone is busy. Watch for a new date. December Show Schedule will be out soon. 11/27/03- Happy Thanksgiving to all and may God continue to bless America. 11/24/03- Don't Miss the all Acoustic Thanksgiving Day Marathon. We will run all the episodes of the Acoustic Review and the Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour. It will be a treat starting at 7 AM and running all day till 7 AM Friday morning. Another treat- Starting Thanksgiving day, until we pull the plug on 1/1/04 we will run 24 hours a day! Enjoy the last month of Jack and Jill Radio on the FM. Get those broadband connections and join us for the NEW and improved Jack and Jill Radio ONLINE. 11/21/03- SNL with DJ Joe and Radio Jack tomorrow night at 8:30 PM. Should be a great show. Call in your requests, we have some t-shirts left from the block party. 11/19/03- Yes RJ is still alive- 60 hours of OT in the last two weeks. Tonight we should have live Randy Goat and tomorrow Wood Songs and Acoustic Review. All Starts at 7:30 PM. 11/15/03- Not much to report. Next live radio maybe Thursday. With this FTAA thing in town, Radio Jack has to work a ton. Of course that means OT, which means big $$$. Next SNL is 11/22 and Vinyl night is 11/29. Holiday music begins 11/28 with Americana all day on 11/27- Thanksgiving. Enjoy the next 46 days. First non-staff email wins a free Jack and Jill Radio Shirt- djradiojack@jackandjillradio.com 11/11/03- Yes the end is near for the FM. As I wrote before, we will end it after the show on 1/1/04. The internet will stay up and we will do several shows a month live. More in the coming days. So, if you don't have a broadband connection, get one so you can hear the station. Much thought has gone into this decision. It is the best thing to do. Feel free to write me with questions: djradiojack@jackandjillradio.com. 11/04/03- The station had a power failure that outlasted our UPS. So we had some dead air, and we had to re-program the DSP. I am not sure weather or not it had the latest profile saved. I think it is close. We should back to normal later tonight. 11/01/03- HBP 2003 is in the
books. What a great time. A sincere thanks to my staff and the bands for a
job well done. Yes the rumor is true we had a few complaints about the party.
All of which were covered with our block party permit. I will follow up with
the city. The following is just thoughts: Rumor is FCC is in town, we are not
on the list per se, but might get
10/29/30- Tonight is Randy Goat at 8 PM, then the entire Acoustic lineup tomorrow starting at 7:30. PM DJ Todd says the needle for the turntable is in, so look for the vinyl show here real soon. Block Party is coming! Plan to come and stay- bring a chair and a cooler with cold ones. Let's Party! 10/27/03- Block party is less than a week away. It is going to be a total blast. New shirts arrived today. They look great! I will be giving some away at the party, along with CD's. You can't buy them. You can only get them as a gift from Radio Jack or a staff member. Everything is free. If you are wondering about the costs- Jack and Jill Radio is funded by Radio Jack and DJ Jill. It is our gift to our friends and neighbors. Listen and enjoy, come to the block party and enjoy. This is one of the things in life that is free. 10/23/03- It has come to my
attention that a free radio station on the west coast of the US was raided a
week ago today. It was done with armed personnel and everything was taken.
After reading the story, they were a vocal opponent of the Bush
Administration and the war in Iraq. You just can't do this and expect not to
get slammed. As we state in our mission statement 10/22/03- Not much going on right now. Just getting ready for the block party. Everything seems to be in place. Not much for live shows, as RJ have been busy working OT. This weekend is DJ Joe Catch those shows. Go Marlins- we have been further down than this and came back to win! Believe! 10/17/03- Block Party is coming along. Stage and other assorted equipment are in place. The bands are ready. This is going to be one hell of a show- DO NOT MISS IT. Make your plans now and bring the kids. 7:00 to 7:30 PM is going to be kids time. Radio Jack is going to do a kids sing-a-long with current favorite kids song from Disney and Noggin' and more. SNL this week features Krazy House. 10/14/03- GO MARLINS! Tonight's game was just awesome. Hope we can finish it off. We are back up. Rebuild is complete. Not a lick of noise thanks to Johnny Lex. He is going to join us for show soon. RGR tomorrow at 8 PM, and the Acoustic review with just Radio Jack on Thursday at 8:30 PM, with Wood Songs at 7:30 PM. 10/11/03- SNL tonight with Radio Jack and DJ Joe. Special Call in Guest: Cathy Grier. Cathy is an awesome blues singer/songwriter and guitar player. We are going to highlight her CD 'Comin' Back to me'. Show should start somewhere around 8:30 PM. GO Marlins! 10/09/03- "What goes around , comes around." So it is written. 10/08/03- The station returned to service at about 11 PM. We will need to be down another night here in the near future. Most of the changes were made , but we still have a few details to clean up. You will not notice a difference, just things we wanted to make the system better on our end. I will attempt to give you notice of down time to plan your depression schedule and get medication to help you through. Special guest Thursday night : Misty River, a four piece 'Americana' group of all females, with a harmony that is just breath taking- all this and more starting 7:30 PM with the Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour then the Acoustic review at 8:30 PM with Radio Jack and DJ Todd. Station is running in Automation Mode A. 10/07/03- The station will be down for a while tonight for some equipment maintenance. Should be back on the air by 10 PM or so, if all goes well. Got another 10 CD's in yesterday for the Acoustic Review show. What a treat some of them are. Don't miss Thursday night starting at 7:30 PM. I will update today when the station is back up. 10/05/03- It's official- Cerabus (www.cerabusrocks.com) is the third band for the block party. Flashpoint, Cerabus and Monster Zero. Great SNL with a DJ Motorcycle set to boot. Good stuff. Vinyl night is in the works. That is going to be a real fun show. I know you will enjoy it. Stay tuned- it just gets better and better. 10/03/03- DJ Todd and I had a great time last night. Going to change the name of the show to: Jack and Jill Radio's Acoustic Review. With some of the new music coming in, folk is not an accurate description. Acoustic is a more broad term. I got two Contra Music CDs yesterday that are just fantastic. I am working on a segment for up coming shows where we feature this type of music. SNL tomorrow promises to be awesome- DJ Motorcycle will be in the house to do a set- by popular request. Rumor is there is going to be a third band at the block party- yep! Watch for details. It just gets better and better. Don't miss a minute of Jack and Jill Radio- tune us in and rip off the knob! (C) DJ Joe's House of Wax [You know he came up with that one- wonder if he is into hot wax or something...email him and ask him djjoe@jackandjillradio.com 10/02/03- Tonight is the first installment of Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour. I know you will enjoy this show. DJ Todd and Radio Jack are up after that with two hours of old and new folk and acoustic. Lots of new CDs on the way too. Look for some exciting stuff on Thursdays. Block party is coming along- Oct. 31 (Friday) from 6 PM to 10 PM. SNL this week will feature a phone interview with Jay of OHO. OHO is an artist collective from Maryland. We will feature their CD 'UP'.
09/30/03- RJS show tonight at about 8:30 or so-if my back will hold out. Did one of those wrong moves and now I am very soar. DJ Jill and I listened to a couple of the new Wood Songs Old Time Radio hour shows last night. They are fantastic. Don't miss the first one this Thursday at 7:30 PM. I have had to change the Classical Time frame to 3:00 AM to 4:30 AM. I found a flaw in the software and we are working on getting it fixed. We should be back to the full two hours late next week. 09/28/03- Thanks to DJ Joe- great SNL. Voice Mail computer is back up and running. Most of the custom voice prompts are there. I am going to make a few new ones today. I may throw in a show Tuesday night- we'll see how things go. Lots of new ideas and station improvements in the works. Money is all that stands in the way, but that is usually the case. 09/26/03- That was one of the best shows yet. Thanks DJ Todd and our guests PK Dwyer and Michael Jonathon. If you missed the announcement we are going to run the 'Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour' every Thursday at 7:30 PM. If you like folk and acoustic with world flavors- you going to love this show. The thing I like the best about the entire project- no money exchanges hands. This is all volunteer. It is done just to help expose the artists to the world. Speaking with Michael, the host of the show, last night was a sheer joy. We are excited about this new addition to our line up. Voice mail computer is being re-built as we speak. Maybe back online tonight in it's generic form. Thanks to DJ Rambler for all his help on these computer issues. Don't miss tomorrow night- SNL with Radio Jack and DJ Joe. Listen to hear DJ Joe's new Fender Strat. This just gets more exciting everyday. I never dreamed we would be this successful. Thanks to every one- this is the best team. 09/25/03- UPDATE: Voice mail computer is down. It will be several days to fix. Email for now. RJ 09/25/03- Tonight we semi-kick off our new folk Thursdays. On Thursday evenings we will feature folk and acoustic for the month of October. DJ Todd will be here to help. We have lots of new music including some blues and bluegrass. For those of you wondering the station is running in automation Mode B. Automation Mode A is where the computer just plays straight thru the playlist. In automation Mode B, the different segments are put in such as classical from 3 AM to 5 AM, and Wake up with Jack and Jill from 5 AM to 7 AM. When will be adding other time slots as well. 09/24/03- Well RJS did not happen last night. DJ Jill got canceled from work. I do enjoy doing radio, but having drinks and hanging out with a hot babe, well the choice was simple. I will save the material for another show. Got a ton of new CDs yesterday from the Folk DJ list I am on. Thursday look for a great show with this new material. It is really good stuff. If you like acoustic, you'll love this show. SNL this week is going to be cool- drinking show! Remember Dr. Harris from a few weeks back? We got his product- Hangover Defense. We are going to try it with a Morning after show on Sunday at 10 AM. Join us and see if it worked. DJ Joe spanked me again on my web page postings- so once again the pages are replaced with smaller pages and images. Don't forget to comment on the new shirt concept. RGR at 8 PM tonight. 09/23/03- See the new Jack and Jill Radio Shirt here. Would you like black on white or white on black? Email Jack and Jill Radio and let me know. RJS tonight at 8 PM. 09/22/03- Howdy RJ and DJ Jill are back from a nice Disney break. Sorry for the bland radio weekend. No one was free to do radio this weekend. RJS on Tuesday and Thursday and SNL with DJ Joe and DJ Todd. Check tomorrow I will post the new t-shirt design and an image of the prototype. Check the Halloween Block Party page for a new picture of Monster Zero. 09/17/03- Working on a new show based in folk music. May not do it live, just recorded in advance and replay at certain time. Calra Ulbrich turned me onto a folk DJ list. Lots of people out there with music to share. I want to feature some of this. No more progress on the tower till next week sometime. Schedules are just too busy. Block party is coming along. 09/16/03- Tower progress- base was poured yesterday- 16 bags of concrete. Thanks to DJ Fire Dawg for his commitment to the station and friends. He is a hard working member of the staff who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Thanks to Dave and Carla for a great show last night. Carla and Dave should be a comedy duo- great stand up. Listen for replays. I love how the station is growing and maturing. 09/15/03- The Dolphins won- thank God. It would be a tough week around South Florida if they were 0-2. People seem more cranky when they loose. Different show tonight- Dave up the Street is coming- Show: "I can't believe that is folk music" We will take a look at some different music that falls into folk. Everyone is busy, so the rest of September is lean on shows. Block party letter arrived, so it's super official. 09/13/03- DJ Joe is up tonight, but little does he know that Radio Jack will be home a lot sooner than expected. Tune in for the fun! Tower is still underway, but is on hold for the storm. I know it looks like it is turning, but it is a wild animal and can not be predicted. FNL went great last night- Dr Harris was cool. Looking forward to getting his product and have our 'morning after' show. The true test would be taking DJ Motorcycle to Fat Tuesday's and feeding him 3 large frozen drinks. Watch for the show in the near future. 09/12/03- FNL is in question for tonight. I have a show written, but no co-host. Also some other important issues have come up, which may require my attention. Check around 9 PM and see what is going on. Keep your eyes on this storm! 09/11/03- Remember. 09/10/03- Lots of new stories on the LPFM page. Check them out. Tomorrow is the second year anniversary of 9/11. We will observe radio silence for the first hour of our broadcast day with an announcement every 5 mins. Don't miss FNL this week. We are going to have the guest we missed. Dr. Dennis Harris on the perfect hang over cure. Problem last time was we had the wrong phone number. DJ Joe is up on Saturday Night. 09/08/03- Was Dead Fred great or what? We had the best time with that show. Thanks to the staff for another job well done. Ok time for some updates: Block Party Permit is on it's way. Police Department stopped by and gave the 'rules' (which we already knew) so we should get the actual letter this week. Looks like we are going with two bands this year, Flashpoint and Monster Zero. We will play the station to start and in the breaks. We were approved 11 PM, but I want the music over by 10: 30 PM so we can clean up. I got the quote on new t-shirts today. We will have them before the block party. We will give out shirts and CD's at the block party. We will have the snow cone machine and a popcorn machine. This is a FREE Event! Just bring the kids and come have fun with us. Bring you lawn chairs and coolers and hang out with us. Next, the station got a check up on the technical side and we are in tip top shape. Thanks DJ Megahertz for the report. Last, we will continue the new format 3 AM to 5 AM will be Classical and 5 AM to 7 AM will be wake up with Jack and Jill Radio featuring Night Live Show replays. I would love to do live morning radio, but it just too much. RJS show tonight at 8:30 PM- see shows page for more live radio this week. 09/04/03- Wake up with Jack and Jill Radio: I am considering a morning show schedule. For now we will run a FNL or SNL from 5 AM to 7 AM M-F. This will allow you to set your alarm clock to the sounds of Jack and Jill Radio. If you like this and will use this feature, please drop me an email at: radiojack@jackandjillradio.com.Feedback is so important to Jack and Jill Radio. Please call us at 954-741-7233 and leave a voice mail with your comments. RJS tonight somewhere around 8:30 PM or so. Light Jazz is on for tonight. DJ Jill is taking me to a fancy party and concert at the Broward center tomorrow featuring The Rippintons with a reunion appearance by Jeff Kashaua. So I want to get warmed up for that. 09/02/03- Letter for the block party was faxed in today. I will let you know as soon as it is official. Tower is in progress. Tomorrow the base section goes to Miami to have the hinge welded on. Many of you want to help, and trust me I will call you. It really makes us happy to hear all the support. Keep the phone calls coming too. If you need to feel good about free radio, check out this link: http://www.liberationradio.net/ Good things can really happen. 9/01/03- Happy Labor Day! Radio Jack hits the airways tonight for a Radio Jack Show. Tune in around 8 PM for the show. Rain and nasty weather prevents the pool side show I was thinking about. Some of the shows for September have been posted. Check back often for new shows and time changes. Dead Fred #3 is 9/6/03- Saturday at 8 PM.
08/30/03- Well that was a
different FNL last night. You just never quite know what is going to happen.
Thanks to DJ Joe and Jenny O for being great co-hosts. Hope 'Debra does the
world' doesn't have too bad a hang over. Not sure what happened to our guest.
I will check next week to re-book him for another time. I doubt there will be
any live radio tonight. I am going to put a variety of different stuff on.
Maybe even a movie. Requests, just call the request line and leave a message.
954-741-7233. 08/28/03- DJ Fire Dawg comes over tonight to work on details for the new tower. FNL is on for tomorrow. New show ideas in the works. DJ Jill had a couple of visions last night so we will see if they will fly. September Shows are in planning, we need a music review so watch for details. Got any equipment you want to donate? We could use computer and PA gear. Email: Jack and Jill Radio .Block party request goes out first of next week. We are going to ask for 5 PM to 11 PM. for extra setup and tear down time. I am sure we will get it as we had no problems last year. 08/26/03- Started taking things down and making room for the new tower. Everyone seems excited about this. Hopefully it won't take too long. Show tonight with DJ Lady Hawke- Tuesday Night Live some very interesting news stories and issues tune in and let's see how fired up we can get DJ Lady Hawke. Don't miss FNL this week with Radio Jack and DJ Joe- special guest Dr. Dennis Harris with the perfect hangover cure. Ran onto Davis and Dow , a local duo at Beach Place last night with DJ Jill and Little Man Jack. Got their newest CDs they are great! Listen for them on the station. September's shows are in the planning stages watch for more. Holiday radio is still in the works as well. 08/24/03- Thanks for Jenny O for co-hosting SNL. We look forward to her joining us for other shows. Looks like Dead Fred #3 will need to be moved to another date. More to follow. New tower plans are progressing. Thanks for all the phone calls this weekend. Really means a lot to us. 08/22/03- The new tower is here. 7- 10 foot sections in all. DJ Fire Dawg is in the process of looking at everything and we will start the project soon. The entire tower system as it is now, will remain intact and the new tower will be put up around it, and when completed, we will transfer the antenna at that time. I expect this process to take several weeks or more. A big thanks to Greg Scott of SHE for this kind donation. A DJ promotion ceremony is in order. Met Jenny O and Johnny Lex last night. We did a show at SHE last night. Lots of fun. We are going to try and drag them over to Jack and Jill on a DJ exchange program. 08/20/03- DJ Todd does it again! He brought a Sony turntable to the show last night to be on extended loan to the station. Thanks DJ Todd. We are now in the planning stages for a all vinyl show in September, so get out those records and lets get ready for a cool show! Randy Goat tonight at 8 PM, if the feed holds, then after that show discs 5 to 8 of the 24 hour show will run. Yesterday was another first on Jack and Jill Radio- the fastest turn around to replay in the history of the station. The New Age show ended at 10:30 PM and was replayed at 2 AM. There was an upgrade to the web page also. We added the last 10 to the second web cam. So now the last 10 images of both web cams are on line. 08/18/03- Tonight starting at 6 PM the first four files of the 24 hour show will run. It is the show opener, DJ Joe's show and the DJ Todd promotional ceremony and the start of his show. Tomorrow night is the New Age Music Review Show with Radio Jack and DJ Todd starts around 8 PM. BTW, anybody got an extra 120 gig hard drive? Station computer is FULL. 215 shows with all the PSAs, promos, Ids, etc..we are plum outa drive space- HELP! 08/17/03- It's in the books- 24 hours of radio. It was a good time. Congrats to our newest staff member, DJ Todd who took the oath office and became a full DJ. DJ Todd donated the computer we now use to record our shows. The Koss CD-R recorder we have has not been perfect. We have lost several discs from important shows, which broke my heart. Now we are recording to hard drive, then writing to CD for back up. Everything is on the 2 UPS’s and we are set. As for replays of the 24 hour show, I am thinking of airing them in segments rather than all at once. There are 21 files in all. Most start of end at break points in the show. Of course with the scheduler software I can post the times of the replay so you know when to listen. Plan to hear the opening segment Monday night (8/18) starting at 6 PM when we come on the air. The pool side show was popular with the staff. We are planning more pool side shows. We need some equipment: another CD player of some sort, one that is used with a stereo system, a laptop in the P2- 400 Mhz area for playing ID's and clips. If you have either of these and would like to donate them to the cause, email Jack and Jill Radio and I will arrange to get them from you. Help free radio! 08/15/03- Well here we are, just hours from the 24 hour show. The staff is ready and the studios are being cleaned and prepped for the grand events. The main webcam will be moved around to provide different views during the event. I will try and make news page updates as well. Get Ready for the FUN!!! 08/14/03- Tomorrow is the big day! The 24 hour show. Lots of prep work by the staff has been done. DJ Jill has gone above and beyond the call of duty to make this a great event. Tonight is the 24 hour show pre-show. This will be the first show to be recorded completely on the new computer. This is a test for tomorrow. We will save tons of money on CDs. The KOSS CD-R recorder we have been using will only use CD-R MUSIC CDs, which are different from the CD-R’s you buy in bulk. CD-R Music are about $.50 each where CD-R’s can be had for $.10 to$.20 each. There are two other advantages, 1: If there is a crash of the computer a temp file is always being made so there is a back-up, 2: We will not need to break to change CD's, just click and a new file is started- meaning no show content is lost. This is a great improvement to the station. Tune in for some live radio tonight and call in and chat with me. 08/12/03- Good News and Bad News....Bad News- the first disc of the SNL Show with Monster Zero crashed, thus we lost the first hour of the show. Discs 2 and 3 are fine. Good News- DJ Rambler completed the computer given to us by Todd. Tonight was the first show recorded onto CD and hard drive. All things being equal we should never lose a show now. We have lost about 5 discs of material, of course special shows that can not be recreated. Thanks to the staff for their donations and hard work on behalf of the station. Thanks to Todd for a great job as co-host tonight on the RJS New Age. It was great to chat with Robin and Scott. More Live Radio this week don't miss a minute! 08/11/03- Coming up on Tuesday night is the first new age music review show with Radio Jack and Todd. Out Guests for the evening will be Robin Spielberg and Scott Helland. Join us at 8 PM. Another great feature show from your friends here at Jack and Jill Radio. Pre 24 hour show with DJ Lady Hawke and them the 24 Hour Show starts Friday at 7 PM to Saturday at 7 PM. REAL LIVE RADIO! YEAH BABY!!! 08/09/03- Thanks to DJ Joe for helping with a great show last night. Tonight is the Monster Zero CD listening party. The show will have an SNL feel with a few of the bits from the night live shows. Starts at 8 PM. Looking forward to chatting with the band and catching up. Station audio is sounding better than ever. I think we maybe very close to 'our' sound. 08/07/03- Yea we had some dead air last night. The feed dropped and did not reset for some reason. I did get a chance to hear the pure carrier, and it sounds goods. So there was a plus. I re-vamped to Main Loop of shows and re-started the scheduler program. I think the crashes were due to it looking for files that were not there. I changed the way the shows were stored to make them easier to find. I think I can go back to scheduling certain shows and groups of shows and post the play times on the program page. Up coming shows are going to great. Lots of prep work is being done for all the shows. Always remember savor each moment of free radio as we never know when it is going to be over. Any requests for show replays? Email: radiojack@jackandjillradio.com 08/05/03- Well I had a great time last night. I think I will make a regular thing of bashing commercial radio. It felt good. It was great to hear from listeners too! Thanks for calling, and please call more often. I started making calls today to find a company to make some more of our T-shirts. Company in Boca is just too far away. More to follow. Replays tonight with Randy Goat tomorrow. 08/04/03- Tonight's show: Radio Jack Show- "Radio- from the Free Radio Seats" This is Radio Jack's views and thoughts. Web Links for the show are here. Lots of information about early radio will be shared. This might lead to a history of radio show. College credit may be available. We are going to live up to our motto tonight - "Radio for the Mind that Thinks." Rest easy it will not be too deep- just a good rousing conversation. Get close to a phone so you can call in and share your views. The studio line is (954) 741-7233. 08/03/03- Interesting article in the Sun Sentinel today. Of course it was a business writer who wrote it. That means that the big $$ of Clear Channel, the only broadcast group listed paid him off to write it and make it look like they are the victim of some horrible crime. Lots of mis-statements and particle truths. If you want the real story go to our Mission Page, and read about LPFM and community radio. It is just another example of corporate America taking over more and more. Big brother at his finest. Did you notice how no mention is made of fine stations like ours? Catch the Radio Jack Show tomorrow night for a complete break down and analysis of this issue. Here the free radio side. 08/01/03- Welcome to August! This promises to be one the best months of live radio. We have several big shows coming up and lots of live week night radio to keep your ears happy for new and exciting material. See the program information page for up coming live shows. Email requests and comments to radiojack@jackandjillradio.com. Watch for more new features to the station coming soon.
07/30/03- We now have our own email server. <yourname>@jackandjillradio.com If you would like an email address @jackandjillradio.com write to email@jackandjillradio.com and we will send you the details. DJ Joe's show for Friday night has been cancelled, but he will be here on Saturday night. 07/29/03- Thanks to DJ Diaoblique for being my co-host on the LIFE 101 show. We think is was a great success, and we are going to do another edition. If you have any issues you feel belong on this show, email them to us. Question: How many people would be interested in an email address @jackandjillradio.com? I have located an email server package and I am thinking about setting it up here on a station computer. Staff would have first shot at their DJ names. After that fans are welcome. Rand Goat tomorrow at 8 PM and DJ Joe on Friday and Saturday. 07/28/03- Well a legend passed- Bob Hope at the age of 100. As DJ Jill points out fresh material for the Dead Fred Show. It was a good weekend of shows. This next week has tons of shows too. See the program page for more information. Today is Monday, thats production day. Going to work on IDs, promos for up coming shows, and maybe a comedy bit. New phone interface is awesome. Adds a lot to shows. Tonight three guests on a special show. 07/27/03- Take a listen to the new replays. I have started processing them in VBR (Variable Bit Rate) lowest being 192 and highest being 320. Lets see if this makes for better replays. Listen today for replays of this weekends shows. Thanks to the staff for a great music review. By request: DJ Jill's You know your a hard-core Jack and Jill Staff member when, is here. If you think of more send them to us. The 24 hour show is on August 15 to 16 , from 7 PM to 7 PM. Click Here for time slots and more details. 07/26/03- Great Show last night! Were Marc and Victora Weinberg, and Lauren Fix great or what? Last night was a great step forward in radio for Jack and Jill. Tonight a music review show at 8 PM. We review Peter Betan and Steven Franz, two local artists. Then the new albums by Steely Dan and Godsmack. Monday night is going to be an awesome Radio Jack Show- LIFE 101. We are going to share basic stuff you need to know for life. We will have three special call in guests. We will take about credit, and cell phones. Lots of good material. We are enjoying every minute of radio we can. 07/25/03- Don't Miss FNL tonight at 9 PM. Great show with lots of fun and special guests. Music review show is tomorrow night. We have a new twist- we will review two local musicians and two big name professional bands. Great live radio. 07/24/03- Jack and Jill Radio has re-joined the SETI@Home Project. The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe. We have dedicated the computer that was the first to run the station to the SETI@Home project software. The SETI@home program is a special kind of screensaver. Like other screensavers it starts up when you leave your computer unattended, and it shuts down as soon as you return to work. What it does in the interim is unique. While you are getting coffee, or having lunch or sleeping, your computer will be helping the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence by analyzing data specially captured by the world's largest radio telescope. Seeing as all the signals we have broadcast are out there somewhere speeding to other galaxies, I thought we should look for others in our universe doing the same thing. Helping our neighbors, our country, our world and now our universe- we are truly "Radio for the Mind that Thinks". If your interested here are the links: SETI Main Site SETI@Home Program 07/23/03- New Feature: You can now send a fax to Jack and Jill Radio. Just have your fax machine call the station request line 954-741-7233, and the computer will do the rest. This is of course when we are not live and the voice mail system is up. Don't miss Friday's show is going to be really good, as well as Saturday's Music Review. Plans for the 24 hour show are coming along. I will be emailing staff time slots here soon. The 24 Hour show is August 15 to 16 7 PM to 7 PM. More to follow. 07/21/03- New Telephone Interface arrived today. So over the next several days we will be testing it. This allows us to put callers on the air, as well as them be able to hear what is going on while they are 'on hold'. Gives us a very professional sound. Looking forward to it getting its first full work out on FNL this week. Staff has spoken- Music review show will go on as planned. Thus it shall be. The Todd show is running- take a listen some neat stuff. 07/20/03- If you didn't catch it this morning, the Sam Pacetti Concert will re-air today at 4 PM and 8 PM. It is excellent. Thanks to Dave up the street and Glades Edge Concerts for letting us record and air this incredible show. Radio Jack was the recording engineer, so it is not perfect, but I am learning. Might try and get to the Sunday evening funnies. Don't miss The Todd Show tomorrow at 8 PM. Yes the other 104.7 is off the air, that's why we sound so good. As I said it would not last long and it didn't. You can't be that bold and brazen and not get slapped down quick. So if you wonder why I insist we follow certain rules- this is why. Now that doesn't mean we won't get the knock someday, we will. It will be later than sooner if we stay cool. So enjoy free radio while it lasts. A small amount of civil disobedience is good shows we have some spark left. UPDATE: 8 PM replay of the Sam Pacetti Concert is cancelled. Software is acting up and I don't trust it. RJ 07/19/03- Happy Birthday to Little Man Jack 3 years old today. [Sound Bite] I understand DJ Motorcycle had a birthday last week also,. I think he is 57? [Sound Bite] No live show tonight because I (Radio Jack) and my father in law are going to see Sam Pacetti at a house concert at 'Dave up the street's' house. I will be recording the show for replay. I will post the times for replays. I hope to know later today if the Music Review Show is a go, or we are going on a Road Trip to the Factory. 07/18/03- Ok you news junkies, I made you wait a few days, but it was worth the wait. I have some juicy news! What ever you do, don't miss FNL one week from tonight (7/25). DJ Joe and Todd will be in the house and maybe DJ Diabolique and DJ Motorcycle. During the show we are going to have two special guest interviews by phone: at 9:30 PM we will have Marc Weinberg and Victoria Fraser, creators of a truly sick and twisted idea – they made the world’s first nasty talking teddy bears.And if that isn't enought for you- at 10:30 PM we will speak with- Stephanie Glenn, a syndicated sex advice columnist, host, and entertainer. Her topic Great lover are made, not born. I understand Stephanie is a total blast to talk too, so staff if you haven't made plans to be at the show, then make them now! Just a note- plans for the Music Review Show might change. Reserve the night, but we may take a road trip. More by email later. Station upgrade is on the way too. We ordered the inline phone patch. It should be here in plenty of time for the show on the 25th. This is an awesome device it allows us to put callers on the air, the real way. I have been wanting this for a long time as it opens a new avenue for shows. So, was I right was it worth the wait? 07/14/03- If you heard the last part of FNL on the 11th with DJ Lady Hawke, you heard her idea for a 24 hour radio show. Ask and you shall receive. August 15 starting at 8 PM we will have a 24 hour live radio show. Everyone in the house and 24 hours of radio. We will have remotes from pool side (Studio 1P) and variations of all our different shows. Can the DJ's take 24 hours of radio??? Then August 30 starting at 8 PM Dead Fred #3. DJ Jill's famous show about dead musicians makes it's third edition. This show is always good entertainment. Next FNL is 7/25 and Music Review is 7/26. Top Notch radio coming your way. Oh yea- the block party is on too for October 31, 6 to 10 PM. 07/13/03- Big news day tomorrow. Check in for some big announcements. 07/12/03- Thanks to DJ Lady Hawke for Co-hosting FNL with me last night. No live show tonight as RJ and DJ Jill have a party to go to. Next live show should be Monday night, but who knows Sunday night funnies make get a second volume. Station audio sounds good. I think we have hit on a good mix for live and replays. Make plans now for the Music Review Show on May 28 at 8 PM. If you would like to attend, drop Radio Jack an email. Promotional funds maybe available to fly in a select number of guests. Click here for today's playlist 07/10/03- Had to cut Randy Goat Radio short last night. Drops were killing me. Was on their end, sometimes happens. We are back on the Main Station Loop. Click on the link to see the list of shows and tunes. DJ Johnny Nitro donated two nice computers to the station. We will rebuild the station voice mail computer, and other one will be used as an exchange for parts to finish the recording computer. Thanks, DJJN. The free radio stations in West Broward work together as a team. It is a great feeling. 07/09/03- RGR at 8 PM tonight. See the program page for up coming live shows. BIG thanks to DJ Johnny Nitro for the use of his Antenna Analyzer to test our antenna. Fun stuff coming up! Keep tuned in! 07/07/03- There is a new main loop of older shows now running. Click this link to see the playlist of shows: Main Loop Old Shows 07/06/03- Great SNL last night! Did you love that new segment or what? "what's happening at studio B". DJ Magical Wendi did point out one flaw, we forgot the "can I say a song sucks on the radio?" She is right- one of the most famous Jack and Jill Radio clips and I forgot it. I also forgot all those new DJ Captain Morgan clips I pulled from one of his earlier shows. Last night's show will replay today at 1 PM and 7 PM. Going to make use of that scheduling software. Big Band down as the Jazz brunch today, so we are going down to that. I will update the programs page with new show dates later today. BTW the Halloween Block Party is on and plans are in the making. I am going to try and confirm the bands in the next week or two. Make off the date 10/31/03 from 6 PM to 10 PM- you have plans- The Second Annual Jack and Jill Radio Block Party. 07/05/03- Looking forward to a great show tonight with DJ Joe-SNL. There is a slight hum on the signal when there is no content. I think is it a power supply problem. Going to have to have DJ Megahertz over for a look see. Coverage is still terrible with that other station on our channel. Nothing I can do. Good news is he will get caught first and it will be his third offense so he may go to jail- at the very least fines into the 10's of thousands of dollars. There is a method to our madness. When you can't take the lousy FM signal, just go to the internet. The internet is running at 56K and it sounds great. 07/04/03- Happy 4th of July. Celebrate your freedom today, and remember the ones who gave their lives so we can enjoy freedom. Freedom has a great cost. Our American way of life is advanced citizenship- we must be careful never to take it for granted. Lots of flag waving music today. I think we will toss a comedy CD in every now and then, some classics like Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall. Remember today is not just a day off, but a day to rejoice and embrace all that we are as Americans. May God continue to bless America. 07/03/03- Today brought some technical adjustments to the station. Let me know if you hear or notice anything different. DJ Joe made some improvements to the web site. Looking very good. All is well and looking forward to a great holiday tomorrow. Don't miss SNL with Radio Jack and DJ Joe. 07/02/03- RGR tonight at 8 PM. RJS last night was cool. I love this new music I am getting in. We are true multi-format. We help you expand your mind to all different kinds of music. If you have questions call or write us, we would love to hear from you. Don't miss SNL this week- DJ Joe will be back and we have a great show planned. If your having trouble hearing on the FM side, go to the internet. I have put it back up to a 56K feed. It sounds real good. I think because LIVE 365 changed it's billing structure some people dropped off leaving more bandwidth. Fine for us we were minimally affected by the rate change. Remember to set us as your favorite we get $.25 off our fees each month for each listener that selects us as their favorite. Also if you sign up for the premium listener package ($4.95 a month) via our site we get a $1.50 credit towards our fees. See this link: We are no longer streaming with Live 365. |
06/30/03- Voice Mail Computer is back up. I have not restored the custom menus, the default are there and you can leave messages. I will try and get to that tomorrow. I will be running Americana music starting Wednesday night after Randy Goat Radio and it will continue all the way through to Saturday morning, (yes we will run all day on the 4th) when we will switch back to normal programming. I will post what will come after later in the week. Don't know how, but the counter on the main page got reset. We have over 2000 hits. I know that isn't stellar, but we are still here. Low profile has it advantages. 06/28/03- Thanks to Todd for co-hosting FNL last night- it was a really fun show to do. Lots of great comedy clips and music. Also thanks to Todd for his donation of computer parts to build the much need 'recording computer'. When completed this computer will be the back-up recording device for shows. Todd was also kind enough to stock the wet bar in Studio A wiht a new bottle of Jack. Radio Jack and Staff are glad we met Todd, he fits right in. No show tonight- Radio Jack and DJ Jill are going out to dinner and a movie. Maybe live radio tomorrow or Monday. 06/27/03- Didn't get to the show last night- things happen. We will get to that show this weekend. Maybe during the day on Saturday or Sunday. I hope to get a Sunday Evening Funnies on too. FNL tonight- BE THERE! 9 PM 06/26/03- How did you like the surprise RJS last night? I was in a rock mood. Tonight we feature to artists: Mark Biehl and his CD Landscapes- A Territorial Adventure. Also David Mikeal and his CD Brasilia! The Rain Forest. I expect to get started around 8:30 or so. Little Man Jack is not feeling so good requiring more attention than normal. SO give me plus or minus a few. Don't miss FNL tomorrow night at 9 PM- that is going to be great. 06/24/03- Radio Jack Show tonight. I got some awesome new music in and want you to hear it. New Age/The Nexis type. Really good stuff. Tune in and enjoy! 06/22/03- Thanks to all the staff who came last night. It was a really great show. This week Live Radio on Wednesday with Randy Goat Radio, Thursday- TBA (RJS?), Friday Night Live with Radio Jack, DJ Joe and Todd. Depending on things, Radio Jack may run something live tonight. I was thinking along the lines of "The Sunday Night Funnies". A whole show of comedy clips and songs. Check it out- something different. 06/21/03- Excellent radio last night by DJ Lady Hawke. Thanks to DJ Joe for the calls. He kept DJLH on her toes. RJ and DJLH are going to start work on a weeknight show. Not sure of the format yet- maybe a mix of formats. Music review tonight 8 PM- with the Music Review Show Marathon in progress now. Some of this stuff is priceless! Lots of new music coming in as well as comedy CDs. I am very pleased with how the station is 'growing up'. Isn't the on the air audio great? DJ Joe has done a great job on tweaking the DSP. Tune in tonight for more great live radio. 06/20/03- Two days of great LIVE radio coming up: FNL with Radio Jack and DJ Lady Hawke 8 PM tonight, tomorrow Music Review at 8 PM. Call in and give us you views on the music as well. 06/19/03- Music Review show is shaping up to be a fantastic show. It will start at 8 PM Don't miss it. If all goes well tonight will be a Radio Jack Show with the Nexis to follow. This will be the 7th edition of the Nexis. I have some great new CDs for it. During the RJS more from the new Bob and Tom CDs and more. Should be a fun night. Unless I get an email the music will be light jazz (Love 94 type jazz). I am listening to a light jazz replay right now, and it sounds so good. I hope to a schedule of some planned replays up soon. Starting Friday at 11:30 PM- The music review show marathon. All the music review shows, in order, leading up to the Live show Saturday Night at 8 PM. Special Show Added: Friday Night Live with DJ Lady Hawke at 8:30 PM to 11:30 PM 06/16/03- Voice Mail Computer crashed over the weekend. Put it this way blue screen of death on Windows 200 Pro is REALLY bad. I don't have time to mess with it. So use email to contact us, except during live shows, then of course we will answer. I will hook up the portable phone and try an answer a few calls. Found a great CD from a local new age store. Lady was cool and gave it to me. Had contacts for tons of artists. Wrote to all of them. I hope we get lots of new stuff to play. I will be playing the CD on the next Nexis show, which might be tomorrow night. 06/15/03- Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. Well the Radio Jack Clan is back from the great outdoors. We had a nice weekend. Bugs got DJ Jill, but not me and Little Man Jack- must be that sweet blood DJ Jill has. Did learn something interesting this weekend from the people camping next to us. The FAA and the FCC have gotten together and built a direction finding truck for Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. When stations interfere with aircraft they are to find them and go right to a warrant. I knew sooner or later the mass of pirate stations in our area was going to cause a problem. I am not ready to pull the plug on the RF side yet, but we maybe getting close. Something to be said to quit while your ahead. I am very sure we are within specs and are not causing any interference of any kind, but many other with out the technical knowledge we have are causing problems. It is a serious issue that could drain the fun out of the hobby. Food for thought. On the lighter side watch for some new shows hitting the line up. Dave up the street is looking to do a show called "Not your fathers folk music" and The Todd show second edition is in the works. 06/13/03- Thanks to Todd for a great new show last night. We are looking for some dates for his next shows. This week end the station will run by itself. If the audio goes down- it will be down until at least Sunday afternoon. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers. Have a safe, wonderful weekend and we will catch up with you next week. Enjoy some of the best of Jack and Jill Radio on replays. 06/11/03- Randy Goat Radio tonight, with The Todd Show tomorrow. Good Live Radio! The weekend will be all automated. I may try and post a schedule of the replays, if I can find the time. Scheduler is working ok, but we did find a few bugs. They are being worked on as we speak. Got some great new CDs for the Nexis. Hope to get a new show on the air first of next week. Music Review Show is next week 6/21 at 8 PM. 06/09/03- Radio Jack Show tonight at 8:30 PM. Call in your requests. Light , fun show featuring some new comedy clips, and a James Taylor segment in honor of his recent tour visit to South Florida. Internet will be in basic mode today as Radio Jack will be working on the station computer. I need to do some production ( PSA's and new ID's etc.) and some house cleaning on the automation side. I am working on another 'all country' show. Going to see if Mustang Sally will join me for a night here soon. Don't miss the Music Review Show: June 21- Saturday at 8 PM. The next FNL is June 27 at 9 PM- Radio Jack and DJ Joe once again attempt to refine their styles by creating 'the best show on free radio'. This and so much more on the flagship station of the free radio network of West Broward- Jack and Jill Radio. (Wow, that would make a great promo, huh?) 06/08/03- Thanks to DJ Joe for helping make an excellent show last night. Hear a repay of it at Noon today. At 6 PM today hear a replay of the Eric Schwartz 'Red' concert. It of course has been edited, but it is still funny. Dave up the street is having a house concert tonight. I may try and run it live. It will depend on how much time I have to set it up. It really takes two people, and all I have is me. I might try and just record it and replay it later. 06/07/03- SNL tonight (9 PM EST). Here is a web link to a story on the show, This link contains female nudity. You have been warned! : http://members.lycos.co.uk/snaeday/ Here is the link to all our show web links: Show Web links 06/04/03- Don't Miss SNL at 9 PM on 06/07- Radio Jack and DJ Joe- Classic radio! Includes a special report from the James Taylor Concert in Tampa. 06/03/03- Radio Jack has not been feeling well over the past days. Thank goodness for the station computer, it is running things like a champ. RJ and DJ Jill will be in Tampa for James Taylor on Thursday. We may have a music review show Friday night if the staff is up for it. Otherwise June is slow on live shows. 06/01/03- Tune in tonight at 8:30 PM for a Special Radio Jack Show. Radio Jack believes music has healing power. Radio Jack's karma is in need of healing. Stay tuned for an edition of The Nexis.
05/30/03- Check out tonight's FNL. House Band Velvet Dimension is in! Guest Host tonight is Todd. Dare we tell him the DJ requirements?? Radio Jack has written a whopper of a show- should put our rookie host to the test. The fun starts at 9 PM. Call in requests and comments. We will give a way some CD's tonight as well. There is no better way to spend a Friday night than with Jack and Jill Radio. 05/28/03- Randy Goat Radio tonight at 8 PM. Don't miss FNL this week with special musical guest Velvet Dimension. Watch the program page. With the new scheduler program, I am going to start running material that is not 'FM' friendly during the RF down time. FM is down during the following hours M-F 7 AM to 6 PM. Examples would be : Eric Schwartz "red" uncensored, Lewis Black 'white album' and many other comedy albums in the uncensored state. REMEMBER: Listener discretion is advised! 05/26/03- Jack and Jill Radio honors the men and women who give their lives in the service of our country and our space program, to preserve our way of life. To the families - thank-you, to the rest of us, may we never take for grant it or forget the price of freedom. God bless America. 05/25/03- Thanks to Friction Farm, Randy Goat Radio and DJ Joe for helping produce one of best SNL shows to date. Great work everyone. That station will run all day tomorrow for the holiday. 05/24/03- DONT MISS TONIGHT'S SHOW- This promises to be one of our best! Ping- Pong with Randy Goat Radio and special musical guest- Friction Farm. I have some new comedy clips, we have a great sketch, live music- it is going to be soooo much fun! Check back later for updates. 05/23/03- There will be a Live Show tonight, but not an FNL. More like a Radio Jack- DJ Jill play what we feel like unless you call and request something show. Tomorrow night: Randy Goat Radio and Jack and Jill Radio Play- Ping Pong! Show starts at 8 PM with Goatboy and Mrpres, and Radio Jack and DJ Joe with special musical guest Friction Farm go on at 9 PM. We will ping pong segments till we drop. We are hoping for one of our funniest and best shows ever. If not, well we will be good and drunk and that's always good. During the day on Saturday we are going to be testing the new scheduler program. Later today I will post on the Program Page, what will play when. For the first time you will be able to plan to hear something special. David A. has done a fantastic job on this custom program for the station. Tune in for a great day of Radio. BTW Radio Jack will have some what of a voice for tomorrow, I am glad we are only doing half a show, will make it easier. 5/21/03- There have been a few program changes for the live shows. Check the Programs page for more details/ RGR at 8 PM to night. 05/20/03- Well Radio Jack has some what of a voice coming back. I hope to be up to speed for all the good radio towards the end of the week. DJ Joe sent a link to me today from a local newspaper about a pirate station in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. It may not be long before a big sweep is started. Remember we are on the internet with our audio 24/7 via Live 365. If I catch any wind of a problem the RF side is gone. The station can go on forever (so to speak) on the internet. I would really hate to loose the studio and CD's, which they could take. Now more than ever if you listen to this station, drop me an email. I need to get a grasp on how many listeners we really have. Enjoy Free Radio while is lasts. Lets hope our adherence to the 'unspoken' rules keep us safe. Actually, it just might be the voodoo doll DJ Diaoblique got us, you don't know. Peace and Free Radio to all. Jack and Jill Radio Email 05/18/03- Thanks to DJ Joe for covering the weekend. I have not heard the shows yet, but I am sure they are great. The DSP was fixed, but we need to learn how to save the settings so some were lost. We will get it back- we are running the normal profile right now. As of today Radio Jack has no voice. Little man Jack had a virus which gave him laryngitis. I thought I'd miss it , but it got me. I have no voice. I am hoping to be better for all the big shows this weekend. If not, I will figure something out. This is very strange being without a voice. I will update my recovery here as we move towards the weekend. None the less DJ Jill and I had a great weekend celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary at Disney. 05/16/03- Am excellent variation on a theme for the $2 Rack show last night. Thanks to DJ Motorcycle and DJ Diaoblique for joining me last night. Show some support for DJ Joe tonight and tomorrow. Call in your requests. 05/15/03- $2 Rack Show tonight, if anybody comes...staff has been remiss in answering Radio Jack's emails. So I have a plan, if no one shows it will be a Best of the $2 Rack show, and I will go back through the old shows CDs and play them. I have wanted to do a show like that any way. Gives me a back-up plan. Look for DJ Joe this Friday and Saturday night. 05/14/03- Our new scheduler program is in beta testing. Has a few issues to work out, but looks real good. It should be online late next week. Watch for an announcement. Randy Goat Radio tonight at 8 PM. Thursday is $2 Rack- don't miss it. It has been a while. UPDATE: Just added a RJS Thursday night May 22 at 9 PM Meet Troy Kelley of Neurodisc Records. 05/11/03- Happy Mother's Day. DJ Jill and I had a great time last night mixing music live. No phone calls, as I have yet to figure out what gets people to call. Light Jazz and New Age will run today. I am in the mood for low key today. Relaxing is in order. See the program page for up coming shows. I will update it as I add stuff for this week and next. Thursday is the $2 Rack show. Listeners are allowed to compete. Just send your submissions to Radio Jack at Jack and Jill Radio. Click the link for the details. I am sure you know the rules by now. 05/09/03- FNL 'Rock Show' with DJ Motorcycle- Smooth 'slick' show. The way Radio Jack likes us to sound. 05/08/03- Neurodisc CDs came in yesterday- they are just breath-taking. I can't wait to do a Nexis show. Top notch music. FNL (9 PM) tonight is Co-hosted by DJ Motorcycle and will be 'a rock show' DJM is going to continue Radio Jack's music education on rock music. Friction Farm is going to be on May 24, SNL. Listen for their music on the station starting tonight. This is the show we are doing with Randy Goat Radio. This promises to be a great show! We will have a new guest host on FNL May 30. More to come on this. Lots going on- tune in tonight for details. 05/07/03- Randy Goat Radio will run tonight at 8 PM. Saw the beat copy of the new scheduler software for the station. It is just awesome. David Arthur, our C++ writer, hopes to have it done in th next week or so. Look for programming changes when we get it in and running. Had a great conversation with Troy from Neurodisc- a local record label. Neurodisc carries a lot of artists that we will use in The Nexis Show. Troy is going to send us some demo discs of some of their artists. Look for some new stuff on the air here soon. Lots of real good radio on the way- keep us tuned in. 05/06/03- May 23 on FNL meet the band- Friction Farm. With Aidan Quinn - guitar, vocals and Christine Stay - bass and vocals. I heard them back early in the year at a Broward Folk Club event. They are fantastic! Because they are new to the Jack and Jill Radio family of bands, we are going to do a short interview with them. I know you are going to enjoy this band, check out their web site at the about link. Thursday May 15 at 8:30- $2 Rack Show. May 16 and 17- Look for The DJ Joe Extravaganza. It is possible there will be a Radio Jack show tonight. Check around 8:30 PM and see what's up. 05/05/03- I have finally run across a good way to describe the show I call 'The Nexis' : New Age-down tempo groove/trance. That works! Edition 3 aired last night. It was a great mix, if I do say so myself, and I do. Going to work on an edit of the Round table show #2. I think I can save it. May take a week or two. I going to try and get DJ Motorcycle to do a show with me on hard rock/metal. Going to work the Radio Jack music education angle. New software for scheduling replays will arrive on Wednesday. I hope to have it installed by the weekend. This will allow us to post exact times for certain replays. 05/04/03- Well is was not our best, but it was a show. I will listen to it today and see if it is worth replay. The best part was just hanging with the staff. The pizza was good too. I guess everything , BUT the show was good. Maybe RJ will do a show tonight we'll see. Tuesday will be a RJS and Wednesday Randy Goat Radio, With FNL on Friday- I think DJ Lady Hawke maybe in for that one. 05/03/03- Here is the link to the web links for tonight's Round Table show: Click Here for weblinks 05/02/03- Some where around 8:300 to 9 PM tomorrow night (5/3/03) Round Table #2 will air LIVE! Lots of fun stuff in store. Good music, good conversation, good drinking- need I say more? Join Radio Jack, DJ Jill, DJ Diaoblique, and DJ Motorcycle for 'The Round Table'. Shows coming up: Friday Night Live: May 9, May 23, and May 30. Watch for details on the May 24 show with Randy Goat Radio, this maybe one for the books! May is going to be a awesome month on Jack and Jill Radio. 05/01/03- 104.1 FM is on the air again, twice to be exact. This morning on the way to work I heard two stations using the channel. One seems to be the former occupants of the channel as I heard familiar voices and the mono signal. The other was a weak stereo signal with gospel programming. I wonder who will win this pissing contest? Start thinking about Friday, October 31. This will mark 2 years on the air. We are going to do the block party from 6 to 10 PM, then move out back for an all night bash. This should top all our party/shows to date if I have my way. May 24- A very special Saturday Night Live Show with Randy Goat Radio. We will start the show at 8 PM and exchange at least two segments with them. We are working on a live band for the show. If you want to be in the studio audience, get your requests in early, as we have limited space. BTW women willing to topless get first choice of seats and drinks are on the house. More to follow on this event. Up coming Friday Night Live shows TBA very soon. I will post as soon as co-hosts/musical guests are confirmed.
04/29/03- Not sure what the status of up coming shows is. Like to get DJ Diaoblique back in here soon. Maybe we can talk her into this Saturday Night..... Any body up for a wild and crazy show? Somebody let Bobby Big Balls know.... 04/28/03- Well our first remote is done. The first half was a total and complete disaster. Radio Jack worked hard and had a recovery for the second half, which was not too bad, but still left to be desired. I learned a lot, and staff has already been discussing answers to the problems we encountered. We will do better next time. Thanks to DJCM for running the remote board, to Dave Up the Street for talking Eric into letting us try this, and Eric for being patience and allowing us to practice with his work. Next Live radio is Randy Goat Radio on Wednesday at 8 PM. 04/27/03- DJ Captain Morgan was back at the helm last night. Thanks DJCM! We also got a glimpse of Studio B last night. Great re-model. We look forward to hearing more from our other studios. Here are the current Studio assignments: Studio A: Radio Jack/DJ Jill Main Station, Studio B: DJ Captain Morgan and DJ Magical Wendi, Studio C: DJ Joe and Intern JR, Studio D: DJ Motorcycle and DJ Diaoblique, Studio E: DJ Rambler and DJ Lady Hawke, Studio F: Dave Up the Street. Studio F is where our first live remote is going to take place this Monday, at 7:30 PM. Remember: this is an adult show, with very cutting satire. If you are easily offended or have strong views, think carefully about listening. This is what free radio is all about- broadcasting content this is not always main stream. Profanity will be at a minimum, but there maybe some. You have been warned. 04/26/03- Big thanks to Velvet Dimension for a great show last night. Velvet Dimension has been appointed the house band for Jack and Jill Radio. Congrats! Thanks to DJ Motorcycle and DJ Diaoblique for going back out and getting us more soda last night- DJ Diaoblique never mentioned what she wanted in return for the favor, hummm... As always our great sound would not be here without the efforts of DJ Joe, he is not the assistant general manger with out good reason. Thanks DJ Joe. Jack and Jill Radio is the efforts of the best friends and staff a person could have. Don't miss the Captain Morgan Show- Mutiny on the Ship tonight around 7:30 or so. 04/24/03- Radio Jack and Dave Up the Street spent a lot of time last night and got the remote working good. Don't miss this show here live on Monday see this link for more details: Glades Edge House Concerts Thanks to Randy Goat Radio for running on auto last night. Was it a good show? Drop me a note: Jack and Jill Radio Email 04/23/03- Great News! Jack and Jill Radio has just booked it's first remote! We are going to carry live the Glades Edge ,Eric "RED" Schwartz concert Monday April 28, 2003 at 7:30 PM. NOTE: This concert is for mature audiences only. It contains adult themes and language. I have heard the CD is Eric is very funny and creative. This is going to be fun, and what 'free radio' is all about. Join us for a great new step for Jack and Jill Radio. 04/22/03- I made a change in the internet audio. I am now feeding it from the headphone amp, rather than off the headphone output on the main board. Sounds so much better. I think the feed needed more 'juice' to the compressor (DBX 163x). With the 56 K stream it really sounds good. Some of you have asked how you can help Jack and Jill Radio- here is how you can help us and it won't cost you a penny. Go to Live 365 and log in to your account (which is free as well), and select Jack and Jill Radio as your favorite station. For each person that does this, we get $.50 off our monthly fees for our internet broadcasting. We will get that each month, so keep us as your favorite station. If you choose to enjoy ad-free listening, make sure to say you were sent by Jack and Jill Radio , we get a one time $1.50 per person off our fees. Thanks for your support. 04/21/03- No Radio Jack show tonight. Replays will roll. DJ Motorcycle and Radio Jack went for a great motorcycle ride today. Lot of good radio to come this week, so keep tuned in. Use the internet side of the station if the interference from that 'other' station drives you too crazy. Stream is back at a 56K stream, we knocked it down for the weekend to help some out of state listeners. 04/20/03- Happy Easter to all. Holy Smoke! Was that the best show last night or what??? It is already in replay as I write this. That was so much fun. Thanks to Jersey Jack, DJ Joe, DJ Diaoblique, and DJ Motorcycle for being here and helping produce one of our best SNL shows ever. We are setting new benchmarks every show. Thanks to my great staff for making this the most enjoyable project I have ever undertaken. Enjoy the holiday and all the good music queued up for today. [Zoppi- hummm Zopopi...Zloopy....] 04/19/03- Thanks to DJ Xwing for a great and well prepared Two little Fish in the Sea show. Tonight's SNL is going to be awesome! DJ Joe has rounded up one of his old guitar buddies from NJ. This will be one of the best live music SNL’s ever. Start time 9 PM. We got a free plug on Radio X last night -88.5 FM. They do have some very interesting programming. Check them out. [RADIO JACK SOAPBOX MODE ON:] On a serious note- the 104.7 in Hollywood with the Yiddish programming has gotten even stronger. We just have to live with it folks. We were here before them, and we will be here long after they are gone. We play by the unspoken 'rules' of free radio, where they shamelessly ignore these and are broadcasting for profit. We are a community radio station for our friends and neighbors. God bless Jack and Jill Radio, and may God continue to bless America. [RADIO JACK SOAPBOX MODE OFF:] 04/18/03- Cognates to Lady Hawke who took the jump last night and made full DJ status. A big thanks to DJ Lady Hawke and DJ Rambler for a great show. We hope to have DJ Lady Hawke do her own show here before long. Two little Fish in the Sea Show tonight with special co-host Radio Jack airs tonight from 7 PM to 9 PM. CEUS (points for the contest) are offered for tonight's show. I am going to have DJ Joe make a special contest page, with all the details on how to earn you Jack and Jill Radio Shirts. Check back in the next few days for the questions to answer from last nights segment on Fred Rogers and The Presidential Medal of Freedom. Also we will post how to register your points. Isn't free radio the best- so much fun and no commercials bashing you. 04/17/03- Looking at some new equipment for the station: JK Audio Inline patch: to interface the phone line to the main station board better. Maybe some new transmission line so we can extend that last 5 feet of tower. Still never got the turntable- had a few prospects, but never had one come in. Going to place a T-shirt order next week. Staff get your orders in now!!! We are going to try and make a few extras for give-a-ways. Thinking about an event at a local bar- with one of our bands. Any suggestions? Another idea was brought up, we could put an email server up so we could have email addresses of <whatever>@jackandjillradio.com. Free of course, just for fun. Any interest? Email: Jack and Jill Radio LATE NEWS: DJ Motorcycle and DJ Diaoblique can not make it tonight for TNL. DJ Rambler and Lady Hawke are going to join Radio Jack on the mics for this historic 1st Thursday Night Live Show. Show should start some time around 7:30 or 8:00 PM US- EDT -RJ 04/16/03- What did you think of the second edition of 'The Nexis'? I am digging this sound. Coming this week the first Thursday Night live show with DJ Motorcycle and DJ Diaoblique. I am looking forward to a great show. Lots to chat about and let's see what music they bring to play. Knowing them, there should be plenty of Radio Jack bashing going on. Tune in for the fun. Live shows will now be listed on the Programming Information page. They will be announced and promoted here as well, but the format on the programming page will help you plan your listening better. The world of Jack and Jill Radio just gets more refined by the day. In fact you would almost think we know what we are doing- NOT! Rumor has it DJ Captain Morgan has plans for a mutiny on April 26- stay tuned. 04/15/03- TAX DAY- YUCK! RJ and DJ Jill have already got our refund and spent most of it. Tune in tonight for some great music to finish your taxes by. Thanks to DJ Jill for a great Monday Night live last night. Busy week of radio ahead. Up coming Live Shows: [MOVED TO: Programming Information] 04/14/03- Radio Jack is back! Way to short a trip, Mickey got a few more $$$ out of our pockets. So how did DJ Joe do over the weekend?? I need a DJ Joe report card. I have the shows here and will rip them tonight for replay here soon. This should be a great week of live radio too. RJS tomorrow and Thursday, with Randy Goat on Wednesday, then Two little fish on Friday and then RJ and DJ Joe with SNL. Awesome stuff coming up. We installed a new piece of software on the station computer. It is a software compressor/limiter. It is meant to try and keep all the replays at the same level. Thanks to DJ Joe for tweaking out the settings for us. Enjoy the full week of live free radio. 04/10/03- PROGRAM CHANGES: Velvet Dimension will be coming on Friday April 25th for FNL. April 19th will be an SNL Show featuring DJ Joe and New Jersey Jack on the Dan Electros. Friday, April 18th will be the Two Little Fish Show. Radio Jack is also working on a deal to carry a live house concert from Dave up the street. We are checking to see if the artists is game. I'd just like to see if we can pull it off. If I am not to tired tonight, a RJS. BTW: Do you like the occasional use of color in this news? Do an Email with comments to: Jack and Jill Radio 04/09/03- Well a new show just fell into Radio Jack's lap last night- 'The Nexis'- It is a dance/trance/New Age/Electronica mix. It turned out to be the second half of the RJS. I am going to develop it more in the next few weeks. I need to find more music , make IDs and promos etc. Has real promise, as I am really digging this sound. Randy Goat Radio will run tonight at 8 PM. RJS on Thursday night 8:30 PM or so. Heard from another free radio station manager today- says he got a call from a local commercial stations program director who said- 'Enjoy it while it lasts..' That can be taken a lot of ways. We are not trying to take anyone away from their normal listening habits. Even I, Radio Jack do listen to a commercial station now and then- don't like it, but I do. We are just having fun doing something for our friends and neighbors. We meet all the LPFM standards. It's just LPFM isn't available here in South Florida. [Radio Jack Soap Box MODE ON]To our commercial broadcasters: What are you afraid of? With our whopping 6 miles of coverage we are going to run you out of business? Is our content that good you think your listeners are flocking to us? Give me a break! Let's us have some fun. If you know we are here, then you must be listening to us, and we must be good cause you are calling us. Let Free Radio ring! [Radio Jack Soap Box MODE OFF] 04/07/03- Great weekend of shows. Look for another new DJ Megahertz Trance Mix tonight. RJS at 8:30 or so tonight. Going to work on some live radio with DJ Motorcycle and DJ Dioblique for later this week. DJ Joe will work the weekend while Radio Jack, DJ Jill and Little man Jack hit the open road for a visit with Mickey. Velvet Dimension will be in the house for Saturday Night Live- April 19. They have a new guitar player- DJ Joe says he is still better- join us and let's see! Just got the new script for the next "Two little Fish in the Sea" show. Looks like Jazz is next on the music agenda, along with other great life questions. Join DJ Xwing and DJ Epyon as they solve the worlds problems in just two hours on April 18th at 7 PM. Activity is going to pickup here for the month of April, join us for a great summer of "Radio for the mind that thinks" Radio Jack Editorial Note: The question was raised the other day-'Why don't you post what is going to be on when?" Answer: You would not come back to see what we were doing , if you knew what we were doing. I want you to check in and see what's up. New shows and special shows of course will be posted, but replays will just be a grand mix of our over 350 discs of shows. Hey if one show doesn't do it for you, check back in a few hours and something different will be on. Life has many moods and so does the station. Enjoy the mystery of the main station replay loop. 04/04/03- Tonight at 6 PM the 24 hour Lost Show Marathon- 21 hours of never before replayed shows. Some great stuff take a listen. Maybe live radio on Saturday, depends on a lot of different things. Check back later for news updates. 04/02/03- Radio Jack will be on Radio Margaritavilleon Saturday from 9 to 10 AM. Check out the show. I will add this to the Main Loop after it finishes running on Radio Margaritaville. Starting Friday at 6 PM and running for 24 hours it's the "Lost Show Marathon" 7 Lost shows from the vaults here at the Up the Hill Radio network building. Main Loop is being revised. You may hear the same show replays close together. This won't last long as I get all the shows into the loop. I am trying to make it so late nights have more classical and New Age. Since our shows are exact times it's hard to gage where they fall. We will get it worked out.
03/30/03- I got a call at 7 AM today from another Free radio broadcaster. It seems a very strong station has appeared at 104.7. Our range has been reduced. We will continue to broadcast right where we are. There are things we can do to regain range, most of which take money. I will wait a week or so and see what the deal is with this new station. Word on the street is it is someone who was busted once before, which means they know the ropes, and there are really no rules to this hobby/game. I suggest using the internet to listen to the station when at home. If you don't have cable or DSL for high speed access, spring for it. It is worth every penny. The feed is back at 56K so the quality is awesome. Thanks to DJ Joe for a great SNL show last night. If not the best, very close to, our best effort yet. It is ripped and ready for replay later today. Lots of live radio to come this week. Check here and keep tuned in. We need your support now more than ever. 03/29/03- 4 PM today we aired a special event a James Taylor concert on the BBC2 Radio. Great show we will rip it and have it ready for replay soon. "The Lost Shows"- According to station records we are missing 9 shows from the vaults, I found 1 Music Review show, 2 DJ Captain Morgan show- one incomplete due to CD crash, 4 DJ Joe Shows, 1 incomplete due to CD crash as well. That is 7 of the Lost 9, so i will get them ripped and we will have a "Lost Show Marathon". I have a Music Review show marathon ready too. I just want to add this lost show and then I will run it. I will post the date soon. Don't miss SNL tonight with Radio Jack And DJ Joe. NOTE: Seems I was not clear last week on FNL. The thoughts presented in the "this week in email" segment, are mine Radio Jack. I don't make a regular practice of making statements that have a political flavor, but it seems they came out that way. The station is not about political or religious views , it is about music and fun. I will try to make a point to disclaimer future soapbox rants. God Bless America and our troops. May they come home safely and soon. 03/25/03- Voice mail system is back up. I did not restore the entire system as most of it was not being used. Just the basic mailboxes are there. Friday night is up in the air now. We may go to see Zen Dog for their CD release party at the Culture Room. Saturday night for sure is a show. DJ Joe and I have a great 'G' Spot segment planned. New transmission line and 5 more feet on the tower are the next project. Weather has played havoc with the signal too. Internet feed is back to 33K stream. I was not happy with the results at the 56K feed. Thought we had more bandwidth, but I guess we don't. Oh well. 03/24/03- Voice Mail system is up on a very limited status. It's a long story. Later this week I should have the entire system rebuilt. No show on Thursday, but we may add a show Friday Night- dare I say, maybe Dead Fred #3??? Might have a musical guest for Saturday Night Live- Check back for details. 03/23/03- Great show last night with DJ Xwing and DJ Epyon. They have a bright future. It is a pleasure to see two teens with their heads screwed on right. I realized this morning I forgot to turn the web cam on. Sorry ya'll. I also thought of another note- next "Two Little Fish" I will slow the feed to a 33K instead of a 56K to make it easier for online listeners to hear. Lots of great radio this nest week. We will be live Tuesday-RJS, Wednesday-Randy Goat, Thursday-RJS and Saturday-SNL. Times will vary but usually around 8 to 9 PM. Voice mail is still down. I lost the CD with the modem drivers. I have to take the computer apart and look at the chipset and download the drivers. 03/21/03- Friday Night Live tonight around 8:30 PM. No idea if i will have a co-host or not, but I have great show planned. Got a new bit to do- you can win a free CD. Feature CD for tonight is Van Halen- Carnal Knowledge. Web Cams , chat room, all the goodies. Get a six pack and join Radio Jack for a great night of radio. Don't miss the new show tomorrow at 8 PM-"Two little fish in the sea." BTW Voice Mail is still down- computer is being a pain and I have not had the time to really work on it. 03/18/03- Our thoughts and prayers are with those serving our country as we enter this time of war. 03/17/03- Randy Goat on Wednesday, FNL on Friday and Two Little Fish in the Sea on Saturday. Another great week of radio coming up. So far seems internet feed is much better- must have been the modem. Thanks to the staff for a great music review show. Listen for replays it is already in the Main Loop. NOTE: Voice Mail will be down for the next few days. Computer was doing some weird things, so I dumped the hard drive. It will be back up soon. Had a unique experience tonight, went up to get a sandwich and when I got out of the truck, I heard the station on someone's car radio. Could not tell where it was, but I heard it. Someone is hearing us! That is cool. 03/15/03- Music review tonight 8:30 PM or so. All staff welcome. New cable modem is in. Let's hope it is more stable. Bon Jovi was a great show last night. Tim McGraw tonight- someone call reports from the show. Great week of radio next week too! Watch for details. 03/14/03- Thanks to DJ Diaoblique for co-hosting Thursday Night Live. It was fun to have her in the house. Great show. Don't miss the music review coming up tomorrow night 8:30 PM or so. It will be fun! 03/13/03- The internet side is still having with drop outs. Hopefully Saturday this will get fixed. Thanks to Randy Goat Radio for a good show last night. Live radio tonight sometime after 8:30 PM. Not sure what kind of show, but we will have something. 03/10/03- Music Review Show this Saturday Night at 8 PM. It's been a while, this should be a good one as there are several different types of music on the agenda. Tuesday (3/11) and Thursday (3/13) there will be live radio. There are three possible shows: RJS, $2 Rack, Game Night. Tune in and find out what's on. We will take requests on any of those nights as well. Randy Goat Radio will air live on Wednesday night at 8 PM. Maybe even a RJS tonight. Been a long time since we have had a full week of live radio. Tune in and give us a call. (954) 741-7233 is the studio line. UPDATE: Seems there maybe a problem with the station cable modem. They are coming Saturday to look at it. Till then the internet feed may go up and down at random. Nothing I can do until then. I have increased the audio quality to the full 56K stream. When the connection holds the audio is much better. 03/07/03- SNL Tomorrow night. Radio Jack is on his own for this one. Will get to some country music and JT Boots. It will be a good show. 3/22/03- 8 PM A special show will air "Two little fish in the sea" -Musings of two teenagers into Ska music. A venture off into 'reality' radio?? See you tomorrow night ON THE AIR! 03/05/03- Got a third UPS online last night. Should help keep internet feed more stable as the router is now on UPS. No RJS last night, but I did do the AED segment for Randy Goat Radio. They will air tonight at 8 PM, as long as the feed holds out. If it goes to crap, we will put one on a RGR replay. I think we have enough of their stuff make the Wednesday 8 PM slot dependable. SNL this week 8:30 PM Co-Host(s) TBA. Music Review just around the corner too. Also special new show on 3/22 by teens about Ska music. More to come. 03/03/03- RJ got the DSP on computer control today. It is a big help in ensuring we don't lose our work next time. Live radio tomorrow night. Some type of Radio Jack Show. All is well. 03/02/03- Live Radio tonight around 8:30 or so. New Age and Light Jazz. Next week look for live radio on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Not sure of format- have to see who is available. If you want in, drop and email. DSP is MUCH better. Going to get a MIDI port this week so I can access DSP with computer and save settings. Next known FNL is 3/21.
02/28/03- FNL tonight somewhere around 8:30 or so. DJ Joe and I have to work on the DSP. We are going to try the new computer control function and are going to tweak some. Great Show planned. Join us and call in! UPS should be back online tonight too. Nice to have stations computers protected again. Thanks to Bodie- (remember her from the country music review show??)- for going to get the new battery for the UPS. 02/25/03- Important Notes: Some how (power glitches from FPL) all the settings on the DSP got wiped out. We are working on getting our audio back, but it may take a few days. Also the internet feed will be down for a day or so as well. I am seeing some strange network activity from the internet feed computer. I need to figure out what is going on. Till then the station will be in basic mode, which means you'll hear tunes that have been uploaded to Live 365. I hope to know more on both issues in the next few days. UPDATE: DSP is sounding better. Show of the old shows I am airing are already compressed as recorded. Going through the compressor again is really squashing the sound. I am not sure how to deal with this. Internet feed is back up. I did not find any trojans, but I did find a program running that I did not know what it does. I installed Zone Alarm Fire Wall and locked it out and all is running well. I guess my sick day from work was not a total loss. 02/23/03- Thanks to Lady Hawke for being my co-host for FNL. It was a great show, listen for re-plays. We have had several musicians express interest in coming in to the studio. I am going to start setting dates soon. Watch here for details. I may even have another page devoted to what’s going on. James Taylor will be around June 5 and 6. Radio Jack will be at both shows. If your going to either show, drop a note and we will hook up for a drink. DJ Jill will be going with me to the Tampa show June 5th and I have asked DJ Joe to go to the show in West Palm on the 6th. 02/21/03- Don't Miss Friday Night Live tonight. I it will start around 8 to 8:30 PM. I don't know if I will have a Co-Host or not tonight. Soooo make sure to call in your requests- I might need the company. Also for those of you who listened to 95.3 Skywave Radio- he shut down the station. He was tired of trying to compete with the others on that channel. He wanted more range. He is looking for another channel. Jack and Jill is going to stay right where we are. We are happy with the range- and feel it will add to the life of the station. 02/19/03- Not sure what will air tonight. I have made a show to submit to Radio Margraitaville - Jimmy Buffet's Internet Radio Station. I need to fix a few things with the show, so the station may run on other music sources till I am finished. I would try and run Randy Goat, but the feed has been so poor. We will see what happens. Got a ton of good CD's yesterday at Border's for a $1 each. Some really good stuff too! I guess I need to work up a $1 rack show huh? 02/17/03- Today is Radio Jack's Birthday. Had a wonderful day yesterday and today with DJ Jill. Life is good. I have much to be thankful for. Live radio Wednesday night and some kinda Friday Night Live show will go down. I don't think DJ Joe can be here Friday night- anyone want to guest host with Radio Jack? James Taylor is coming to Tampa June 5th. Radio Jack and DJ Jill will be there. Let us know if you are going to the show. We will be at Bon Jovi on March 14 as well. I guess March is going to be busy too. 02/12/03- Maybe a live RJS tomorrow night. Depends on how I feel. I have this sinus infection with the cough to go with it. It sucks! Working on a big party for March or April- any suggestions on what we should have or do? I forgot to thank DJ Joe for his excellent remixes from the recent FNL Shows. Top notch stuff- that is why he is the assistant general manager. DJ Joe you are the best! 02/11/03- Had a great trip this weekend to see Jimmy Buffet in Tampa. Great show, lots of energy. It was great to have Monster Zero in on FNL. They have been now declared the 'house band' of Jack and Jill Radio. Remixes are done and will begin to air here soon. Due to a real busy schedule, we might not have much live radio over the next few weeks. There are a few new show ideas in the works, and of course your favorites. $2 Rack, Music Review, Mistress Diaolibque's Domain (that's just a different way of saying wild drunken nakedness in the studio) Stay tuned- Radio for the Mind that thinks, Radio that is too good to turn off- Jack and Jill Radio. 02/04/03- Today is DJ Magical Wendi's birthday- she says she is 38, but she looks much younger...(did I say that right?) She is and recovering from surgery and doing well. We wish her a Happy Birthday and a speedy recovery. Steven Tyler from Aerosmith is going to do a special home concert for her later today. We will air it live on the station. (maybe that was a little much huh?) 02/03/03- Took the night off to run a few errands and also take a visit to Rocket Radio- 89.5 FM. They are west and south- best around the 136 Ave and 595 area. They are super oldies- and do-op. Check them out when you are in that area. There are several other stations using 89.5, but you can't mistake Rocket's programming it is quite unique. Next live radio will be Wednesday night- Randy Goat Radio. If the feed is still not good, we will be live with a show of some nature. This Friday night brings Monster Zero back to the studio. This will be a great show. These guys are funny and really cool people. Show should start somewhere in the 9 to 9:30 PM area. 02/02/03- Station Coverage is poor today. I believe it is due to sunspots. The cycle is at the peak. Replays most of today and maybe a new age show later in the day. Live Radio Jack show tomorrow somewhere around 8 or 9 PM. 02/01/03- Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and co-workers of the Space Shuttle Columbia following today's tragic events. We will run the CNN coverage on the air until they begin commercials, then we will return to normal programming. Friday Night Live -on 2/7 will be dedicated to the seven brave explorers of the Space Shuttle Columbia.
01/31/03- Jack and Jill Radio welcomes Special musical guest China Doll to the studio tonight for Friday Night Live. We will start somewhere between 9 and 9:30 PM. It will be a two hour show. Feature CD will be: Diane Arkenstone: Jewel in the Sun. This is a promo CD thanks to Neo Pacific Recording and Paras Records. Neo Pacifica Recordings and Paras Group 01/29/03- DJ Jill and Radio Jack met Pamala Stanley last night at a special dinner for DJ Jill's work. She is just fantastic! I got her CD's- her solo work "It's all in the Game" and her band CD "Live and Cookin'". These will air on Friday night during Friday Night Live show. Pamala has already committed to coming into the studio to play live. It will be a great show- she plays keyboards and has an awesome voice. Watch for details. We also stopped by Ohara's downtown and saw a group "Blue Stone" They did original and cover tunes, mostly blues with a few southern rock and swing or two mixed it. Good show. Gave them a card but I don't know if I will hear from them. Special musical guest for FNL this week is: China Doll. The whole band will be here live. It will be great to have them in the house again. FNL will have all the new features- The G Spot with DJ Joe, Radio Jacks- Who the hell is that, News, weather, comedy clips, and more. Grab a 12 pack, sit out back, crank up the radio and let's have FUN!! 01/28/03- On a serious note- DJ Magical Wendi went in for surgery today. We wish her the best for a speedy recovery. 01/25/03- Excellent show last night. Velvet Dimension was fantastic! They are super nice people and fun to work with. See this link for pictures from the show: Velvet Dimension in Studio A. Replays of this show will begin today. KVM switch is taken care of, so voice mail is back up and Internet feed is running good. We are going to build a computer to record the show so we are not at the mercy of the CD-R and bad discs. Monster Zero is confirmed to be here on Feb.7 for Friday Night Live. They are always a great show- not to mention they are really funny guys too. Our local talent is just awesome- that's why we do what we do- people must hear these bands. 01/23/02- Voice Mail will be down, but internet is up. The KVM switch came with the wrong cables, and I need to get adapters today to make it work. So most of the station network is down. I hope to get them today and have everything back up to speed tonight. The computer and replays are working great. This automation makes the station much more 'livable' for Radio Jack and DJ Jill. I am pleased with our current track and results. It so cool to run all our own shows and not depend on any other source for programming. 01/22/03- Station will be up tonight on replays. No Randy Goat, as Radio Jack will be installing a new KVM switch. I have to take the network down so I can't stream the audio. Internet will be down for several hours. I will let you know the results of the upgrades tomorrow. Friday Night Live will feature live musical guest- Velvet Dimension. Show will start at 9 PM. 01/19/03- Festival yesterday was great! Cold as all get out, but worth is. Made some great new contacts. Got several new CDs. Played a few already today. We should have some great new music on the air here. No show on Monday as I have to work overtime. Wednesday Randy Goat at 8 PM. Friday night Live at 8 or 9 PM- hopefully we will have a musical guest, no one has booked yet. 01/17/03- Folk festival this weekend, so I doubt any live radio. Check in though you never know when Radio Jack will get a wild hair and head for the studio. We have a need, a turntable. Any body got a working turntable you don't need and would like to donate? We have several projects that require a turntable. Drop an email to Radio Jack at: Jack and Jill Radio 01/15/03- It is with great pleasure I announce Jack and Jill Radio has a new DJ. DJ Magical Wendi- for her selfless act of saving a show by going out less than an hour before a show and getting Music CD-R’s so we could record the show with Leonardo. There was never a question- she went and saved the day. So by the power vested in me, Radio Jack- station general manager- Magical Wendi shall hence forth be known as DJ Magical Wendi- so it is spoken, so it shall be. The show was a complete and total success. Leonardo was great, Dave up the street was an excellent co-host, Jack and Jill reached a new level of free radio. "All is well." and "Life is Good". 01/14/03- Special Show tomorrow night at 9 PM- Leonardo Biciunas, a finalist in the 2003 South Florida Folk Festival Singer Songwriter Competition will be live in Studio A. Thanks to 'Dave up the street' for hooking us up. Randy Goat Radio will run from 8 PM to 9 PM Then the Special Radio Jack Show at 9 PM. More good news- Monster Zero will be in the house sometime this month too. This is what free radio is all about guys and gals- it just gets better and better. 01/13/03- The Round table will be re-scheduled after DJ Diaoblique gets better. She was real sick, even Radio Jack felt sorry for her. Radio Jack Shows This week: Monday and Wednesday at 8 PM. No planned shows for the weekend as we are going to try and attend the South Florida Folk Festival at Easterling Park. China Doll, a staff and station favorite, will be live in Studio A for Friday Night Live on 1/31/03- 9 PM. More details to follow. Yes, we are "Radio just too good to turn off"! UPDATE: Radio Jack got the main station CD player fixed today. Parts came from the factory and RJ fixed it himself. Station saved $100- more CD's are in order I believe. Short show tonight, we are out of CD's. 01/11/03- We might have to cancel The Round Table show tonight- DJ Diaoblique is under the weather. I am not sure what we will run. Thanks to DJ Joe for a great FNL. Radio is so much fun to do. 01/10/03- Friday Night Live tonight 9 PM. Should be a great show Radio Jack and DJ Joe are on tap. The Dan Electros will be plugged in- we are going to rock. A couple of new features tonight. CD's to giveaway- FUN, I mean real FUN! Tomorrow at 9 PM The Round Table Show- This will be our second edition- Should be some great talk radio- PG-13 you have been warned! 01/08/03- Nothing much new to report today- but I knew you news junkies would be checking the page. Check the program page later today, I am going to update this for January to reflect more of what is going on now. There might be live radio Saturday night as well. Check the news page tomorrow for details. 01/07/03- Randy Goat Radio tonight at 8 PM. Friday Night Live at 9 PM. Lots of live shows coming up. Going to be a great radio month. Some station improvements as well. Stay tuned for the fun! 01/06/03- Radio Jack Show tonight somewhere around 7 or 8 PM. Featuring the new Def Leppard Album X, and two Creed albums we just got for the station. We are going to rock tonight- call in your requests or email-Chat room will be open. Lots of fun stuff to talk about to. Turn off the TV and turn up the radio! 01/05/03- Like this classical music? Drop RJ a note and let me know. I can run more of it. Web site changes in the works- nothing major- just some small updates. I forgot another new show is in the works. DJ Diobliques idea- "Year by Year". WE are going to start at a given year, and do 3 years per show. Cover the top ten tunes, price of gas, president etc. You get the idea. The series will end with the 2002 show. Got a show idea? Send it to Radio Jack: Click here to email Jack and Jill Radio 01/04/03- Well FNL went okay last night. I figured out how to use the CD player with a flashlight. It was a PIA, but it was better than no show at all. No staff last night- and no phone calls to boot. RJ was very lonely. Spoke to DJ Megahertz today, and I will order the parts for CD player on Monday, and we will fix it in house. Found a used CD store today with a $1.00 rack. I got 20 CDs for the $2 rack show. Can't wait to listen to them. RJ had a new listener ask him to DJ their wedding. I was so flattered. I know you guys are out there and hear us, why don't you call once in a while? Just say Hi - it would mean a lot to me. Shows in the works- The third and final Dead Fred installment, Round Table, Side B Show, $2 Rack, and we almost have enough for another music review. Randy Goat Radio returns this Wednesday at 8 PM. 01/03/03- Eeekkk! Main Station CD player is down due to a display failure. I will try and do a Friday Night Live tonight. It may have to be all from the station computers. It can be done, but the show won't be as slick. Look around 9 PM. |