2002 News and Information
Note: All information on these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
12/31/02- HAPPY NEW YEAR! Station upgrade- added a Korg CA-10 Tuner. With all the guitars that are in and out of the studio we needed one. There will be several hours of live radio tonight. DJ Dioblique is on consol duty. Show won't be too wild as her parents will be here to, but it should be a good mix. More station upgrades on the way. Have fun and be safe tonight- don't drink and drive- take a taxi and help support our local economy. If you have enough money to drink at a local bar, you have enough for a taxi! 12/30/02- Live Radio tonight-
Radio Jack Show 8:30 or 9 PM. Music Review went well, but again the
second CD did not close 12/28/02- Good FNL show last night- 5 and a half hours of Live Radio! Thanks to DJ Capt. Morgan for stopping over and bringing his new CDs over to share. TONIGHT: MUSIC REVIEW SHOW- 8 PM. This is going to be excellent- lots of staff have committed to being here. Hear Free Radio at its best tonight! 12/26/02- Back to regular programs and time schedules: 6 PM to 7 AM Monday to Friday, and 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday. New Years Eve we will be here, but I don't think we will have a 'show' per se. Never can tell so keep tuned to 104.7 FM, we are full of surprises. What do you want to hear? Email Radio Jack: Click here to email Jack and Jill Radio 12/25/02- Merry Christmas from Jack and Jill Radio. Christmas music all day. Tomorrow we return to regular shows and music. Two Live shows coming up- Friday Night Live (12/27) at 9 PM, and Music Review on Saturday (12/28)at 8 PM. 12/23/02- Internet portion of the station has been down. Took a power hit here that corrupted the hard drive. Had to re-format drive and re-install all software. Back up and running now. Show tonight at 8:30 PM. Email or call if you want the chat room up. New web cam is online, see the dual view here: Dual Web Cam View 12/22/02- Special Show tomorrow at 8:30 PM. "Jack and Jill's Christmas around the World" Studio B headed by Magical Wendi have put together a wealth of information on Christmas in other countries. You hear staff's favorite Christmas tunes and as some holiday humor. A great way to start your Christmas week. Also see the second web cam online for Monday night's show. 12/21/02- Got a second web cam for the station. Should have it on the site for Monday's show. This will give you two views of the studio. We will run mostly holiday music over the next days up to Christmas. We will return to regular format on the 26th. New Years Eve show maybe taking shape. Watch for details. Saw Brad Conner today. (we reviewed his CD durint he country music review show) Brad will be joining us for a few shows after the first of the year. 2003 has a lot of new stuff on tap. Let's hope we can make another year on the air. 12/20/02- Thanks to DJ Joe stopping by and doing some radio for us. The Dan Electro Love fest- was that a great segment or what? Radio Jack is loving the new guitar. It will be on the air soon. Radio Jack and DJ Jill have a party tonight and tomorrow, so it will be replays and Christmas music. New Contest in the works, with a $50 CASH prize! Now do I have your interest??? 12/19/02- Randy Goat had tech problems last night, so we dumped the feed. They will return in 2 weeks. We will run a replay of our talk show- "The Round Table" next week in the 8 PM Wed. slot. Radio Jack Will be on the air tonight at 9 PM. Call in some requests. Maybe some staff will stop by for a few. Lady Hawke- you up for a beer or two? 12/18/02- Greetings to all you news and information page junkies- "The Round Table" aired for the first show last night. Not bad for our first effort. We had a few slow spots, but we will get better in time. If you want to be a guest on the show, drop an email to Radio Jack, and we will set it up. Randy Goat Radio will air tonight at 8 PM, and a Radio Jack Show on Thursday somewhere around 8:30 or 9 PM. The next Music Review Show is set for 12/28/02 at 9 PM, it is a Saturday. If you want to submit music get it in soon. New Years Eve Party/Show is also under consideration. 12/15/02- Going to the game today- let's hope we win! "The Round Table" is the name of the new talk show. First show will be Tuesday at 8:30 PM. The show will feature a on the air, round table discussion with Radio Jack, DJ Jill, DJ Diabolique and DJ Motorcycle. Don't miss this new feature. Monday night- Radio Jack Show with musical guest Anthony and guest co-host Dave, starting at 9 PM. 12/13/02- It was great to have DJ Joe in the house last night for Friday Night Live. Next live show is Monday at 9 PM. Following that the new talk show might air Tuesday or Wednesday. Radio Jack is out for the night so enjoy sounds of the season with a show or two here are there. Happy Holidays everyone!! 12/12/02- Well Radio Jack is back from a short trip to Disney. Thanks to DJ Joe for watching the station. I know we had some dead air as I forgot to set Winamp to replay the playlist. DJ Joe got us a restart, so that helped. I guess I need to make a check list for all these details. Live radio tomorrow night 9 PM or so, and Monday night 9 PM. Monday night will feature Anthony- a folk singer from here in Broward. Dave will co-host this show of folk and local talent. There maybe more show so stay tuned. 12/07/02- Well it happened again. The second disc from the show last night will not close. Machine says its a blank disc, even though the show is there. This is the second time in about 275 discs this has happened. I have contacted the Full Moon folks maybe they can save us again. Congrats to Dave and DJ Motorcycle for winning the $2 Rack Show. "Late night with Radio Jack and Staff" was a hoot. Lady Hawke almost made DJ status. Next time she will make it. Miss Intern on the other hand was a no show- not even a call! Her nudity requirement just went from topless to totally nude and to be spanked while totally nude by the entire staff, Radio Jack and the staff have spoken and thus it will be. 12/06/02- $2 Rack Show tonight at 9 PM - here are the rules just in case you forgot: $2 Rack Show: This is a Jack and Jill Radio classic! Staff are sent to the local CD stores, where they can spend no more than $2 per CD. You may not listen to the CD before you buy it. Once at home you listen to the CD and prepare for the game. Each staff member must come to the show with two CDs. The game: have either the best CD or the worst CD. The game is played in two rounds- numbers are drawn for order of play. You stay the same number for each round. Round 1 submit your first choice and we play two tunes or your choice. Round 2: you either stick with your first CD and we play one more tune, or hit and place your second CD in. If you hit, you first CD is removed and you may not go back to it. Secret ballot vote at the end decides the best and worst CD. CDs become station property and are voted on for “Hall of Shame” status. The show ends with a total all out bashing of the worst CD and other hall of shame CDs. 12/04/02- Randy Goat Radio tonight at 8 PM. Looking into some new features for the station- anybody got a rich uncle? Thinking about a New Years Eve Party- If we held it at a local bar with live music would you come? Email me if you would come: Jack and Jill Radio 12/03/02- Wow the holidays are busy already. $2 Rack Show this Friday at 9 PM. It has been a while- this should be a good one. Holiday music while show up in the mix more and more. Randy Goat this Wednesday at 8 PM, but not next week.
11/27/02- Randy Goat Radio tonight at 8PM. Bunch of live shows coming up in the next weeks. Music Review, $2 Rack and a new talk show of DJ Jill's design. Station will run all day starting tomorrow and run through the weekend- for the holiday. Listen for the 2003 South Florida Folk Festival Singer/Song Writer Finalists. I have all the tunes in the rotation, usually between shows. There is some really good music. Drop me an email if you like anything you hear. 11/24/02- Thanks to C. J. Bell for dropping by and sharing a few new tunes with us. CJ also did a blues jam with DJ Joe that was out of this world. Listen for replays of the show. New hard drive on the station computer is up and running. Went smooth for a Radio Jack computer project. Got some shows in the works. Don't miss Randy Goat Radio on Wednesday at 8 PM. 11/23/02- Don't Miss C.J. Bell live in the studio tonight sometime around 9:30 PM. Thanks to Sage of Time for playing the piano for us last night. Might get the new hard drive for the station today. We hope to have some holiday shows /parties to put you in the mood for the season. In fact- holiday music starts today-right now! 11/21/02- Great show last night by the Randy Goat Radio boys. They are a hoot! Radio Jack may be live tonight. See the listing on the 18th for this weekends shows. The internet portion of the station might be down for a while tonight. I need to place a new hub in the system. Need to run a few wires and all. DJ Jill and I were talking about another new show. DJ Motorcycle and DJ Dobilque are on vacation, when they get back we will get the Jack and Jill's Coffee House on the air and this other new show. Holiday music will start to run here soon too. Need to get into the mood for the season. 11/18/02- Well this weekend’s live radio just took shape. Friday night around 7:30 PM The Sage of Time will do live piano with us. Then Saturday Night at 9:30 PM C. J. Bell returns to the studio to bring us up to date on her travels and music. She sounds like she has some really great stories- it should be an interesting evening. Radio for the mind that thinks- takes it to the next level. Be here and ready to call in and share with us. 11/17/02- Well Randy Goat Radio went over the line last night. I have contacted them we will see where it goes. Next live radio will be Tuesday night. Replays ruled the day. Classical rules the night. All is well. 11/16/02- Should be some live radio around 9 PM tonight. Not sure who all will be here, but I Radio Jack with faithfully take the helm. We will check in with Randy Goat Radio for a while as well tonight. Join for RJS-SNL. 11/14/02- That was a great show! Randy Goat Radio is now a regular feature here. Goatboy and Mrpres are going to send us some past shows to air. Thanks guys and welcome aboard! We are going to look for a regular time slot for them. We are working on our computers and automation to make all this easy to keep track of. Radio Jack Show will most likely air tonight. Listen around 9 PM. Listen for the Block Party replay- it is in the loop. 11/13/02- Tonight should be different- I am going to try and roll a live feed from "Randy Goat Radio". I found this station while surfing Live 365. These guys are a total riot! I have asked them to keep the four letter words down for the night. Let's hope it works.. They are going to send us some cleaned up shows. I expect the feed to begin somewhere around 8 PM or so. If the language gets to rough, we'll cut the feed and wait for the edited shows. A Side note: remixes from the block part are back at Studio A. Replays will begin in the next day or so, and copies to the bands by late this week. 11/12/02- Fun Show- Had a great time with DJ Joe with a quick stop by. Lady Hawk is in quest of DJ status- in fact she wants to beat Mrs. DJ Firedawg (aka: Amy the Snow Cone Bitch) to full DJ status. The best part is she has no problem with the nudity requirement. There is no question Life is good in free radio. Jack and Jill radio is expanding. Here are the current Studio assignments: Studio A: Main Studio- Radio Jack and DJ Jill with Little Man Jack, Studio B: DJ Capt. Morgan, Magical Wendi and Sage of Time, Studio C: DJ Joe and Intern JR. Studio D: DJ Rambler and Lady Hawk (soon to be DJ Lady Hawk). We are going to work up a show where all four studios are online at the same time. There is more fun to come - stay tuned. 11/11/02- Station on the air all day today for the holiday. Americana will be the theme. Features a Sage of Time Show and a Radio Jack Show- with some great fill. Fly your flags and enjoy the day. 11/09/02- Live show for tonight is cancelled. All the staff is busy with other things, and DJ Jill is tired. Unless something changes we will go with replays and pickup with live radio next week. Last nights show was a hoot. I am going to get the replay on the air this weekend. Computer is ripping it as we write. All is well. Voice mail is up and running good. 11/08/02- Third and forth night in a row for live radio. Radio Jack should be out in the studio. Tomorrow is a party of sorts so who knows what kind of radio will come out of that. Maybe even some new DJs. Tune in for the fun. Chat room should be hopping- well I can always hope. 11/07/02- All right here is your chance to renew my faith in mankind- it is possible I might be on the air tonight for a short time and maybe Saturday night we will have an SNL. Soooooo call in, email, do something to let us know you are out there. DJ Joe says the remix of the block party is in progress, with one of five groups completed. I have a video tape with the complete show, maybe I will replay that. 11/06/02- Radio Jack did 4 hours of live radio tonight, and not one phone call or email. Is anybody out there? Is it worth the risk? Not even a call from a staff member. I am so bummed. 11/05/02- Here are the mailbox
numbers for the voicemail system: 11/04/02- Internet was down overnight. We upgraded the computer to Windows 2000 Pro for a more stable feed. It is back up now. Had trouble finding the driver disc for the motherboard. Looks good now. Live radio for sure on Wednesday night. Try the new voice mail system on the request line. Each DJ will soon have their own box, plus a 'request and comment' box. The request voice mail number is (954) 741-7233. Humor me and try it..... 11/03/02- You know how when they ask a famous person after they win something, "what are you going to do next?" The answer is "I'm going to Disney World!" Well that is what Radio Jack and DJ Jill did. We just got back from the Food and Wine Festival At EPOCT. It was wonderful. The show was a complete success. Thanks for the emails. We will re-air the show soon. DJ Joe has the master discs and is starting the remixes and tracking. Once I get the masters back, I will rip them and get them to replay. Words can not express my thanks to all my staff for their help to make this event work. Thanks o all ho came out as well. We made many new friends. Any suggestions for what we are going to do next?? BTW The new show Jack and Jill's Coffee House is taking shape- got good response on the initial idea. Keep tuned in.
10/30/02- T-minus one day and counting. The stage and lights are here and setup begins tomorrow AM. This is going to be some kinda party! I hope to meet many of you. Bring your chairs, food and drinks and come over for a great time. If you can't make it in person, listen on the internet and on the air. We will have the replay ready as soon as possible. I can't believe it is here. Rock and Roll- Jack and Jill style! 10/29/02- At long last the voice mail system is up! Now we have a long way to go in all the voice prompts, but...it is running Big thanks to the Rambler- my man you are the best. The Rambler also helped with the electrical for the block party. So did Bob from TCOMM. Jack and Jill Radio has an extensive support system. You may hear Radio Jack's voice a lot, but it is the support system around him that makes us the BEST free radio anywhere! I doubt I can ever repay the debt I owe to all those who have helped make this dream a reality. You all are the best friends a man could ever hope for. 10/27/02- Radio Jack will be live off and on through the day. I am working on the show script. I will take requests during the day. Call the request line to see if I am around. I will replay last night’s two shows sometime today. I think they were excellent. Everybody must sure like what I play, cause I get so few phone calls with requests. Anyway station sounds great and we are happy, that's all that really matters. 10/26/02- Radio Jack will be live later tonight. Voice Mail system is still in the works. Maybe sometime next week. Radio Jack is going to a Broward folk club event tomorrow. He will be looking to meet new friends and maybe find some new music to play on the air. Less than a week away till the block party. This is going to be great fun! 10/25/02- Radio Jack was up until 3AM trying to make the voicemail system work. It comes down to a hardware issue. Maybe I will get that fixed today. Anyway- DJ Jill and I are going to a friend’s house tonight for dinner. Station will be on auto pilot. Weekend is real busy too. Getting ready for this party next week. Bring all your friends- tons of time and money went into this. Snow Cone machine is coming, got tons of giveaways- great music. Don't miss this. Maybe one of the staff will step up and do some live radio this weekend. 10/23/02- Station upgrades on the way thanks to the new computers donated to the cause. I hope to have them up and running soon. We will have voice mail and voice information on the request line. We may also host the chat room from the station. Not to mention lots of hard drive space for shows and tunes. Watch for updates. BTW was that that a great show last night or what?? DJ Joe has got some great music and remixes. I say we keep him around for another show or two.....hehe. This is so much fun! 10/22/02- Great show last night-Crossroads. Big thanks to Magical Wendi for her help in recording the show. Look for Radio Jack to be on the air sometime tonight. Drop an email or a call and let us know what you want to hear tonight. New computer for the station ROCKS! Sounds sooooo much better-thanks Pete. Block Party is going well. 10/21/02- Special Show tonight at 9 PM- We will air Crossroads from CMT with James Taylor and the Dixie Chicks. I am going to record it to CD, while taking out the commercials. It should be a good time. 10/20/02- New computer went online today. Maya 7.1 Sound card makes a big difference in replays. Happy Birthday to DJ Jill. 10/19/02- New Computer for the station just arrived! Thanks Pete! We are going to try and get the sound card and get it running this weekend. This should make the MP3 Show replays sound real close to live. This is a long awaited step. Radio Jack is very excited! Look for DJ Joe and Radio Jack tonight- ON THE AIR!!!! Yeah baby! 10/18/02- Saturday Night LIVE- Will air this Saturday (10/19). The show will start with DJ Joe and Radio Jack will join later in the evening. Start time somewhere around 8 PM or so. So you want to help Jack and Jill Radio- I have found a great way for you to help us, and you won't go to jail for it either. Start by writing a large check for $100,000 -just kidding...Live 365 our internet provider for the audio of the station has a new rewards program. When you sign up as a preferred member, which is $5 a month and designate Jack and Jill Radio as your favorite station, they take $.50 off our bill for each person signed up. There are two benefits here: 1- you get ad free ( no commercials) listening on close to 30,000 internet radio stations- the best of course is Jack and Jill, and 2: we get a discount on our fees for the internet portion of the station. This is a simple way to help. 10/16/02- Next Radio Jack Show is Thursday night and maybe Saturday- there is a race at Hialeah I might go to. Station is running well. We need more phone calls. It would be really nice to hear from more of you. 10/14/02- Internet portion of the station is now back up. Go Dolphins! What a great game! Station will be on the air today for the holiday. Halloween block party is going great. Drop us an email or call- we really want to hear from you. 10/13/02- Great show last night. How about that Miss Intern, we may have a hot one there. Thanks Monster Zero for a great set and good company. Station will run tomorrow for the holiday. Send your replay requests. Radio Jack may go on the air after the football game- maybe. Zoog and RonJon kept us up late.... 10/12/02- Special Show tonight with Monster Zero and all the Jack and Jill Staff. Have a favorite replay, call me today and I will play it. 954-741-7233. Update: Bad News- I hear the FCC is in town gathering information for raids. Someone even spotted a strange vehicle around their house. I not seen any here, but they may have already been here. Oh well, we knew it would not last forever. SOOOO...let's party and enjoy this while we can. Note to Fox and Clear Channel- YOU GUYS SUCK!!!!! 10/10/02- Special Show Saturday night at 9 PM- Radio Jack Show/$2 Rack Show/With Special Guest: Monster Zero, Live in the studio!!! This is a pre-Halloween warm up show. Don't miss this night of fun and great entertainment! 10/09/02- We were down most of tonight. I tried to install our system into a new case to allow for new transmission line- and well I f'^&*#d it up big time. We are back on the air for the moment. I am not sure how or why or what, but at least it is transmitting. That last 5 feet of new tower may have to wait until our chief engineer can get us fixed up. I must learn my limitations. 10/07/02- How about them Dolphins! We are still playing with the station audio, but that is part of the fun. Radio Jack Show tonight maybe 7 PM or so. Worked on the Block Party details last night with DJ Dioblique, DJ Motorcycle and DJ Jill. This is going to be the best. 10/06/02- Station is running great, now at 40 feet. Thanks, Kenny you are a true friend of the station. Sunday Morning Movie is Amadeus. It has an awesome sound track. Friday night DJ Jill and I were at Beach Place at Sally O'berins. What an awesome place. The food is excellent and the band is outstanding. Fire in the Kitchen is the band. We got their CD and also the lead singers CD. We will do a Irish/Celtic show here soon. Listen for it. BTW they have this awesome, cute violin player named Sasha. Check her out too! Football game today at 1 PM Go Dolphins! 10/05/02- We should be back on the air later this evening. Internet is up and running, hear us there for now. Progress is going well. Good News- we got the letter from the city today for the block party. This is going to be the best- Don't miss this event! 10/04/02- We will be off the air for the next 24 hours for station upgrades. Should be back up late Saturday.
09/30/02- Jack and Jill Radio welcomes Hollow Earth and The Tone Man to the block party show as special guests. Show is going to be awesome. If you don't have plans this is going to be a special event. We will finish up in time for you to make it to work the next day. Join us for this special time. New tower is here! we should be at 50 feet before the block party. Range will increase and dead spots will fill in. It just gets better! Jack and Jill Radio, it is the place to be! 09/29/02- The internet portion of the station will be down for a while today- well not down just in Basic mode, which means it will play songs from our hard drive space at Live 365. I am going to install Windows 2000 on our internet feed computer. Wish me luck! Software upgrades are always T_R_O_U_B_L_E. (Get it?) New bands to the block party- The Tone Man and another high school band. More details to follow. Live show tonight about 8:30 or 9:00 with details about the block party- web page has been updated. 09/23/02- Upgraded software in DSP unit today. ( That's what makes us sound like the big boys) You should not hear a change in the audio, but it will give us more options here. Block Party plans are going well. No show tonight, but Radio Jack will do one tomorrow night. 09/20/02- Music Review Show tonight 9:30 PM. back by popular demand of the staff the Jack and Jill Jury will be in Studio A tonight. Tomorrow we might have a $2 Rack Show. Screw the storm- turn on your radio for a weekend of real good music and fun. Block party is coming together- more details tonight on the air. Catch the show! P.S. Hear some of the new JT boot tonight- Oh Yea!!! 09/14/02- Ok it is on! The Block Party is on. October 31 from 6 PM to 10 PM. The party will feature live shows from Monster Zero and Zen Dog. More details as we get closer. Plan to spend Halloween with your friends from Jack and Jill Radio. Listen for a live show tonight around 9 PM.
08/26/02- Thanks to DJ Joe for the new web pages updates. Had a good weekend of show and replays. Had a few phone calls too. Keep those calls coming we love to hear from you. 08/24/02- Radio Jack Show tonight at 9 PM. Featuring the new James Taylor - October Road. RJ will take requests so call in to 954-741-7233. Look forward to hearing from you. RJ will also have CD's and t-shirts to giveaway. Don't miss this great show. 08/22/02- That was the BEST DJ Joe show ever! Great job! I hope to hear Capt. Morgan and Magical Wendi's show sometime this weekend. Thanks to the staff for covering us while we were gone. Just hit the mother load of JT bootlegs. I should have over 20 new discs of live and other JT stuff in the next few weeks. Watch for some great stuff real soon. 08/16/02- Capt Morgan and Magical Wendi tonight, DJ Joe tomorrow and Sage of time Sunday! Great music all weekend. Don't miss any of these great shows! 08/12/02- Live Shows this week: Radio Jack- Monday Night and Wednesday Night, DJ Capt. Morgan- Friday Night, DJ Joe Saturday Night and Sage Of Time Sunday night. Tuesday night a special RJS (Radio Jack Show). The new release of James Taylor- 'October Road'. Hear it here complete with commentary from Radio Jack and DJ Jill. Thursday night will be replays as we are getting ready to be gone for the weekend. A great week of radio for you. Enjoy! 08/09/02- Couple of live shows this week- Do you enjoy the 'Club Jack and Jill' live remote? That was fun. Working on dates for a big show. Make plans now for October 31, live show on the air from our block party. We are going to have a local band and we are going to tear it up!! Maybe a show this weekend somewhere. Look for DJ Joe or Capt. Morgan next weekend- 8/16 to 8/18 for live shows as Radio Jack and DJ Jill are hitting the open road. Not many phone calls, but we know you are out there. Help us out by giving a call now and then. 08/03/02- Great Show last night, can DJ Joe play the guitar or what??? That was soooo much fun! Stay tuned for more fun and excitement! Free Radio is the only way to go!
07/31/02- Friday Night Radio Jack and DJ Joe will do the long awaited and overdue Special show. 9 PM don't miss this- it should be a real hoot!! Thanks to DJ Joe for a great show last Saturday night. More news soon on revised programming. Lots of great repeats for now, with a few live shows now and then. 07/23/02- Automation is running well. This new schedule is much more compatible with Radio Jack's life. Live shows will be back on the weekends coming up soon. On the Free Radio front, 104.1 is back up and stronger in our area, Some of the talk show stuff is priceless take a listen. Blaze FM the 104.7 in Miami is back at night only and is a mere shadow of what they were. They must have gotten spanked hard. They were out of control so they deserved it. You have to play somewhat close to the rules. I hear tale Sky Wave will be back up in Sunrise as well soon, They are waiting on a new transmitter. 07/21/02- Webcam is off. It doesn't want to play well when we use the CD drive on that computer. Station has returned to normal operating hours with replays. Live shows will start again soon, mostly on weekends. More to follow. 07/20/02- Station is up today in honor of Little Man Jack's Birthday! Stations plans are going well. We will have word for you soon. Webcam will run today as well. Nothing to see, but it will run. 07/15/02- There is some confusion- the station is not permanently off the air. We just needed a break. We may come back on weekends only, or on a show by show deal. Radio Jack just needs some time to get things together. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make this happen. It becomes over whelming and causes problems. When we have a new plan we will be back. 07/13/02- After 10 months, it is time for a break. We will be off the air for a least the next couple of weeks. After that we are going to take a fresh look at things. Mistress Diabolique's Domain was a perfect note to end on. What a great show. Thanks Diadolique, you are a true friend. The internet audio will still be online and I will change the music feed from time to time. We will see all of you down the road in some form of the station. Thanks for the fun! Radio Jack 07/12/02- Don't miss Mistress Diabolique's Domain- TONIGHT at 9 PM. This is an adult show. You have been warned! UPDATE: Chat Room has been fixed and will be open tonight! 07/10/02- The BEST $2 Rack show EVER- An all time LOW!!!! This is a landmark week for free radio. 07/07/02- Great Radio this weekend! Dead Fred was fantastic. Coming up this week: Radio Jack Show Tuesday night, $2 Rack Show on Wednesday at 8 PM, DJ Diaoblique Domain- 9 PM Friday, and Radio Jack and DJ Joe Saturday Night Special at 9 PM. Classical and New Age during the early morning hours. Turn off the TV and exercise your mind with Jack and Jill Radio. 07/05/02- DJ Joe Show tonight at 9 PM, Tomorrow Dead Fred at 9 PM. Great Music all weekend! 07/04/02- Happy Fourth of July! Americana Music all day ENJOY! See you a Monster Zero Block Party tonight! 07/03/02- DJ Joe and I made changes to the station computers last night. Should speed up processing and help make things run better. Thanks DJ Joe! Radio Jack Show tonight 9 PM to 11 PM. Call in your requests. 07/02/02- The internet portion of the station will be able to remain up. Thought there will be a cost increase, it is within what we can afford. This means, Jack and Jill Radio pays royalty fees that go to both ASCAP and CARP. Not to mention we BUY all of our CDs and only make copies to MP3 for use in station automation. BUY CDs- Support Music. 07/01/02- Thursday the 4th Monster Zero is having a block party for details- Monster Zero Web Site . Up coming shows Wed- Radio Jack Show, Fri- DJ Joe Show, Sat Dead Fred #2- all shows start at 9 PM. Country show replay tonight- it was a great show! UPDATE: Staff intends to be at this show- look for the Jack and Jill Radio shirts.
06/30/02- Sage of Time Show- Americana- it just does not get any better! Excellent work. RJS-MR- Country was THE BEST! Listen for replays. The station is going beyond my dreams- to the staff and my friends- and those of you who listen- thank-you for all the fun. "Now is the best time of your life.." God bless each one of you, and God bless America, my home sweet home. 06/29/02- Music Review Country Style tonight at 9 PM. Check out the updated Web Cam. It just gets better and better here. 06/28/02- Don't miss the DJ Joe Show tonight at 9 PM. Mother Tongue show is tonight at 10:15 PM. If you need tickets call the station and we will call staff at the show to hook you up. Tomorrow night Radio Jack's Music Review- Country Version. Special guest judges will be in house. So get your boots on and grab a long neck and get ready for a hoot of a good time! Show starts at 9 PM. 06/23/02- WOW over 400 hits on the web site last night! The Acoustic spotlight was a great success. Thanks to my staff who made it work- you guys are the BEST! Seems the webcam was popular too. I am going to see if we can make that a regular feature without adding too much risk. Ton of shows coming up- $2 rack show is next up - this Wednesday at 8 PM. We add the DBX 163x to the internet audio. It should sound much better. The internet was down today as we had a power failure. I need to get that into a auto reset type deal, or get a UPS. Anybody got a UPS you would like to donate to the cause?? DJ Joe has the CD and the remix of this spotlights tunes are in the works. Thanks again to China Doll, Jerrods Door and Monster Zero for making this spotlight awesome. Next spotlight is August 3, 2002 at 9 PM Artists TBA. 06/22/02- Live tonight the Acoustic Spotlight- 9 PM Click here to see LIVE pictures from Studio A 06/16/06- Had some great shows over the past week or so. The $2 Rack Show was a total hit. Now that we know how we are going to play, it should be even more fun! Thanks to DJ Joe for another great show. We are less than a week away from the Acoustic Spotlight- June 22 at 9 PM. Don't miss this show!! UPDATE: All groups for the Acoustic Spotlight are confirmed- with maybe a fourth. We are just full of surprises. 06/15/02- Station Upgrade- Does the station sound different? It should we have changed our audio processing from DBX 163x - Compressor Limiters to a Beringher DSP9024- Multi-Band Sound processor. This looks at 6 bands at once and provides a more 'real' sound this is so we sound more like your CD player, rather than a bass enhanced station. We want a true, warm sound as opposed to a pumped up fake sound. Drop and Email and tell us what you think of the new sound. DJ Joe and I will be 'tweaking' for the next month or so. You should really hear the difference in our Classical format and on FM radios not in stereo. 06/07/02- Station upgrade- Okatva MK-319 condenser MIC. WOW what a great sound. Replay of DJ Joe's first show- what funny stuff! This place rocks! Tomorrow- Music Review Show- might just be our best yet!!! 06/05/02- Station upgrade- New mixing board online- Mackie- DFX-12 12 channel with digital effects inline. 5 Band EQ included. With this and our DBX 163X we are closing in on a more professional sound. It's all about the sound and music, not how far we reach. 06/04/02- Upcoming Shows- June 8th Music Review at 9 PM, June 12 $2 Rack Show at 8 PM, June 22 the Acoustic Spotlight at 9 PM, featuring- China Doll, Jerrrod's Door and Monster Zero. 06/03/02- Web site update with new home page. Looks great! Weekend shows went well. small glitch on DJ Joe's, but we will see if we can save the CD. Should have a Radio Jack Show tonight. Thanks to the staff for covering the weekend- Good job everyone.
05/30/02- Tomorrow listen for the DJ Joe Show at 9 PM to Midnight. Also don't miss the Captain Morgan Show on Sat night from 8 or 9 PM till the wee hours. Sunday Radio jack will be back. A great weekend of live music. Look for Radio Jack live tonight about 9 PM or so for a few hours. 05/29/02- New mixing board is in the works, maybe next week. Also the new tower is back on the front burner. This should help coverage quite a bit. MP3's are now being used as a replay format. Helps us a lot. Winamp is a great program! 05/25/02- First Ever Dead Fred Show it was great- tons of guests, listen for replays! 05/19/02- DJ Joe missed his show due to technical problems, it is still a lame excuse.. Great Music Review show last night. Velvet Demension, The Willies, and Cry Charity. Radio Jack, DJ Jill, DJ Motorcycle, DJ Dioblique, and DJ Joe were on hand. Really funny stuff. New Shows start soon!! Friday night, May 24- Radio Jack's version of "the Man show" will air. The girls are going to the Poision/Winger concert at Mars. Should be a great show check it out at around 8 PM. 05/17/02- DJ Joe Show tonight at 9 PM to 12 AM Listen and call in. Music Review Show tomorrow night 5/18 at 9 PM. 05/14/02- Next Music Review show is set for this Saturday, May 18,2002 at 8 PM. New shows coming up: Friday the first DJ Joe Show from 9 PM to 12 AM- a music variety show. The Dead Fred Show: a new show based on artists and bands who are dead. The $2 Rack show: no not that rack...the $2 CD rack at the used CD store- staff has to go to the $2 rack and pick CD's the one who has the best CD wins a prize. This show should be good for some laughs. 05/13/02- Next Radio Jack's Acoustic Spotlight date is set: June 22,2002 at 9 PM. Featuring: China Doll, Jerrods Door and Monster Zero. 05/11/02- Back on the air! Radio Jack Show. Announced new shows: $2.00 Rack Show, RJS-Dead Fred, DJ Joe Show. In the works- Radio Jack Music Review and Radio Jack Acoustic Spotlight- with China Doll and Monster Zero. We are up and ready to rock. Call us- we need to know you are there.
04/29/02- Off the air, to use a Star Wars analogy- 'to avoid Imperial entanglements....." 04/27/02- Sage of Time show returns to Sunday nights- "Now is the best time of your life..." 04/26/02- Back on the air with 70 Watts of Stereo Power. New tower in the works. West Broward is in for a treat! 04/21/02- Transmitter Upgrades and Improvements 04/20/02- Music Review Show: The Woulds, Monster Zero, IMMIX,Chris Bright-Acoustic, Fashionista 04/06/02- Radio Jack's Acoustic Spotlight - Featuring C. J. Bell, Mother Tongue, and Zen Dog. |