December 2005

12/30/05- Had some great live radio recently. Thanks to all
the staff for your help. Well Live 365 is sending us nasty grams saying we
are not in compliance with 'the rules'. We do comply with the rules per se. It
is just the encoder we use, which is 10 times better than there's, does not
send the track information. It doesn't because it encodes the audio direct
from the line input. No track information is possible this way. Not to
mention we record the shows live from a mixing board, then store them for
replay. Each track is not played from a computer or source where that
information is sent. There is more to the story, I will discuss it tonight on
FNL. Should be a great show tonight. It will most likely be the last for this
year as there is a big party at the station tomorrow. Everyone wants to get
drunk and run around naked...oh well...
12/22/05- Sorry it has been so long since an update. This
holiday season has been one of the busiest I can remember. DJ Jill and I have
had so much to do. Now to some updates: No the brick is not back. Just got
off the phone with the UK again...I think they can't fix it, and just don't
want to admit it. I wish they would just send a new one and be done with it.
Might have FNL this week, stay tuned for that. New years eve there is a big
party at the station, I don't think we will be live per se, but we will be
raising the roof- tune in and check the content. On a special note- I spent a
day with DJ Joe recently and learned a ton about Wave Lab. DJ Joe is an
excellent teacher and I learned so much. Listen for some great new
production. Also a special thanks is due DJ Joe for sharing with me his
entire library of production clips. He spent untold hours finding them and
cleaning them up. It was a special gift to me and the station, and I am very
grateful. DJ Joe has been the single most important ingredient in the success
of the station. Thank you DJ Joe for all you have done for me and Jack and
Jill Radio. Hey- DJ Joe- whatever happened to DJ Joe's House of Wax web
site?? I thought we were going to give EHOWA a run for their money???
12/09/05- Talked to the UK today and the 150W brick is only
putting out 80W. They want another week to figure it out. They say they
aren't going to charge me any more since it has been so long. They say we will have it before Christmas. It has been this long, I guess
a week or so more makes not real difference. Coverage should be awesome once
the brick comes back. Check the air tonight FNL just might be there.
12/06/05- Were there is a will there is a way- we are back
up- and at 45 feet! Stopped a crew delivering roofing supplies cause they had
a crane on the truck. This little black guy not 5'5" pushed it up almost
by himself. It was a display of sheer strength. I was surprised. I paid
them for their time and we were back in business. I'll tell the whole story
on the next night live show.
12/05/05- Well the station is off the air. We took everything
down to assemble the new tower. We got down to actually putting it up and
just did not have the manpower to raise it. Tomorrow I will look into
12/04/05- Thanks to DJ Johnny Lex for stopping by and doing
SNL. Lots of our old comedy clips seemed to find it way to the air. What a
hoot. DJ Johnny Lex was all about putting up the tower....maybe if all goes
well on Monday it will go up!
12/03/05- Thanks to DJ Joe for a GREAT FNL! We had a blast.
More live Radio is on tap!
12/02/05- FNL and SNL this week- tune in around 8 PM. I am
not sure if it will be just me, or if any staff will show up. Long and short
of it is live radio! Greg Scott should be around this coming Monday to help
place the tower up. Coverage should improve then.
12/01/05- The holidays are on us and another year is almost
gone. Time is moving faster and faster. Now for some news: Up the Hill
Productions has two concerts on the schedule- Feb. 17, 2006 Radio Jack's
Birthday Concert with The Dreamsicles. Tom and Cary are coming into town and
we have a special- By Invitation Only Show. April 14, 2006 is the return of
Bill and Kate Isles- The One Year Anniversary of Up the Hill Productions
House Concerts. Both shows promise to be very exciting. Don't miss SNL
this week too! I am really trying to get DJ Joe to come over. I have a ton of
cool new music and lots to talk about. New equipment is working great and
more is one the way.
November 2005

11/19/05- Can you believe another storm?? Gamma is out there.
Geezz- will this ever stop? Thanks to DJ Jill for doing FNL last night. We had
fun. Have not listened to the replay yet, but I an interested to see how the new USB recording device did.
11/18/05- Station improvement- M-Audio Mobile Pre USB
computer recording interface. As you might know we record all our shows at
Jack and Jill Radio so we can replay them. I had noticed a change in the
recoding quality recently. After some tests I came to conclusion something
had gone wrong with the sound card. I had been seeing these USB interfaces
for a while, so I decided to give one a try. WOW! This thing is awesome.
Should make for much better show recordings and production work. Strange
weather- cold, rainy- weird. A friend's mother died this weekend, so I have
events to attend. I don't think we will have any live radio this weekend.
11/15/05- Acoustic Review Show returned last night- post
Wilma. I made it an hour show so production would be a bit easier being by
myself. I going to try and produce several more editions to get to the back
log of music I have. Some of this new music is really good too. I also
got some Indie pop and rock alternative a few days ago. I might get those is
a RJS soon.
11/13/05- Outstanding concert! Show number 350. Diane was
awesome. DJ Joe was special guest on a few tunes and the Strat never sounded
better. We had a few small issues, but we learn a little more each time we do
one of these. Thanks to DJ Joe for his excellent work in all areas of the
show. Laura the bartender was great and DJ Jill was right on top of the food.
Another excellent station event. Replay is on tap for this AM.
11/11/05- Prep for tomorrows concert is almost complete. A
light burnt out and of course the bulb is not available locally. Figures it's
always something. Should be a great show.
11/09/05- Recovery continues- the HSI (high speed internet)
came back up last night. So tune it at work or anywhere where you have a 56K
plus connection. Clean up at the station continues, we get a little more done
each day. House concert is on this weekend with Dianie Zeigler from Vermont.
She is awesome. Some seats are still available
for more details. Another dozen CDs of
new music arrived at the studios with more on the way. Get ready to spend
some evenings with us.
11-03-05- More good news: The main station board is back
online- YEAH! If I am not to tired tonight I will do a show. DJ Jill and I
got some great new music DVDs last night. Listen for them on the air. As far
as the Live 365 feed, it maybe a while. Comcast got beat up real bad in the
storm and it maybe some time before my high speed internet connection is
restored. Oh well.
11-01-05- Finally some good news: Power was restored to the
studios on Saturday. I did get a generator , but some of the station
equipment did not like the power it made. Generators do not produce a clean
sine wave and some electronic equipment don't work correctly with out 'clean'
power. After a quick trip to Disney for the International Food and Wine
Festival, a brief break from the madness of the storm, I spent most of the
day Sunday trying to get ready for some kind of block party. Studio is up ,
but the internet connection has not yet returned. The mini block party was a
success- we gave out over 180 snow cones. Thanks to OB for getting us the
machine. DJ Joe stopped by and ran the board for a while and we put the
system out front. We had a nice rush between 7:30 and 8:30. We pulled the
plug just after 9 PM. All in all for a week after Wilma, it was a great
success. The main station board is still in repair, and who knows when it
will be ready.
October 2005

10-25-05- It is with great sadness , but I have no choice- I
must cancel the block party. I just don't see how I am going to have power by
next week. If by some stroke of luck I have power by then, I will put the
lights and sound system up and play music. It is just one of those things. It
will be several weeks before we will be back on the air. I have a lead to a
generator but it would not be enough to power the show. If the generator does
come through, I will figure out some way to get the station on the air for a
few hours each night.
10/24/05- Wilma hit the station hard. We have no power and
the tower is down. There is much damage to the Up the Hill Radio Network
building. At this point I am not sure if we can do the block party. FPL is
say it maybe weeks to fully restore power. No power, no show for sure. I am
not sure if I can get the stage either. Depends on how much damage
happened down south. There is good news- the studio is in tact, and equipment
seems to be ok. I am looking for a generator and if I can get one, I will get
something going. DJ Jill and Little Man Jack are fine, as am I.
10/23/05- Wilma is on her way...this really sucks!
10/21/05- I forgot to mention there is a new playlist up, and
it includes the 24 hour show. DJ Jill and I are thinking about another 24
hour show. Yup- 24 hours of live radio. We are thinking about including
several of the all time favorite shows in the mix. Dead Fred, Music Review,
$2 Rack, 60's/80's and a movie. Also the pool side show with a grand opening
show and closing show. You know we might even try and get a live band into
the mix-maybe a jam band? That could be fun. Watch for this in November or
10/20/05- Happy Birthday to DJ Jill! DJ Joe and I went to the
ZZtop concert- WOW what a show! I can't believe we have another storm- I am
so over this. 11 days to the block party.
10/13/05- Acoustic Review Marathon is in progress today.
Tonight starting at 7:30 PM The Woodsongs Old Time Radio Hour, then a live
Acoustic Review show at 8:30 PM followed by Sidetracks with Ed Mc Donald. A
full day of acoustic/folk music for you to enjoy. Block Party is coming along
- opening the show 'A Kiss to Betray' and the headliner 'China Doll'. We are
working on a possible comedy act too. Stay tuned as things develop.
10/05/05- Site has been updated today to include the link to
Up the Hill Productions Hose Concerts. Busy getting ready for the up coming
shows. Working on some live radio too. Main board is still not back, Oh
10/04/05- Had several hours of downtime yesterday due to a
power failure. All systems are back up and running. Still trying to get the
bands lined up for the block party. If you know someone- please have them
call me soon. I need time to do some promotion. DJ Joe and I are going to
ZZtop on 10/18 at the Hard Rock. Drop an email if your going so we can hook
up with you at the show.
September 2005

09/29/05- Got the news on the main station board: $145 to fix
it. It is cheaper than buying a new one and it will be ready in 5 or 6 days.
New high numbers on Live 365- we are 3 in our genre 'Music to Music'
and we are 1999 of over 5000 stations - with 245 people with Jack
and Jill Radio as a preset. Station is doing well.
09/28/05- The new Sheryl Crow CD is awesome, and the DVD is
just out of this world. It contains acoustic versions of 6 of the tunes on
the record, with videos. She has out done herself this time. Go get it! Main
Station Play list (loop) has been changed today. In this loop are all the
RJS- Sunday Evening Funnies. There are currently 6 editions of this show. So
laugh away. Some old stuff in this loop too. I think you will enjoy this
loop, it is over 150 hours of great radio. Best of all, no commercials- man
life is good.
09/27/05- No word on the main board yet. It will be a week
tomorrow. Hope no news is good news. I had found a deal on a floor model, but
have not had time to go over and see if I can still make the deal work. New
Sheryl Crow releases today. Thanks to DJ Joe for the preview copy. It is
really good stuff- I like it. I am hoping the new release is a dual disc. I
am working on a new format for our folk/acoustic night. Instead of a show, I
may just add songs to a large rotation and make some new Id's. Trying to do
the show by myself- well, it's just not the same without DJ Todd.
09/25/05- Now that was great radio last night. It was a
challenge to work with all the back up equipment and still have the same
show, but we did it. Thanks to DJ Joe and DJ John Lex for an excellent
performance. BTW DJ Joe and I are going to ZZTop concert in October- join us
if you can. There are still tickets left.
09/24/05- Storms are gone for now. No word on the station
main board. Hope to hear by first of next week. Live radio tomorrow night. DJ
Joe should be in the house, and maybe a guest host too.
09/19/05- Another storm-wow this is getting old. I have to
postpone all my plans to work on the station today. Oh well- more money to
buy a bigger replacement board for the station- cool, that'll work.
09/18/05- I had a blast with the late night blues show and
Randy Goat Gold show. Even with the small board, the remote CD players helps
open up line inputs so we can have an input for a computer
to plat clips.
09/17/05- Bad News- main sound board for the station developed
a noise. Really a bad time for this to happen. We are working off the small
board. It is fine for now, but makes it hard to all the resources online to
mix a nice show.
09/15/05- New speakers for the station PA arrived today. They
sound great!
09/12/05- More new equipment for the block party arrived
today. Also, the permit arrived. The event is starting to take off. Make sure
to add this to calendar- October 31 from 5 PM to 9 PM. We still have not
booked all the bands, so if you know one- have them contact me.
09/09/05- Here is the link to the PDA/Smartphone version of
the web site. This has only a couple of very small graphics and
looks good on my Palm Zire 72s. BTW if you don't have a PDA, check out the
new devices. They are so cool and with GSM service its a great way to keep in
touch and not have to carry a laptop . If your an email junkie like me they
are THE BEST! Live radio last night was a nice light jazz mix. No calls, but
it was still fun radio. DJ Jill are I are off to downtown tonight for a
concert and night on the town.
09/08/05- Working on the web site today and thinking about a
WAP version of the site. Wireless access is becoming very popular as is the
use of PDAs for access to the internet. So that is a new project. Might do
live radio tonight depending on the weather. If the weather is good, I might
go for a motorcycle ride. Drop an email if you vote for live radio.
09/07/05- Visited another station that carries our content
last night. It was cool to meet them. They are super audio freaks which
is cool. DJ Joe would be proud. The owner has some great gear and more on the
way. Going to help them with a few technical issues and get them up to speed.
Some our new equipment started arriving yesterday. All in prep for the block
party. I will try and get the Halloween version of the web site up today or
tomorrow. So up coming dates: 9/16 and 9/17 FNL/SNL live radio, Then October
14- Peter Betan, October 31- Block Party, November 14- Diane Ziegler.
09/06/05- Busy station day today. Repaired an electrical
outlet that has been a problem. Repaired the main station CD player again.
Light in the other side of the CD player gave out. Thank goodness last time I
bought the little lamps I got enough for both sides. Had to take it apart and
solder them in. Back up to speed again. Station was down over the weekend do
to power failures. I need to find a bigger UPS that can cover more stuff.
Anyone got a spare 1500+ watt UPS to donate? Big thanks to DJ Todd- he sent
me a book called "40 Watts from nowhere". It is story about pirate
radio. Hope to read it this week. Looks really good. I will let you know.
09/05/05- City called today. We have a verbal approval for
the block party, and one band booked. Look for more details in the coming
09/01/05- WOW Katina really did a number on those folks! Make
sure to do your part, whatever it is to aid in the relief. They did it for us
13 years ago.
ADMIN NOTE: Some of these
updates did not get uploaded to the site correctly. I was up dating two sites
at once and sent some files to the wrong places.
August 2005

08/31/05- Up the Hill Productions has another concert set for October 14, 2005- Peter
Betan. Check the website for details.
08/30/05- Up the Hill Productions has a new concert set for November 12, 2005- Diane
Ziegler. Check the website for details. More live radio on the way. Stay
08/29/05- Station survived the storm just fine. No damage.
This storm is going to be a big one once it hits the gulf. Hope those folks
up the line get ready.
08/25/05- Was FNL last week the best or what?? DJ Joe is the
man, and there is just no question about it. It was good to have DJ
Motorcycle and DJ Diaoblique in the house as well. We were carried by several
other stations too. That was fun. No phone calls, but I screwed up and left
the station phone line off the hook. What a dumb thing to do.. Well here we
sit with a storm rolling in. Life is South Florida. If I get home tonight- I
am doing live radio as long as I have power. I don't have a generator, so
when the power goes we're off. Last two storms we did ok. Stay safe- talk to
you after the storm.
08/16/05- Well it has been a long time since an update. July
was a mad month. First month in 4 years we did not do any shows. Many of us
were traveling and busy with summer time activities. DJ Jill and I were on
several trips and working overtime. Since the last writing- Nuts Radio is a
thing of the past. They went another way with programming and ideas that was
of no interest to me. There were some local busts of pirate FM stations last
month. Always of concern. Of course they are nothing like us, but still
always make you think. The internet connection from the studios is now back
up and running at full speed. I am hoping to get some radio up and running
soon. It has just been way to long since some real good radio was out there.
Tune in.
June 2005

06/30/05- Last day of June- Year is half over and we are in
hurricane season. Where does time go? I just can't believe time can pass so
quickly. I am having to relent on the previous post. The best way to monitor
the show is via FM, so the Nuts radio FNL show will have to air. Oh well- I
enjoy writing and doing the show, if I could ID us as well it would be
perfect. Life is not perfect or fair for that matter, but that is another
story. Words of Wisdom page was updated today- I need to add to this page
more often. 122 days till the Halloween Block Party.
06/23/05- New toys arrived today: New headphones for Radio
Jack, a new SM58- a non-condenser vocal microphone for our live acoustic
shows, and a couple of direct boxes for line feeds to the mixing
console. More on these during the next live show- which I am not sure when it
is. We really need a music review show with the full staff, not that would be
fun- but everyone is soooooo busy. I guess if we weren't so busy, we wouldn't
be the fun people we are.
06/16/05- Operational Note: We will no longer air any shows
other than- Original Jack and Jill Radio Shows or shows where Jack and Jill
Radio is identified during the show. I have learned from past issues. FNL
will air live this week at 10 PM.
06/15/05-DJ Radio Jack bestows On DJ Redd and DJ Coco The
Jack and Jill Radio- Award DJ of Honor-
- Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.
- A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among
men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by
force of arms
It has been a very long story - I learned much
about being a friend today. DJ Joe is also without question a DJ and man of
honor. He just was not involved in today's story. I am sure he is glad of
May 2005

05/27/05- Something strange is going to happen tonight- do
not be alarmed. FNL is going to air with Radio Jack, DJ Joe and DJ Jill, BUT
you’re going to hear us calling it Nuts Radio. Another internet radio station
heard our stuff and would like us to do a time slot for them. We were
honored, not to mention we got the prime time slot of Friday
evening 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern Time. It is a jammed packed show- with a lot of
the segments you have come to know and love on FNL/SNL. Drop by for the show
and then stay tuned as we will return to the 'Jack and Jill' format and IDs
at 10 PM. We will not give out the phone number during the 8 to 10 time, but
your welcome to call in if you like. Something different.
05/22/05- The station has been on auto pilot for past several
weeks. Everyone is just bust with life. For some reason all the spare time I
had to devote has disappeared. I have not even ridden my motorcycles. Which
is very sad, as I love to ride. I am heading to the studio today. I plan to
play there most of the day, and do the Sunday Evening Funnies Show tonight.
The next house concert is June 12 with Ian Millar. It will be a great show,
if your free join us. See: for details.
05/07/05- I have been so sick for the last week. Spent 90
percent of my time in bed. I am just starting to feel human again. Not much
on station news accept for some new music in house. Got a great new Disney CD
set last weekend at The All Star Sports Resort. Also got the box sets for
Ozzy and The Police. On the DVD front I picked up a SVR from the early 80's.
That dude can play the guitar, in a way that is close to un-natural. We need
to do some shows- Dead Fred and a Music Review are top in the order. This
month I hope. Had to cancel the house concert for May 1. It is a long story,
I wish to quickly forget. Next concert it June 12th and it is top notch- Ian
Millar. Mark this date- you can't miss this show.
April 2005

04/27/05- House concert this weekend, on Sunday- see the web
site for details- Got a new laser light for our 'light show'. It is
so cool! It is a 4.9 mW red laser with both manual and auto control. I have
it setup in the studio and it looks awesome. I am going to play with it more
when I have the lights out for the house concert. I am building a light show
for the block party this year. I hope to get a green laser and several other
types of lights to spice up the show on Halloween. I want a fog machine too.
Halloween falls on a Monday this year, so I expect to run the show on the
earlier hours like last year.
04/20/05- Live radio tonight, and maybe some this weekend, if
DJ Joe has time. Other than that is will be next week. Not much else new
right now. I heard a local pirate radio station got busted. They had been
very out going about their status and were pushing the race card.
04/16/05- Did you get your taxes done?? Great edition of The
Nexis last night. I have got several new CDs for next Nexis too. Hard to find
music, not to mention costly. Reason being most of the CDs are imported from
Europe. Listen for new shows soon.
04/14/05- Well it has been a busy month. Thanks to all the
staff for a great SNL last Saturday. It was so good to have such a big group
in the studio. Thanks to SHE for the air time as well. Up the Hill
Productions has posted the up coming concerts. We got some new lights and new
equipment for the shows and the studio. DJ Joe will be on the air here soon
with some new shows. FNL this Friday night.
04/03/05- A sad note today. Pope John Paul II died Yesterday.
I am not Catholic, but he was an important man in the world, and did a lot of
ground breaking things. From all I have read he was an honorable man, little
seen in today's world. DJ Jill says the first part of Dan Brown's book Angels
and Demons deals with how a new pope is elected. I am going to try and read
it. So it is.
04/02/05- What a total and complete success! Special thanks
are in order for DJ Jill and DJ Joe. DJ Jill got the food and bar together
and DJ Joe did the room and on the air sound. We recorded the show two ways,
right from the board, and off the air. DJ Joe has the files and is going to
work his magic on them. I will replay the show on Sunday. Thanks to all our
new friends for coming to the show it was great to meet you!
04/01/05- Concert is today. I will be very busy with final
details. Tune in tonight for Bill and Kate Isles at 8 PM.
March 2005

03/31/05- T -minus one day and counting to the house concert.
Planning are going according to schedule. Light arrived yesterday. They are
not perfect so I am going to drop buy and get them looked at today. I will be
in the studio tonight, cleaning and getting ready for events. Call in if you
like. The Acoustic Review Marathon is running now, and what a great set of
shows it is. I had forgotten how much good music was in them. We got a great
email yesterday. A free radio station in Ireland that broadcasts on FM and
shortwave has request some of our shows to run. We reach the world on the
computer via our web stream, now we will reach the world via shortwave. In my
wildest dreams I never thought Jack and Jill Radio would get this big. Life
is full of surprises.
03/30/05- Starting today and running through Friday evening
we are running The Acoustic Review Marathon. Seasons 2003 and 2004, 42 hours
of great acoustic and folk music. All to introduce our house concert series- Up the Hill Productions. House Concerts is not all we are going to do, but
this is the first in a series of new events. This is no ordinary event
either- it will be a visual, auditory and culinary extravaganza. There
will be a full web cast of this event- audio and video. See the web site for
details. We truly live up to motto: ''Radio for the Mind that Thinks."
03/29/05- Got a couple of new DVDs yesterday, including the
Peral Jam concert. I will try and get them on the air here real soon. I have
been running an old main loop on the air. Some good stuff in this loop.
Studio A is a total wreck right now as I am trying to make room for all the
CDs we have. I hope to work on it tonight as Wednesday the lights and
controller arrive. I can't wait to drive into those.
03/26/05- The concert coming up on April 1, 2005 can be
viewed by a steaming web cam and lo-fi audio- click
here. The link will go active just
before the show- click on Logon as guest. New light stand arrived and the rest
of the new lights will be here Wednesday. Got tons of new music for the next
live show. Got the Eric Clapton Crossroads box set- it is awesome!
03/24/05- Lights, Cameras, Sound, ACTION!- I am getting so
excited about our first 'house concert'. Now this isn't the first time we
have had live music in our studios, but this is the first time we are doing
it with a 'live studio audience'. Yesterday I got a couple of new lights and
today expect to hear from a lighting company on some special stuff. We have
had the sound system for a while, but this is the first full scale use of the
system. DJ Joe is running the station and live sound from the Studio A and
the concert will be in Studio 2A. Don't miss this great show Friday, April
03/16/05- Howdy, Howdy, Howdy- as Little Man Jack says. Lots
of good stuff going on. Several good concerts coming up and lots of new music
for the station. FNL is on tap this week. Coming up April 1,2005 the first
house concert. See Up the Hill Productions web site for details or email
me. Yes, some of our equipment is still in the UK. Hope to get it back
soon. I am waiting so I only pay on shipping fee. BTW just finished a great
book, The Da Vinci Code. If you have time to read, this is a great thriller.
03//8/05- Had some awesome live radio recently. DJ Jill and I
had a blast last night with the Rock and Country mix. Concert in Orlando was
fantastic- Big Head Todd and the Monsters were excellent. But a bigger
surprise was the opening band. Carbon Leaf. What a incredible sound. They should have had a
band to open for them. Listen for their music on the station. If you missed
it, there is edition 5 of the Sunday evening Funnies out there too. Good
03/03/05- Thanks to Randy Goat Radio boys for some funny
radio last night. Our equipment in the UK is finally ready. Hope to have it
back late next week. Will be very nice to be back up to speed. Don't miss
Friday Night Live this week. Special guest calling in and lots and lots of new
music. Pop, Blues and Rock will be on tap.
February 2005

02/24/05- Been real busy. Last week was my (Radio Jack's) birthday
and Valentines Day. Got to go out to dinner with DJ Jill twice. On
Valentines Day we hit Beach Place and Sally Obriens where we saw Ian Millar.
What a great show! We are working on a house concert with him for late April
or early May. Check the Up The
Hill Productions web site for details. Went to Disney for part of my
birthday and hit House of Blues. Got 5 new blues CDs. Most excellent stuff!
Also got the Martian Scorcese The Blues- A musical journey box set for my
birthday. It is simply amazing. Looks like the weather is going to hell this
weekend, so maybe we can get some live radio going. I plan to be on tonight
to play some of this awesome new music. Call and talk to me too! We need more
phone calls- 954-741-7233.
02/13/05- Did you catch the show last night?? DJ Joe dropped
in and we did a tribute to ZETA/SNL. I must admit, I normally like a show
plan and we had none. Radio by the seat of our pants. We did a ton of ZETA
bits- it was great! Not to mention a fantastic G-Spot. Thanks to DJ Joe
for another great evening of fine radio. It seems lately that live shows are
just popping up out of no where, sooooo- keep tuned in. I will update during
the week this week, but then there will be a lag- going to Disney for my
birthday next weekend. If you want to get me (Radio Jack) anything for my
birthday, I am into box sets of CDs/DVDs. I love the packages, and extra
material that comes with it.
02/11/05- OMG- Well if there weren't enough reasons to hate
Clear Channel- their most criminal act yet- ZETA is gone! The only true
Rock/Active Rock outlet went 'Hurban'- whatever that is supposed to mean.
Over three decades of music and community service is now gone. My heart is
02/10/05- Did you catch the RJS last night? DJ Jill was the
co-host. It was a great show. It is replaying today. Got a new LCD flat
screen for the studio yesterday. Saves space, which we really need for CD's.
DJ Rambler and I are talking about a studio remodeling project. A complete
remake of the studio. It will require taking everything out and starting
over. Making a temporary studio during the rebuild is the current issue. We
might be able to do it one day, if we had it all laid out, and had help. More
on this project as it develops.
02/09/05- Studio is a total disaster! Between the ham fest
and just no space you have to go outside to change your mind. I hope to spend
a little time out there tonight and a few days later this week, and get it
more in order. Got a new flat screen LCD monitor for the station computer.
This will help, as I can move the CPU and add another CD tower for more
storage space. If anyone has CD storage ideas, please email me. We have to do
something. I don't want to box them, because out of sight- out of mind.
02/08/05- Lots to talk about in this update. The professional
sound processing system is going to the back burner. I did not make any where
close to the money needed for the system. Not to mention that thanks to DJ
Joe's help, we really do sound great. There was a studio upgrade- we added
Bose Interaudio Series 2000 speakers to the studio monitor system. They sound
so much different! We also got a TON of new music for the station as well.
Look for some great new shows coming up soon. I am also going to run some
concerts too. Your going to like these. New music loop rotation is now
in place. See the programming page for the times. It works like this, if just
music is rolling, you can tell what type of music will be playing during the
day. I will run shows in playlists as well. Some of you like the shows, some
like the music playlists. I am trying to get a little something for everyone.
January 2005

01/27/05- An update two days in a row. No it is not a sign of
end times, I just remembered to do it. No show Friday night, but I will play
a concert DVD or two. DJ Joe and I and going to hang out and play guitars and
what not. Another friend of mine- (yes RJ has friends as had as that is to
believe and it is ok to talk in third person in parentheses) John may come up
and join in the fun. Sometimes we take a night off of radio, just to
have some good ole fun.
01/26/05- OMG! This month has us gotten away so fast. I just
don't know where it has gone. Another edition of the Round Table is in the
can and coming up in the rotation. It is a great show. The new format made it
run a lot better. Listen for it. I have contacted DJ Joe about a show for
Friday Night, if not I'll run a concert DVD, like the Corrs or maybe
the new Phil Collins. Got lots of new music to share too. Did you catch
the 80's show by DJ Southern Salsa on Monday night? Picked that up from
another internet station. We are looking for different things to carry now
and then to add to the flavor of things.
01/11/05- Already 2 weeks into the new year and it is as busy
as ever. I ran shows over the weekend as most of the staff was out of town
for one reason or another. I am still ripping songs for the playlists. Now is
the time to send in your requests to be posted in the lists. The next big
project is the audio. I have decided that I am going to buy a professional
grade audio processing system. Why? Because I want to. Do we really 'need'
it, No. Who cares! Life is short and you can't take it with you. I should
have enough change put away for it by mid to late February, all things being
01/05/05- New software seems to be running good. I have
learned a few little things about it. I think I have found most of its bugs.
I am going to layout a ground plan for music now. I am not sure if we are
going to play different genres on different days of the week, or different
times of the day. With this software we can load any playlist, any time.
Shows will be back as well, but to work with this system, they need to be in
their own playlist, which I will have to build. A bit of work to say the
least. In reality the shows needed a rest.
01/03/05- Welcome to a new year of Jack and Jill Radio. DJ
Joe made it over and made changes to the audio. We will continue to work on
this over the next few weeks. This process takes time. As I spoke of, the
programming has changed from a show centric system to a playlist (or music)
centric system. I am in the process of building new playlist of all the genes
we cover. This to will take time to implement. It should be a good year of
new radio.