2018 News and Information
Note: All information on
these pages and others on this web site are for
entertainment purposes only and do not reflect reality.
12/31/18: The end of another year. Lost another family member, still dealing with the building company from hell (Heritage Building Systems out of Arkansas) but did get a small win on our AG exemption hearing) We also planted an acre of Papaya and reapplied for AG exemption for 2019. It is a temporary crop till we get this damn building finished! |
12/30/18: We received a very generous donation from a family all the way on the other side of the North Atlantic Ocean, longtime listeners Simon, Kelly, Kate and Oli. Thank you so very much!
Tune in for the new year. We start playing Auld Lang Syne at the top of every hour starting at 10pm Eastern Standard Time. (GMT-5)
Total donations to date, $100 |
12/25/18: Christmas music all day today! |
11/30/18: Got a letter in the mail that the general master sided with us on the loss of AG exemption, we’ll see if the county commission follows her recommendation. |
10/30/18: Been over a year since the storm now. Still have not replaced the fence (still propped up in spots and temporary wire in others) or the patio roof. Haven’t fixed the water damaged stucco or setup removable storm shutters. Too busy dealing with life and the damn metal building company from hell! I swear if I could get my metal building finished I could finally have a place for a shop to be able to get things done around here. Having to try and do stuff outside is impossible with our rain every day weather. |
09/30/18: Still working on the same stuff. Of course the regular maintenance stuff over and over again eats up a lot of time as well. I just keep pushing forward. Lost our agriculture exemption on our fruit tree grove land due to the damn building not being finished which has prevented me from planting trees. Have a hearing before the Value Adjustment Board to fight that one. |
09/11/18: It’s DJ Ramblers B-Day again, wow the big six ohhh my god, I have to start counting backwards now. |
08/24/18: Well Not much else has changed, damn it’s hot out there! |
07/04/18: Americana music for the 4th all day today. Happy Independence Day! |
06/26/18: It is with heavy hearts and teary swollen eyes that we report the sudden and unexpected passing of John Elliott III, DJ Rambler’s oldest Brother. A USMC veteran with a one year tour in Vietnam in 1967 and a 20 year veteran Firefighter/Paramedic with MDFR, he retired at the rank of Special Assistant to the Division South Chief. He is survived by his wife, stepdaughter, and three sons. Rest in peace dear brother. |
05/03/18: I guess I must be doing something wrong. I’m a smart guy yet I keep getting taken advantage of, guess I’m too nice or something. Or maybe it is just that I have enough subject matter knowledge to know when someone is not doing the job I paid them for the way it is supposed to be done. When I call them out on it they leave knowing there is not quite enough money involved to make going after them worth the aggravation or legal expense to do so. |
04/28/18: The bedroom where DJ Ladyhawk’s mom stayed for the last 11 years of her life is still as it was the day she left. One of those hard things to do in life after loosing a loved one. Still working on recovery, building from hell, station computer… |
03/23/18: Well not much to report. Still dealing with storm recovery and metal building company from hell. Sometimes life leaves you feeling like you are stuck in molasses, unable to make any progress! |
02/23/18: It’s slowly getting better. Cut most of the fallen trees to around 10 to 15 feet long and are starting to stand them back us with a come-a-long hitched to the tractor and then bracing them once they are up. |
01/21/18: Still pretty messy around here. Have had friends over from as far as Boca (about 70 miles away) here helping with the clean up. Still some large trees down in places that I can’t get my tractor to so its all by hand. |
01/01/18: Another year has started and we hope everyone has a wonderful time throughout 2018! |
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