2006 News and Information
Note: All information on these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
11/19/06: DJ Joe here again. Well, the SNL show from the 18th seems to have been a rousing success. Staff had a great time doing the show, and true to form, we trashed everybody and everything and played some real good music in between. Major thanks to DJ Jill for giving us run of the place, and special thanks to DJ Motorcycle, DJ Rambler, DJ Captain Morgan, and Tony P. for doing it up in style. As soon as I get the chance I will convert the files to mp3 format and put them in rotation. Also, check out the new links on the home page for DJ Rambler's Studio E stream. DJ Rambler will be taking over the station at some point soon, so the Studio E links are previews of things to come. Finally, check back for updates regarding the Radio Jack Tribute Show. DJ Jill will be getting things together over the holidays, and we expect to be doing the Tribute Show sometime early in 2007. Thanks to all for listening and supporting Jack And Jill Radio. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! 11/17/06: Too much time has gone by since the last update, but there is good news - we are going to do a Saturday Night Live show this Saturday 11/18 starting at around 8pm. You can expect to hear yours truly (DJ Joe), DJ Rambler, DJ Motorcycle, and possibly DJ Ladyhawk. We'll be doing a very informal show, so it's anybody's guess as to what will happen. As always, expect to hear great music, general trashing/bashing, and a party on the air. So be sure to tune in for the festivities. Also, the Official DJ Radio Jack Tribute Show will be broadcast soon - we haven't forgotten about it, it just takes a while to get things in shape. That will be the show to end all shows, so keep checking back here for updates. That's about it for the moment, so be sure to tune in Saturday 11/18 at 8pm for more of the best in live radio. |
08/10/06: DJ Joe here. Looks like the webmaster task has come full circle back to me. I welcome it, as it is an honor and a true pleasure to do this for Radio Jack and DJ Jill, two of the finest people I have ever known. I am extremely proud to call them my friends. Many thanks and much gratitude goes out to our radio family - DJ Rambler and DJ Lady Hawke, DJ Diabolique and DJ Motorcycle, DJ Capt. Morgan, DJ Magical Wendi, Sage Of Time, DJ Todd, and Little Man Jack. There are simply too many people to thank in this space, but I'm sure you all know who you are. At any rate, watch the web site for updates as plans will soon be under way for the Radio Jack Tribute Show, complete with an all-star cast. This will be the show to end all shows. Hopefully I will have time to pull some fabulous "Radio Jack Moments" from all the past shows he so meticulously archived. So keep listening (both the Internet stream and FM are up and running) and check back for updates. Thanks again to our radio family and all our supporters for being there. Radio Jack would've certainly been proud. May his soul rest in peace. |
5:45pm - A Most Special Entry from DJ Rambler: |
06/21/06: I have a special interview tonight with Jeff Daniel's (Dumb and Dumber, RV). He is promoting his CD- Live and Unplugged. It will air tomorrow night during the Acoustic Review Show at 8 PM. FNL is on this week- 8 to midnight. The feature CD is the soundtrack to the Disney/Pixiar film Cars. During FNL we will also have some great blues music. I got several new CDs for Father's Day. 06/15/06: It was a good weekend in Orlando. Got some rain, but we were ready for it, so it was ok. Went to see the new Disney movie- Cars. The movie and sound track are just out of this world. Go get the sound track today. It has Sheryl Crow, James Taylor, John Mayer, Brad Pasiley and more. Worth every penny. Station is now running the first 10 shows and the last 10 shows. I did learn that it seems the 2002 shows are not on the hard drive. Strange. I know they are on CDs some where. I am going to take a look for them tonight. It is possible they are on the first station hard drive that is in storage. If I can find them, I will rip them and re-run them soon. Got some cool interviews coming up, and DJ Jill has found some great new material for some bits. A good summer of radio is on the way. 06/08/06: I went to see Flip Schultz last night at the Hard Rock Improv. It was open mic night and Flip was the headline. Some of the comics were good, some really sucked. Over all it was a fun show. Food was pretty good too. Very nice venue. Added new equipment to the station this week. The station now has satellie phones. Yep- phones that connect directly to the satellite. With hurricane season here I wanted to make sure we had commications no matter what. No live radio this weekend as both DJ Joe and myself are going to be out of town. All things being equal we will have shows on the following two weekends. 06/06/06: With all the hoop-la over the date, I just had to post a note today, just to see it in the blog. Not much live radio this week or next. Working on an interview with Jeff Daniels (from the new movie RV with Robin Williams). He has a folk music CD and it's not bad at all. Looking forward to the chat. Just a ton of new music to play. Waterbug Records just sent us a whole box of CD. Some really good stuff. Just never enought time to play it all. 06/01/06: Hurricane Season is here! Are you ready? Listen to the up coming shows for news, information, and tips to make it through this year. Wow- 6 months into the year already. Where has time gone? For the moment the station's computer netwrok is back under control. Norton Anti-Virus let us down and an email worm got into one of the comptuers. Got a neat new network toy. I got a D-Link Meadia Lounge. It connects to your network and allows you to play or stream music, pictures and video from other computers on your network or the Internet. It is very cool. Live radio tonight from 8-9PM. Not sure about FNL or SNL yet. Check in and see. |
05/29/06: Excellent show SNL was this week. Thanks to DJ Jill and DJ Joe and our guest Tony. Today is Memorial Day, I trust we will all give the respect due the men and women who have given their lives in the service of this great country we live in. God Bless America. 05/24/06: Station is still having a few computer issues. Hope to get to the bottom of them soon. Acoustic Review is on for tomorrow night and SNL this week also. Feature CD is the new Hoobastank: Every Man for Himself. 05/22/06: It has been a very busy couple of weeks. The DBX 166A arrived and DJ Joe and I worked on it for several hours, but it seems to have a problem. DJ Johnny Lex is going to help me test it and see if we can figure out the problem. DJ Jill and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this weekend. We spent the weekend on South Beach. What a strange place. We had fun, it was just quite different. We got a delivery of station T-shirts, so we will start giving more of those away this week. Live radio this weekend!!! SNL this week with tons and tons of new music! It all starts at 8 PM. 05/10/06: Well DJ 'Tweak Master' Joe will be tickled. We have a DBX 166A enroute to the station from Aurora, IL. Many of you may know that as the home town of Wayne and Garth of Wayne's World fame. So Party Time- Excellent! This is a peak limter and compressor. It helps keep our sound at the same level all the time and helps avoid distortion. Should be here on Monday of this next week. I also picked up a few odds and ends for the studio today, including some new guitar strings. Maybe I can sell DJ Joe on a Friday Night Live show this week and a G-Spot. BTW it is Mother's Day this Sunday- Don't forget! Remember: "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." 05/06/06: Live at Up the Hill was rocking last night- we had a great party for Cinco de Mayo. Mario V. was awesome. I am afraid my recording of the event is poor. DJ Joe was not able to be here to run the board. I put things on auto pilot. This was a different kind of show for us as it was more of a mingle and enjoy the music rather than our typical house concert. No more live shows this weekend. I am just going to relax. I am going to be working on the new web site. Yes we are adding a new site to the Up the Hill suite of sites. It is www.hangupnowanddrive.com. It is going to be a site devoted to informing people about the dangers of talking on the phone while driving. I am just over all the people trying to talk on the phone and drive. They are making a mess of our traffic and promoting road rage. Listen for more in our up coming shows. 05/05/06: Had Nick Annis in for the Acoustic Review last night. He was great! Thanks to Doc Rob for setting it up. We are going to try and have more musical guests on for this show. Doc Rob goes to a lot of the open mics around town, so he is going to start finding us some talent to have on the air. Tonight is the Cinco de Mayo Show with Mario V. DJ Joe can not be here, so things may not be as good as usual. 05/03/06: Tons going on around the station. Got a special musical guest coming in Thursday for the Acoustic Review. Tune in at 8 PM for that. Got a special show Friday Night. Not FNL, but a live broadcast of the Cinco de Mayo party at the studio. I will be working on setting up the web cams so you can catch the action online with the audio. DJ 'Tweak Master' Joe has talked me into some more new equipment and a rewire project.. New equipment is cool, but rewiring things scares me- esp. when things are working. you know you can never quite put it back together- always parts left over. New T-shirts should be here any day. Have some CDs to giveaway too. Busy place.. |
04/27/06: Disaster struck yesterday- the studio got flooded. Problem has been fixed but the studio has a touch of a musty smell. The new 'live-realtime' weather conditions are online. Check them out. BTW as a disclaimer: The weather information is for entertainment purposes only as we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Use at your own risk. Looks like DJ Joe is going to be in the house for FNL. Feature CD will be the unreleased CD by Jewel. Also look for a few new Radio Jack Shows soon. I have some new CDs for the Nexis. 04/24/06: Well I write today from the pool deck of the Up the Hill Radio Network. The weather has been awesome the last few days. Little Man Jack and myself having been using the pool here. It is just wonderful. I worked till 3 AM on the new live- real time weather server last night. It seems to be working, but I want to make sure before I launch it. Maybe in the next few days. I did get a serial to SUB device- in case the serial port on the sever is just being a pain because it is COM 1. I come from the old days and port and interrupt conflicts were a real pain. This has been a fun project. I am looking forward to the weather data allotted. I am also listening to a replay with DJ Joe and DJ Motorcycle and myself, we had Lauren fix on. People- this is just great radio. I have the best staff and friends a man could have. Life is good. The secret to life is enjoying the passage of time. 04/22/06: Sorry it has been so long since and update. I have been so busy that by the time I remember I have not updated the page, it is too late. Bill and Kate Isles were awesome at our Acoustic Spotlight #6. DJ Joe outdid himself on the sound. I believe it is out best to date. I did get a new Soundcraft mixer, which helped. DJ Joe and I are going to learn how to use it so we will be even more prepared for next time. T-shirts are on order and might be here in time for the Cinco de Mayo show. There is a new feature on the web site. I have wanted to get this going for a while. Look for current weather on the main page. Click it and you will see all the current conditions here at the station. It includes past data as well as current. It is way cool! I have the module to make it 'real time'. I am going to work on that tomorrow. It requires the 'flash' plug in, but it seems most people have that. Look for that soon. I am hoping for FNL this week. Stay tuned! 04/06/06: Tune in for SNL this week. I have a great show planned. DJ Joe should be here and we might have another station do a bit or two for us. We have another Acoustic Spotlight coming up April 14 @ 8 PM- Bill and Kate Isles return. More new gear is on the way for the studio too. |
03/28/06: New program loop starts today. It is all the December Shows from 2002 to 2005. It seems to be about a 56 hour loop. Some shows will have some noise on them as we had bit of a transmitter squeal in the audio off and on. The noise will be in the early shows. The best part about this is to see where we were then and where we are now. So the shows are 2002, then 2003, then 2004 and then 2005. The loop includes, FNL/SNL and RJS- no other staff shows have been done during Decembers. If this goes well I may do the other months the same way. Enjoy. 03/24/06: Live radio tonight. Not sure if there will be a co-host, or just me. Got a great show. We are also going to launch a new show tonight at midnight, just after FNL. Tune in for the details. 03/20/06: DJ Jill and Little Man Jack and I went to Orlando this weekend. We went to Medieval Times. What a great show. As a result of this trip Excalbur has come to the studio. Yes, the Lady of the Lake- that watery tart, entrusted this great sword of honor to us. It will be used for DJ promotions and other events demanding ceremony and circumstance. I will try to get a picture posted with more details. Working on live radio for this week- FNL if all goes well. 03/16/06: The new CD player has been installed. I took is out for a test drive last night during a RJS. It works great, It reads much faster than the old one too. More good news- the entire station hard drive with all the shows (380+) has been backed up on a USB hard drive. I rested much better last night knowing all our content is safe. Home page for the web site is now working good. Been busy around here this week. 03/15/06: Was a busy day yesterday at the station. The main web page has been updated to include links to the 3 major players, so just click and the player is opened and the stream starts. DJ Joe did an excellent job. I also moved the stream to the new server computer and put it back at 128Kbps- Mp3. It is also on our DSL line, instead of the Cable. This really does not matter, but I am testing to see if there is any performance difference between the two. So we are on the new provider at full speed. DJ Joe has me thinking about moving the station network to XP. Took me a long time to make the jump to 2000- but maybe the time has come. DJ Rambler and I also spoke about the station re-model. This is going to begin soon. No live radio this weekend, but maybe next. Enjoy the replays. 03/14/06: There has been a glitch on the change over to the new provider. We are down this morning. I have spoken with the staff and they are going to investigate and fix the problem. We have also changed the stream to 128 Kbps. If there proves to be too many drop outs, I will switch back to Mp3Pro @ 56 Kbps. The new provider advised against Mp3Pro as they feel Shoutcast has some 'bad blood' with the format and may not always list stations running in Mp3Pro. Also the need for the separate plug-in being a draw back. I must admit, it is lower bandwidth and much better sound. Thanks to DJ Joe for jumping on the web page and getting it up to speed. We have some change over bugs we hope to get fixed in the next few days. 03/12/06: IMPORTANT NEWS: We are no longer using Live 365 as our provider for our station. You can now hear our Shoutcast stream at: - This is a Shoutcast Stream and it is best to listen with Winamp. If you need a copy of Winamp 2.91, which is the version we use here at the station. This is a free progam, and is very stable. You can listen with Windows Media Player if you go to File > Open Url > and place the following in the box: Thanks to all the staff the 24 Hour show was a great success. It is currenly on replay at out new provider. Spread the word! 03/09/06: The new CD player arrived- BUT it was used. I was ticked. I paid for new, I want new! They are going to replace it, it was just the thought esp. with as much money as I have spent with these people. I hope to get it today so it will be in place for the 24 Hour show. WARNING: The 24 hour show for the most part is an adult show. There will be no profanity- but none the less the themes will be adult. If you do not enjoy adult themes- DO NOT LISTEN. The web cam could have mild nudity- don't log in if this will offend you. You have been warned. 03/08/06: So much has happened I don't know where to begin. Station has a ton of new equipment. An AMD 2.8 Ghz machine to serve several jobs- least of which is to add the ability to have shows co-hosts from remote locations. Like the SNL with DJ Redd. We now have it in real time with excellent audio quality. This was done by adding a USB sound card to a second audio source and taking the mix for the connection from the AUX 2 Loop from the main board. I am looking into using the same mix for our phone line also. New CD player arrives today also. I hope to have this installed by the 24 hour show this Friday. Talk has begun for a studio remodel project. The main concept is in place, it is just a matter of getting the parts built- then taking the entire station apart for the rebuild. This will begin next month if all related staff have the time. DJ Jill and I went to see James Taylor last night at the Broward Center. It was nothing short of brilliant. He was funny, warm and very entreating. Worth every penny. I am starting to setup the studio for the 24 hour show tonight. This should be one hell of a show. Don't miss it. |
02/24/06: We had a great interview with PK Dwyer last night on the Acoustic Review Show. He will be at Up the Hill Productions on May 27. See www.upthehillproductions.com for details. There might be radio tonight, Friday, but it is still up in the air. SNL tomorrow is for sure with special guest host- DJ Redd. DJ Joe is on approved leave and will be back for the 24 hour show on March 10th. BTW the 24 hour show is going to be off the hook wild! You just have to tune in for this one! 02/22/06: DJ Joe is hard at work on The Dreamsicles show CD as well as some production work for the 24 hour show. Please reserve these dates 3/10/06 to 3/11/06- the 24 hour show is going to be off the hook!!! Tomorrow night at 8 PM we will have another edition of the Acoustic Review with guest host- Doc Rob. 2006 is of to a great Free Radio Start. 02/20/06: Thanks to DJ Johnny Lex- we are on the air again and now have back-up equipment. I have the best staff- committed to providing the best free radio any where on the planet. All done in good taste- with a touch of adult fun now and then. 02/19/06: Concert was a complete success! Tom and Cary were just amazing. Thanks to DJ Joe for another outstanding recording of the show. Sadly just at the end of the second set we had an equipment failure, which took us off the air. With any luck, DJ Johnny Lex will help us and we'll be back up by late today or tomorrow. More concerts on the way- keep a check on the site for details. 02/16/06: My office- It's still here...I have not beent here in a month. It is so good to be back in my space. Of course I don't know for how long. I am working on the 24 Hour Show- the Opener, Dead Fred, My Radio Jack Show and the Radio Idol spoof. Working up the written plans and scripts for Dead Fred- which by the way is going to a great show- maybe our best yet. I am listening to the Paste Demo CD. We may have an FNL or SNL between the concert tonight and the 24 hour show. Watch for details. 02/15/06: Sorry for no updates, but I have been on special assignment at work. It has really cut into my station time. Live concert at 8 PM this Friday Night. The Dreamsicles are going to be here. Make sure to listen in to this show. It is a landmark show for us. The next concerts will be in April, May and June. March we are going to see James Taylor and Celtic Women. The 24 hour show is looking great! I will post the schedule today. Lots of good live radio to come here soon. I know we don't do as much live radio as we would like to- but when we do it is top quality. 02/03/06: Man time is moving fast! This is going to one busy month and March too. Tons of great shows coming up- Plans for the 24 hour show are coming along great. I hope to post the show schedule next week. So great new stuff coming to this soon to be annual event. I am working on a possible SNL for tomorrow night. Stay tuned! |
01/27/06: FNL at 8 PM tonight with Radio Jack, DJ Jill and DJ Joe- great show in store for you. Just after FNL the New show- 'My Mix' runs for the first time. Edition one features the favorite tunes of a local Geo-cacher, Paradise. Good Stuff! Don't miss radio tonight!! 01/25/06: We have a new chat room thanks to an old friend DJ Redd. Feel free to check it out from the main page. Plans for the 24 Hour Show are in full swing! DJ Jill had started work on the Dead Fred show which will air 3/10/06 from 10 PM to 12 AM as part of the 24 Hour-2006 Show. Watch for details soon. Don't miss FNL this week with Radio Jack, DJ Jill and DJ Joe. It starts at 8 PM Eastern time. 01/17/06: DJ Jill, Little Man Jack and I had a wonderful time at Disney this weekend. The Contemporary Resort is amazing! We had a tower room with a view of the Seven Seas Lagoon. We expect ot have a date for the 24 hour show soon. It will be in March. Playlist has changed. We are now running all the latest shows. Enjoy. 01/12/06: Well the Acoustic review is back in production. Doc Rob is the new co-host. The next edition is Jan. 26. make sure to tune in. I added a new Sirius Radio receiver to the studio. Next FNL/SNL we will cruise the channels and see what's going on. I love it. I put a receiver in each car and in my office as well. I guess if you love radio, like we all do here at Jack and Jill. you just love radio. The more channels the better. The cost is nominal for what you get. Each medium has it's place in the grand picture. More in our next show. No live radio this weekend or next as I am out of town- unless DJ Joe raids the studio. 01/11/06: 24 hour Show is coming in March - 24 hours of live radio. It will end with a big staff party at the studio. It is going to be awesome. Tons of new ideas. DJ Jill also mentions we are way over due for a Dead Fred. I must agree. I am going to set a date for this soon. BTW if you don't have Sirius Radio- GET IT! It is amazing! In fact Best Buy has radios for $30. It is worth the money. Not just for Howard, but for the total package. 01/10/06: Acoustic review starts again this week with Doc Rob as my co-host. The show will be one hour and feature some of the newest music submissions to the station. Tune in from 8-9 PM. By the Way: Thanks to whoever called the city. It is a simple fix to get the permit and it will no way interupt our operation. Your turn will come- I will find you. 01/06/06: FNL Live tonight- tons of great stuff for the show. DJ Joe is in the house tonight! Hear some awesome radio. The webcam is up tongiht and the chat room too! I am thinking of starting an RSS feed. Any one out there have a RSS reader and use it? Drop me an email if you do. 01/05/06: Don't miss FNL tomorrow night- 8 PM to 12 AM. DJ Joe will be here with the return of 'The G Spot'. Get those guitars out and let's jam. A new CD player for the station is in order. The CD1 slot is acting up. Maybe this week I will pick that up. 01/04/06: Happy New Year! Here we are at the start of another broadcast year. Many new things are to come this year. Another 24 hour show is in the works along with the new show- My Mix. I am also working on making Live 365 happy. We are in complete compliance with the rules, but because I don't stream the titles their computers say we aren't. I don't think I want to take up the battle, so I am going to try a relay broadcast from our server and see if that takes care of the issues. The first live show of the year is this Friday- FNL. The show will feature a return of The G Spot, along with a sample of the new show- My Mix. |
And Jill Radio © 2006 All Rights Reserved