2015 News and Information
Note: All information on
these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
12/25/15: 36 Hours of Christmas music today and we have added a lot of new songs this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! |
11/25/15: Either the FM signal is getting weaker or the car radio in the new car (they totaled the old one) is not as good. We would like to get a better transmitter but can’t afford it right now. |
10/28/15: Donations to date are still just $5. Wondering what we are doing wrong here, does anyone actually care if we keep this station going? |
10/25/15: DJ Ladyhawk and I (DJ Rambler) are going to be attending physical therapy for our accident injuries for some time to come, MRIs show that both of us have somewhat serious neck injuries. But several other areas still hurt. Still working on filling in holes in our music library. |
10/20/15: OK, The station computer suffered a scrambled RAID Array, both drives in the array failed S.M.A.R.T. tests with bad sectors, the power supply fan was almost seized up, and both case fans were also going bad. Guess it was a bit tired. So the AMD Athlon 2Gh, 4 Gig, 320Gb RAID Array has been replaced with a Core i5 3Gh, 8 Gig, 1TB RAID Array machine. As soon as the replacement parts come in we will rebuild the backup/failover server for the station. Hope everyone is enjoying the station. |
10/14/15: We can’t seem to catch a break these days! Besides DJ Ladyhawk and I being in a car accident on the 4th, we got plowed into from behind while we were sitting at a red light by a lady with a suspended license and no insurance. Yesterday the radio station computer had a UPS failure during a succession of brown-outs and that scrambled the RAID Array. Then the backup computer failed to start. So we were playing CDs for a while in the morning till we were able to get another machine running. Then we noticed today that the 128bit stream was not responding due to a password problem, Geez! So we are still running on a machine that is prone to lock-ups while we build another machine for the station’s main source and replace the drives in the current machine to use as our new backup machine. There goes $1,000.00!!! |
10/01/15: Our Email is back up now but other aspects of the service we pay for are still not working. This has been a huge pain in the ass! We have received exactly $5 to date in Tips, thanks to those that care enough to throw some change into the tip jar available on our home page and many others. =) |
09/24/15: Our website has been down since 9/19/15. Our new web hosting company apparently had a server that got destroyed and it has taken them till today to get all the data restored onto a new box. That is way to long for our liking but unless you are going to pay the big bucks, $420 or more a year, for a dedicated server you just have to wait in line with everyone else. Email and some other services are still down. So far we are up to 10,918 tracks by 2,459different artists! |
08/15/15: We started having problems with our request line again. This time our users were getting “500 Internal Server Error” when they clicked on the Request A Song link. Of course none of our listeners sent us an email telling us about it so we have no idea how long it was like that. We really wish our listeners would email us when they have a problem or find something wrong on our site. We just happened to want to request a song ourselves and that is when we found out it was not working. Repeated emails to our hosting company, dnbuy.com, went unanswered so we had enough and changed to a different company, Arvixe. The transition was a bitch but at least they responded to support emails when we were getting time out errors on the request page. So far we are up to 9,418 tracks by 2,411 different artists.
BTW, most songs cost $0.99 each at Amazon Music, some are $1.29 each, do the math and you can see how much providing you with free music can cost! |
07/23/15: We got our first donation from one of our listeners today! Thank you so very much Brandon! It is so nice to be shown that what we do here at JAJR is actually appreciated! We continue to look for new music and new artists and are always trying to fill gaps in our music library. If you want something added that we don’t seem to have, send us an email and we will add it ASAP. Don’t forget, we have a request line on our website and your song will be played within about 15 minutes of submitting the request. |
06/30/15: We have received exactly $0 to date in Tips. |
05/31/15: We have received exactly $0 to date in Tips. |
04/30/15: We have received exactly $0 to date in Tips. |
03/31/15: We have received exactly $0 to date in Tips. |
02/30/15: We have received exactly $0 to date in Tips. |
01/22/15: Have spent the better part of a week trying to get the website and Request Line back up and running. What an absolute mess dnbuy.com made of things when they decided to switch from Windows Hosting to Linux Hosting without notifying any of their customers and without porting things from one system to the other. So far we are up to 8,710 tracks by 2,389 different artists, not too shabby. |
And Jill Radio © 2015 All Rights Reserved