2004 News and Information
Note: All information on these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
11/28/04- Tune in tonight for a Special Edition of the Sunday
Evening Funnies. Got a few requests to do more of this show. So today I a
setting up this edition. Should be fun. Call in- I'll have a few t-shirts to
give away. |
10/31/04- Today is the
day-- HERE WE GO!!!! Hey everybody and Jack and Jill Radio! Thank you for playing our songs and for your feedback! The Orange Hill artwork on the cover is actually a landfill in Jersey City, NJ where the band is from. Lyrically, the bulk of our songs are based on the concept of love gone bad. We chose the landfill as a metaphor that symbolizes something that appears normal on the surface but is not as it appears underneath. As far as our live performance goes, we are able to make a respectable transition from the recorded material to the stage and the quality sound of our live shows is what we're known for. Thank you again for playing our songs and hope to hear more on the station!
09/25/04- Here we go
again- AHHHHHgggggg. I am so over storms. I will report on the station after
the storm. I will be at work until the storm passes. The station has been
beat up good and it look like it's gonna get another lick. Be safe and follow
all orders by local authorities- please don't say it's not coming, we must
act as if it is. "Cary Cooper is a musical gift from a
benevolent deity. Let's say you call the benevolent deity " Mother
Earth"- that's good- because Cary's music comes from the heart of a
mother and is written with her feet firmly on the ground."
08/28/04- Music Review Show is on for September 11th @ 8 PM. We will welcome a new staff member. Rotation will change today as well, so tune in for some different shows. LPFM news front - we hear a lot of talk, but word is the new law has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese and was only meant as a scare tactic. Taking any illegal stations off the air will only make room for those waiting to come on the air. South Florida is a multi-cultural, densely populated area. LPFM is not hard or expensive to do. Somewhere along the way people have gotten confused. They think because they are 'doing something good for their community' that this over rides the law. Somehow this gives them the 'right' to break the law. Don't get me wrong, I hate commercial radio and I feel it is the voice of cooperate America and does not serve the community near what it could. That aside, it still does not mean you can break the law. It means you need to change the law to meet the current needs of the community. No, I am not interested in contrasting points of view. I am a dictator, though a benevolent one.
07/21/04- Sorry it has been so long since an update. Everyone has been very busy with travel, birthdays, holidays- just general life stuff. We hope to get some shows back into production soon. TONS of activity on the free radio front. Check the Sun-Sentinal Site today for a story. All it takes is money. All I will say is read and be well informed.
07/08/04- Busy day- got the Station FTP server back up. If you had access, email me for the new User name and password. Also installed Netscape 7.1 to use for web page editing. I hope it works ok and does not change the links to images. This is a pain as the page counter is not on the local machine. Other programs change this, bummer. Anyway motorcycle rider tomorrow night and FNL on Friday. All is well. 07/07/04- This is so strange using a text editor to work with these web paages. DJ Joe says its better, but it would sure help to be able to see the end product as it is created. Anyway- Look for FNL This week with RJ and DJ Joe and we should be on SHE as well. The Acoustic Review Show in not in production right now. I expect it to restart in mid August. It is a VERY busy summer.
07/02/04- Well the system has been rebuilt. What a pain to reinstall all that software. It is was nice to have a clean slate, but wow the time it takes. All the servers are back up, except the FTP. I have forgotten how I set that up. Oh well. I am thinking about putting a new board in this box and make a dedicated server and then get another box for DJ Jill and general use. Playlist has been updated with new stuff. Enjoy.
06/29/04- BIG DISASTER- The main computer hard drive took a dump! Lost all my email, email server and all. Got a new hard drive, but it will take several days to rebuild. I hate when this happens. 06/22/04- New playlist is up. This is a very diverse set of shows. Will cover a wide range of taste. Look for FNL this week with Radio Jack and DJ Joe with a simul-cast on She. Start time 8 PM. We will feature Blues and old rock. RJS tonight 8 to 8:30 PM or thereabouts. We are number 9 in genre. Holding well. 06/17/04- We dropped to number 10, but we are still way up there! Had a few bad electrical hits at the studio- knocked the station computer for a loop- not good. We are back up and running. I am please to announce we now have a Web Mail Server. So if you have one our email addresses (@jackadnjillradio.com), you can access your account from any web browser. Contact Radio Jack for more details, or if you have interest in an account on our server. 06/14/04- We climbed another notch to number 8! Keep those stream going. The higher we get the better. I will try and get the show page up to date tonight. I am also going to try and install a Webmail server. This would allow web access to our domain- jackandjillradio.com. Why? Just because we can. 06/09/04- Great News we are number 9 in out genre Music to.. Music to. Keep listening online when you can. That helps boost our hours. FNL and SNL with Acoustic Review on Thursday. Busy week of Live Radio! She Radio in South-East Broward will carry some of our content this weekend. She Radio is working on a web site to come soon. 06/08/04- Ok- time to change formats- For the next week or so we will run Radio Jack Shows, DJ Joe Shows and a few Acoustic review shows here and there. Up the Hill Productions House Concerts is looking to open it's doors either July 16/17 or July 23/24. We are working on the first act now. If we get who we are talking to, it is going to be one hell of a opening act. I can't even believe it, and I always shoot for the stars! Look for Acoustic Review and SNL this week. Up the Hill Productions 06/02/04- We are real close to
the Top 10 stations in our genre on Live 365- we are number 11 in Music
To...To, which the way of saying multi-format. Log on and listen this
week and let's see if we can make the top ten this week- that would be cool.
05/25/04- Well some great shows over the past weekend. FNL with Rj and DJ Jill- fun show, and the first simulcast with She Free Radio. Live Radio: Wednesday to Friday this week. The Night Live Show Marathon continues. We are now up to May/June/July 2003. Enjoy some of the older shows. Oh yeah- I got five new ZZ Top CDs and 3 more Led Zeppelin. Look for our feature Led at 11 to really take off. 05/20/04- Acoustic Review Show for tonight is canceled. We have had some dead air recently due to the station computer have the famous 'blue screen of death'. On Windows 200 Pro, that is REAL bad. DJ Joe is going to re-work the machine and tweak it out. The playlist maybe short as we will use a backup computer during this time. Right now we are running a 'Night Live Show Marathon'. 05/14/04- Great Acoustic Review Show last night. Thanks to DJ Todd. I will re-air that show today. RJ and staff have a busy weekends, so no live radio this weekend. Up the Hill Productions is coming along. We are hoping for the first house concert in August or September. We will have concerts every other month, except for certain times during the year where we may have more due to people being in town. We are working on booking Girylman and Full Frontal Folk in early 2005. More to come. Web site is being developed at this time. Plan on spending a few days with us here and there for some excellent music and fun. 05/08/04- Neil from Makemeasong.com found this- Thanks Neil! From Hits Magazine April 19, 2004 It's about friggin' time. After kowtowing to Congress and the FCC for everyone from Janet Jackson and Bono to Howard Stern and Bubba the Love Sponge, at least some of the country's media companies have decided they're not gonna take it anymore. Viacom, Fox, RadioOne, Citadel, Beasley and Intercom are joining with activists like People for the American Way and Media Access Project to ask the FCC to overturn its recent decision that the F-word, and any other word the commissioners don't like, can be punished with major fines or license revocations. Neither NBC, whose broadcast of a Bono expletive on the Golden Globes prompted the FCC decision, nor ABC had joined the fight at presstime. NBC was expected to file a separate petition Monday. ABC is not planning to participate. Others asking the FCC to back down include performers Penn & Teller and Margaret Cho. If the FCC doesn't strike the Bono ruling, the protestors plan to file an appeal in federal court. The resulting legal battle could land any anti-indecency legislation in the Supreme Court, where at least one lawyer, Bob Corn-Revere, of Davis Wright Tremaine, believes firmly they will win. "The commission's harsh new policy has sent shock waves through the broadcast industry and is forcing licensees to censor speech that unquestionably is protected by the First Amendment," he wrote in the petition. "The FCC consciously assumed the role of a national arbiter of good taste, and its decision already is exerting a chilling effect." The chilling effect can already be seen in NBC's decision to blur an 80-year-old woman's exposed breast in a scene in ER; the implementation of delays during live shows; deletion of a hint of cleavage from a PBS documentary; firing of raunchy DJs; and even a public station's dismissal of longtime host Sandra Tsing-Loh. Many have criticized the FCC's inconsistency in defining indecency, and the lag time in petitioning for violations. Bono's use of the "F"-word on NBC's telecase Golden Globes in January 2003 wasn't a problem until six months later, when the Parents' Television Council protested the FCC's ruling that the "fleeting" uternace didn't warrant punishment. Corn-Revere also points out that FCC decisions saying euphemisms may also be indecent raise the question of whether "friggin'" or "freakin'" or "effin" might be off-limits as well. Viacom President Mel Karmazin has so far refused to pronounce any content
indecent, suggesting that was a matter for the company's lawyers to
determine, and alone among his broadcast bretheren, has stated a willingness
to challenge the definition of indecency in the courts. 05/06/04- We start carrying a new show tonight- Sidetracks with Ed McDonald. Tune into the Acoustic Review Show tonight for more details. I hope to post a new live show schedule soon.. |
04/29/04- No I don't update the news as much as I used to as DJ Joe points out. I guess cause I don't know if anyone really reads it. Anyway tomorrow night FNL with Radio Jack and DJ Joe and Special Guest: DJ Jill. DJ Jill has requested her own laptop for the show- so, Let the clip wars begin. I might not get to talk- with all those clips. Lots of fun stuff in the show- NEW and Exciting! Don't miss it! 04/25/04- Thanks to DJ Joe for the live show last night. I have not heard it yet, but it is almost ready for replay. Did he trash RJ? He usually does. Look for a live Sunday night show of some sort. Not sure what I will do, but live radio is in order. 04/20/04- All is well. Station is running well. Posted a couple more live shows for April. Lots of new CD's for Thursday night show. Tune in for some excellent new music. 04/13/04- Time to write your Florida Lawmakers, if you need help contact me: Here Florida Moves to Criminalize Pirate Radio; Jammers Hit Clear Channel? SB 2714 has been introduced in the Florida State Senate. This legislation would allow state authorities loose on the hunt for pirate stations; the act itself would be treated as a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a $5,000 fine. Presently it is a crime in Florida to intentionally interfere with radio signals - a misdemeanor. SB 2714 cleared the Senate's Committee on Communication and Public Utilities last month on a 7-1 vote and awaits similar endorsement by the Criminal Justice Committee. A companion bill in the state House (House 1197) has already been endorsed by its Committees on Business Regulation (28-8) and Appropriations (37-5). The Senate bill's language implies it will take effect on July 1, so these bills will be on the move this session for sure. The House bill already has a half-dozen co-sponsors. Not a peep from the corporate media, who hinted this was coming, nor from the FCC. You can thank State Senator J. Alex Villalobos and Representative David Rivera for doing the honors of hatchet men. Then there is this coincidental bit from the rumor mill: I received a report of a 50-watt mobile FM station that recently broadcast in the Fort Lauderdale area. Mobile operations are relatively rare in the U.S. - but this one, if true, belongs in a class of its own. It existed solely to mess with Big 106, a Clear Channel-owned classic rock station that at the end of February dropped the Howard Stern show as part of the ongoing flap between Clear Channel and the FCC over indecency. During weekends in March this mobile pirate reportedly "cruised up and the beach in Fort Lauderdale" and played clips from Howard Stern's shows, the movie Private Parts, and "anti-Clear Channel propaganda" directly on WBGG-FM's frequency. On its last outing the station "drove to the studios of Clear Channel and did a drive-by in the parking lot." Further requests for details from the source of the initial report produced this clip (2:01, 1.9 MB) (note: not an air check). There have been no cross-confirmations of this activity. I am of a split
mind over this stunt: I admire the spunk but wonder how much good 50 watts
does to override a 100,000-watt classic rock blowtorch. The sentiments behind
it are understandable but the tactic itself has the potential to bring more
harm than it's worth: this incident, if confirmed, could be used as ammo in
the criminalization effort. 04/12/04- Sorry about the dead air. Winamp was acting up. Normally it jumps to the next file if it can not find the one playing. In this case it just stopped. Radio Jack and DJ Jill are back. Jamaica was a total blast, we are exhausted. 04/09/04- DJ Joe is in charge while I am gone. Remind me to kick DJ Diaoblique's Ass for getting us such an early flight. 04/08/04- Live Radio tonight- Acoustic Review- some great new stuff on tap. Station is sounding great! Love the DSP9024. 04/07/04- Radio Jack got a new digital camera- Here is Studio A: 04/06/04- Went to a great concert Sunday night at Dave Up the Streets house. The Kennedys were there. Excellent show. Got all 5 of their CDs/ Listen for them on Thursday during the acoustic review show. Got another 15 new CDs of some fantastic stuff. RJS show tonight- 8 PM. 04/03/04- Now that was radio! One of the best shows yet! Thanks, DJ Joe- you are the best. Lots of good radio to come in April, see shows page for more information. DSP sounds great. We are cooking now. Thanks to IMRADIO- 90.1 FM for his calls last night- http://www.freewebs.com/imradio/ 04/02/04- 2nd DSP 9024 is online and up to speed! DJ Joe may tweak a bit- it is a fetish he has. FNL tonight at 8 PM. This is going to a grand show. (I have to start using new words- DJ Jill is giving me a hard time about some of my catch phrases.) 2 new bits and a contest. Some of your old favorite too. Tune in for the fun. |
03/29/04- For the first time in I can't remember when, the station computer crashed last night. I can't find any reason for it. Very strange. The chip fir the DSP should be here any day. Looking forward to getting that up again. Been riding my motorcycles and scooter a lot. Love to be out on two wheels. DJ Lady Hawk is in demand these days. Had several requests for more shows with her. It is funny I just spoke with her a few days ago and she wants to come up on Monday's. I think we can work that out. Watch for the new shows. 03/26/04- Tonight's show is cancelled. A co-worker and good friend's father passed away after a long illness. I am going down to spend time with him. Strange too, someone I worked a few times at Station 16- died last week as well. 3 months ago went to the doctor with blurry vision- died last week. People, hear me LIFE IS SHORT- LIVE NOW!. These are the good ole' days- right now. Don't miss anything along the way. 03/25/04- Got another DSP9024 in the mail yesterday. Waiting for the update eeprom software, then it will be in operation. Radio Jack got a second motorcycle this week too! A Yamaha FZ6- hummmm fasssssst! Yeah baby. I also started writing my book. It may take years to finish, but I started. These station news and information pages will be included. I just could not beileve that there are over 40 pages of notes. Staff has been traveling and will be till early July, so live shows will be fewer than normal. 03/15/04- Three great shows this week: Wednesday- Randy Goat Radio on St. Patties day @ 8 PM; Thursday- Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour @ 7:30 PM then The Acoustic Review @ 8:30 PM -1/2 Acoustic and 1/2 New Age this week; Then FNL @ 8 PM. Lots of good stuff to come keep us tuned in. 03/13/04- Yes, yes, yes the station is alive and well. I have been so busy and out of town I have not had a chance to sit down and update the page. Next acoustic show on 3/18 will be excellent as I have a ton of new CDs. Next FNL is 3/19. Last night was a really good RJS (Radio Jack Show). Listen for a replay later today. If all goes well we will have the return of Randy Goat Radio this Wednesday as well. 03/03/04- Station Up Grade- We added a 160 gig hard drive to the station computer. This over doubles the storage space for shows. It is also a faster drive which helps too. We also added a Fostex MR-8 Digital recording device to the station equipment list. It is like a portable studio for multi track recording. I will post s show schedule for March in the next day or so. |
02/27/04- Thanks to an inside source, we have some postings from a radio trade web site. I have placed them on the LPFM page for lack of a better place. Maybe we need to add a page for such news. It is among the scariest I have seen to date. I'll be honest, terrorist are the least of our worries. I think we have much bigger problems right here under our nose. Read here. 02/26/04- I can't even believe it- Clear Channel removed Howard Stern from the air. Are they crazy? If you didn't believe before, then believe now- Clear Channel is running your entertainment life, is that what you want? Write an email today and tell them where to go and how to get there. This corporate censorship must stop! Here is the email I sent to Clear Channel today: It is not Clear Channel's or their advertisers place to decide what is or is not indecent or obscene. This is blatant corporate censorship. I am 42 years old I can think, and make my own decisions. I have an hour long drive to work in the morning, the Howard Stern Show is funny and good entertainment. Yes, it is adult in nature- I like that, I want that in a radio show. No, I don't let my children listen it. It is MY job as a parent to monitor what my children listen to. I will make it a point to avoid anything in relation to Clear Channel, including radio stations, concerts and any advertisers. I will also tell all my friends to do the same. Here is the response: Thank you for your feedback regarding the Howard Stern program. We very much value and appreciate your opinion. Due to the large volume of emails, we cannot personally respond to each inquiry. Below is the statement from John Hogan, President & CEO of the Clear Channel Radio regarding this matter. “Clear Channel drew a line in the sand with regard to protecting our listeners from indecent content and Howard Stern’s show blew right through it. It was vulgar, offensive, and insulting, not just to women and African Americans but to anyone with a sense of common decency. We will not air Howard Stern on Clear Channel stations until we are assured that his show will conform to acceptable standards of responsible broadcasting.” John Hogan Send your email
today to: pr@clearchannel.com
02/25/04- The studio got flooded! A/C drain line got clogged and get the carpet wet. YUCK! Smells terrible out there. Drain Line is fixed, but it will take several days to clear out the odor and moisture. 02/24/04- No live radio for the next week or so. Just too much going on. All is well, just busy with life. I'll save all the new stories for the next live show. 02/22/04- Two back to back awesome shows! FNL with RJ/DJJ/DJM (that's how it looks in the station log- that stands for Radio Jack and DJ Joe and DJ Motorcycle) and SNL with RJ- including 'The Nexis Edition 11'. Actually the longest Nexis edition to date. All is well. More shows to come. 02/16/04- Great show on tap for this Friday- DJ Joe and DJ Motorcycle and maybe even DJ Tood are in the house for FNL starting at 8 PM. Vinyl is on tap for the night, don't miss it! We'll have the Elvis mike (Shure 55- see below) online for effect. 02/12/04- Thanks to DJ Todd for a great show last night. First vinyl to ever air on Jack and Jill Radio. What a great sound it was. FNL tonight with Radio Jack as the lone host. I am hoping to hear from some of the staff for call ins. BTW we got a second turntable for the station. We are going to try and get that vinyl night going again here soon.
02/04/04- Well here are a few more Janet boob pictures- Janet 1, Janet 2, Janet 3. Thanks to DJ Joe and Bob the Internet God for these 'close ups'. I must agree- it was no big deal. In fact great stunt- next time get all naked, Janet. 02/02/04- Good game yesterday! Janet Jackson boob to boot. Click here to see Janet's Boob. .My life is good. Got Lauren Fix from Car Smarts lined up for the show on 2/20- FNL. Join us for the fun. New Shows are now posted on the Programs page. |
1/28/04- Join us tomorrow at 7:30 PM for The Wood Songs Old Time Radio Hour and then at 8:30 PM The Acoustic Review with Radio Jack and DJ Todd and special musical guest Calra Ulbrich. Should be a fun show. 1/25/04- Great Show last night. It is no wonder DJ Joe is the assistant general manager to the station. DJ Joe is the BEST! New playlist posted. The phone interface was fine. It was the DBX processors where the A/C humm was. Not sure where it came from, but I will look into it this week. Good News is we don't have to send the interface out. 1/23/04- Equipment issues today. The phone interface developed an A/C hum and is packed and ready to be shipped back to the factory. Don't know what happened. On the good news side, we got two new MK319 Octavaia Condenser Mics today. That is the same mic we use as our 'main' mic. This should help improve sound quality. Great News for Monster Zero- the are opening for REO Speedwagon twice this weekend. We are very happy for them. SNL tomorrow- don't miss it. 1/22/04- Great Show on tap for tonight. Acoustic Review will feature Girlyman and their new CD "Remember Who I am". There will be an interview with the band at 9 PM. DJ Todd has the night off for his 20th wedding anniversary. Congrats! 01/19/04- New playlist posted today. Includes some music reviews and JT shows. I have been working on a Shoutcast Server for the station. But I just can't seem to two servers and get the quality I want. I need two real fast computers. It's just money. The Live 365 stream comes first, and it the best. The streaming machine for SHE just isn't going to cut it. I'll have to wait till he gets DSL or cable. Dial up just does not have the horsepower for streaming audio. 01/16/04- SNL is coming up on the 24th. We may stream a live show or two for SHE another free radio station, and maybe Skywave. Basically experiments in streaming audio. If anyone has P2 or P3 motherboards with CPUs and you want to donate them to the cause, that would help in making steaming machines for this project. Internet listening hours are going up, but I think it is mostly me and DJ Joe. Oh well- our break is coming, of course I am not sure what it is, but it will come. In fact it just might be in the form of a book. I have always wanted to write a book and publish it. Today I went back through the news and information pages and the station log book. Any guesses on how much material? Over 50 full pages and 254 recorded events, which equals about 600 CDs worth of material. There just has to be a book in this some where. 01/13/04- I have posted a playlist of the currently airing replays. It is on the Program Page. These are some of the most current shows. I can post favorite replays as well. Send an email to Jack and Jill Radio and I will post them. The ad on Live 365 is not really getting us any hits to speak of. Of 2002 impressions we got 6 hits. Word of mouth is the best- tell all your friends about us. It is the only way we going to develop a real following. 01/10/04- Today is when our ad on Live 365 begins to run. It is to run 20,000 times in the next 30 days. I have inquired about how you become a feature station, but not heard back yet. Word of mouth is going to be our best bet. Email all your friends and family and tell them to log on. The more hours we get in the higher we get in the search listing. We are listed as Various, Comedy, Rock. Since we have so many different shows, it is hard to pin us to one genre. Oh well, lets see what this brings us. The first Internet SNL is the 24th- come hear the real Jack and Jill Radio...8 PM 01/08/04- The stream has been put up to 56Kbps @ 44.1Khz. We had to raise the stream to get the 'green dot' on Live 365. The green dot identifies us as broadcasting in mp3Pro. We are hoping by being one of the first to switch to this format we will draw listeners. Enjoy our CD quality stream. 01/07/04- Our first ad on LIVE 365 will start running 1/10/04. Let's see if 20,000 impressions brings us a few new listeners. I hope the mp3Pro brings in a few as well. Normal Thursday line up should run this week. We are also looking into feeding a couple of other local stations and internet stations with our content. Looks like someone has been listening after all. More news on this in coming days. 01/06/04- I just want to publicly thanks- DJ Joe for all his support. Of all the good things that have happened because of Jack and Jill Radio. Meeting DJ Joe is the BEST! You are a true friend and the best assistant general manager there could be. 01/05/04- Does the station sound
great or what?? We have settled at 40 Kbps at 44.1 Khz. We are going to be
testing dial up connections this week, to see how they work at this speed. If
you have a dial up and can test this please let us know how it sounds and
works. Live Thursday night show will resume this week (1/8). I expect to have
live shows at least two weekends a month- either Friday or Saturday. What we
ready need it web site promotion. Please get the word about Jack and Jill R 01/03/04- Excellent day for the NEW Jack and Jill Radio. DJ Joe and I worked for quite a while on the sound of our internet audio. We optimized for 40Kbs @ 44.1 Khz. This is an attempt to make it so dial up users can hear us at CD quality. I will be going up to DJ Joe's tomorrow to hear it 'on the Fisher'. DJ Joe claims it is the best. Download the mp3Pro plug in for Winamp and enjoy the awesome new sound. Show schedule will be posted soon. 01/02/04- UPDATE: We are testing a new encoder- Simple Cast. We are at 56K @44.1Khz, which is CD Quality! It is so awesome!! Check it out!! We might start a second stream at a lower bit rate for dial up- like a 24K @ 32Khz. 01/02/04- DJ Joe sent over a great link to some software that streams MP3Pro. I downloaded the manual and will read it today. Maybe over the weekend we will upgrade to this program. I hope to start running our ad on Live 365 next week. So for now live shows are on hold. Except maybe the Acoustic Review show- that most likely will resume on Thursday night at 8:30 PM, with Wood Songs running at 7:30 PM. 01/01/04- At 3:30 AM this morning Radio Jack pulled the plug. I know most of the staff understands. It is a decision I made with my head and not my heart. I am trusting that the new things to come will be far greater than our expectations. I wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year. New show schedule will be sparse as we work on our Demo CD. |
Jack And Jill
Radio © 2004 All Rights Reserved